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Flipped Classroom Resources

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Khan and Beyond: The Many Faces of the Flipped Classroom - Education Community Blog. Flipped: Why It Has to Be A Conversation. By John T.

Flipped: Why It Has to Be A Conversation

Spencer I know that "flipped" is a trendy idea right now. While I am intrigued by the idea of video tutorials to help guide students in learning, it is absurd to suggest that a video can replace a human in creating the ultimate customized learning experience. What this concept misses is the nature of human learning. Teaching is a relational endeavor. I'm a proponent of the flipped approach.

If it's a multiple choice test, I can hope the answer matches the student's idea (rather than a simple guess). At this point, a graded paper doesn't make any difference. Teachers can do this with small group pullouts and with student-teacher conferences. Google Docs: I can highlight text, add comments and start a conversation that will last anytime anywhere. The Flipped Mastery Classroom in Action. Storyboard That: The World's Best FREE Online Storyboard Creator.

Slidely - Create & Share Beautiful Videos, Slideshows and Photo Collages. Instant screencasts: Just click record. 10 Free Resources for Flipping Your Classroom. Thanks to the folks over at Khan Academy, alternative modes of delivering classroom instruction are all the rage. Web Poster Wizard Home. ReelSurfer. Three Good Tools for Building Flipped Lessons That Include Assessment Tools. 12 Puzzle and Quiz Creation Tools for Teachers. There are many different sites on the internet that allow you to create your own puzzles and games to use either directly in class, or which can be linked to/embedded into your VLE.

12 Puzzle and Quiz Creation Tools for Teachers

I’ve been doing some trawling ahead of a training session I am running soon, and here are a few of the best ones that I’ve found. There are others out there, but the focus specifically for my session was KS4 and 5, so these links are aimed at older students. If you have any other favourites, please add them to the comments! 1. Classtools Net Classtools is already one of my favourite websites, home of the Countdown Timer and Random Word Picker. A Great New Google Drive Cheat Sheet for Teachers. July 28, 2014 Here is a new excellent Google Drive cheat sheet created and shared by Shake Up Learning (one of my favourite blogs for Ed Tech).

A Great New Google Drive Cheat Sheet for Teachers

This cheat sheet is created after the latest updates to Google Drive and as such it is the most recent visual guide to the new Google Drive. The main things covered in this cheat sheet are : Create, upload, and organizeFiles, folders, and searchDetails, activities and settingsGoogle+ Integration. Recordor - Record Lectures for Flipped Classroom or Courses. The Best Tools and Apps for Flipped Learning Classroom. July 25, 2014 Following the posting of "Managing iPad Videos in Schools" somebody emailed me asking about some suggestions for tools and apps to create instructional videos to use in a flipped learning setting.

The Best Tools and Apps for Flipped Learning Classroom

In fact, over the last couple of years I have reviewed several web tools and iPad apps that can be used in flipped classroom but the ones I am featuring below are among the best out there. 1- Educlipper Educlipper is a wonderful tool for creating video tutorials and guides to share with students. As a teacher you can create an Educlipper board for your class and share the link with them. Now that you have a shared space with your students, you can go about creating instructional videos using the iPap app of Educlipper.

Create Digital Learning Content Combine Video Images Text Audio. What Is Metta?

Create Digital Learning Content Combine Video Images Text Audio

Metta ( is a digital storytelling tool that allows you to create lessons using audio, videos, and images from your computer or from the web. It is a great online app for creating short flipped or blended lessons for students to help them learn outside of the classroom. With this outstanding web application, teachers can easily create a digital content based story, supplemented with images and text. Teachers can also include poll questions in order to test the knowledge of students. So, with Metta, you can easily combine multimedia elements together to produce an awesome digital lesson. - Top 40 Web 2.0 Sites With Educational Portal.

50 Resources to Use Animation as a Teaching Tool. A purple monster with wild curls spiraling out of control explains the economics of oil production in the Sudan to students in Los Angeles, Sydney, Berlin, Jerusalem, and Riyadh. That is education and animation working together to teach students everywhere, everything they ever wanted to know. Educators need only utilize the tools available, most of them for free.

Some of the animation links catalogued here will give educators very basic tools and histories of animation while others have the animation already created and set in motion, it’s just a matter of sharing it with students. Speaking Tools & Apps. An iPad App for the Flipped Classroom - Simplek12. Are you using iPads in your flipped classroom?

An iPad App for the Flipped Classroom - Simplek12

If so, you should take a look at Doceri. Combining screencasting, desktop control, and an interactive whiteboard in one app, you’ll never have to turn your back to the class or audience again. Create a lesson or presentation, insert images, save and edit your project, and record a screencast video you can easily save or share. Doceri does it all and here is the app: Doceri Interactive Whiteboard App. Riddle: Create polls, lists, quizzes and personality tests in 60s and it's free. - Promoting active learning through the flipped classroom model - RMIT University Library.

Flip your classroom : reach every student in every class every day - RMIT University Library. Flipped-Learning Toolkit: Let's Talk Tech. Editor's Note:This post was co-authored by Aaron Sams, Managing Director of and founding member of the Flipped Learning Network.

Flipped-Learning Toolkit: Let's Talk Tech

The greatest benefit of flipped learning is the restructuring of class time, which is more of a pedagogical solution than a technological solution. However, the in-class benefit is dependent upon the utilization of technology tools. So what technologies are necessary in a flipped classroom? Content Creation Tools One of the most difficult challenges for some teachers to overcome is the mastery of a content creation tool. Resources / Resources. Blendspace - Create lessons with digital content in 5 minutes. The Maryland Flipped Classroom Study. Zencastr. Four Assessment Strategies for the Flipped Learning Environment. Flipped learning environments offer unique opportunities for student learning, as well as some unique challenges.

Four Assessment Strategies for the Flipped Learning Environment

By moving direct instruction from the class group space to the individual students’ learning spaces, time and space are freed up for the class as a learning community to explore the most difficult concepts of the course. Likewise, because students are individually responsible for learning the basics of new material, they gain regular experience with employing self-regulated learning strategies they would not have in an unflipped environment. But because initial engagement with new material is done independently as a preparation for class time rather than as its focus, many things could go wrong. If students do the assigned pre-class work but don’t acquire enough fluency with the basics—or if they simply don’t do it at all—then the in-class experience could be somewhere between lethargic and disastrous. A key to achieving this kind of environment is assessment.

Flipped Learning - Griffith University. Flipped Classroom: Engaging Students with EdPuzzle. The flipped classroom model is a blended learning strategy I use to present my vocabulary, writing, and grammar instruction online.

Flipped Classroom: Engaging Students with EdPuzzle

Students watch videos at home where they can control the pace of their learning, then they come to class prepared to apply that information in collaborative student-centered activities. One thing I emphasize when I lead professional development for teachers is the importance of flipping and engaging. Instead of simply consuming information, I want students to think critically about that information. This requires that I design flipped lessons that encourage students to ask questions, analyze the information, and discuss concepts with peers asynchronously online to begin making sense of the information they are receiving at home.

There are a variety of ways to do this. How to Create a Learning Video They’ll Want to Watch. Hiring Mark Zuckerberg to deliver a workshop or run a retreat is not always the most practical or cost-effective solution.

How to Create a Learning Video They’ll Want to Watch

Know what’s not impractical? Bringing thousands of today’s industry leaders and visionaries to your employees through short-form video to share the lessons they’ve learned through triumphs and failures in their own careers. This kind of video-driven thought leadership education is an efficient way companies can adopt to scale best practices from visionaries who are out there right now, setting the pace in every industry. Six Ingredients for Sweetening your Flipped Classroom Recipe. There are as many ways to flip your class as there are ways to build a pizza. You need some key ingredients, like a good lesson, some editing software or an iPad with some recording apps, and time.

You also need some toppings: where to host your videos, which LMS will work best for you, and video length, for example. These two things will work in concert together, and as you learn what you like and don’t like, you modify. Sophia Learning. A Guide to the Flipped Classroom - Technology. 7 free flipped classroom creation apps you might not know. You might not know these apps for creating lessons, video, and more—perfect for the flipped classroom The flipped classroom gives students more time in class to do, not just listen, and gives teachers new opportunities to revamp their lessons in creative, multimedia ways for at-home consumption.

But for all that you need the right tools. Here, we’ve gathered a handful of apps for content creation, from video to podcasting to slideshows, summarized on, an app resource site with more than 6,000 apps in more than 300 subcategories. And this time, we’ve selected apps that don’t typically crop up on flipped classroom lists, so you and your students can try something new.

[Editor’s note: eSchool News has selected these apps, which were originally curated by Apple Distinguished Educators, that may help you meet your instructional needs.] 1. Create an electronic storybook. 2. EDpuzzle. Flipped Classroom and Information Literacy -