Les compétences des enseignants. Class management / gestion de classe. Communiquer efficacement en tant qu'enseignant. Enseignant du 21e siècle. Cours de professionalisation. Enseignant réflexif. Enseignant leader. Enseignant technopédagogue. Gestes professionnels et pratiques. La pratique pédagogique entre l'improvisation réglée et le bricolage. 10092015_-_recrutement_et_la_formation_des_personnels_de_l_education_nationale.pdf. Petite enfance et établissements scolaires. Perspectives internationales sur la professionnalisation de la formation des enseignants Colloque international de l’OCDE, Paris, lundi 18 mars 2013 La qualité des enseignants est le premier levier d’amélioration de l’efficacité des systèmes d’éducation et les plus performants d’entre eux l’ont tous mis au cœur de leurs préoccupations.
Aujourd’hui, la France s’engage justement dans une réforme importante de la formation de ses enseignants. Dans le cadre de la longue coopération entre l’OCDE et les autorités françaises en vue de mettre en place des politiques meilleures, l’OCDE organisera, le lundi 18 mars 2013 au matin, un Colloque international sur la professionnalisation de la formation des enseignants, auquel participeront le ministre de l’Éducation nationale, Monsieur Vincent Peillon et le Secrétaire Général de l’OCDE, Monsieur Angel Gurría. Cet évènement s’organisera autour de deux tables rondes sur les thèmes suivants : « Comment former et accompagner les futurs enseignants ? Steve Joordens. Authentic Assessment in Action.
At Sammamish High School, our staff has dedicated our professional development to building expertise in the key elements of problem-based learning.
Previous blog entries by my colleagues have given an overview of this process, as well as exploring how we include student voice and work with authentic problems. Another crucial element of successful problem-based learning is using authentic assessment throughout all stages of a unit to constantly evaluate and improve student learning. What is Authentic Assessment? So what then makes an assessment "authentic" (or not)? Something is considered authentic if it is a believable replica of something else with significant value. Examples of Authentic Assessment I was fortunate to have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience using authentic assessment when I stepped outside my comfort zone and joined our teaching team for our Starting Strong program (full disclosure -- I live a "cushy" life as a high school music teacher).
2013_01_colloqueIfe. A Window into the classroom. Dirk Van Dammeby Division Head, Innovation and Measuring Progress (IMEP) and Head of Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) An excellent teacher is what makes students learn and succeed in school.
Everything else – standards, curricula, assessments, resources, school leadership – come second. Yet, what do we actually know about what teachers are doing? Classrooms seem to be the ‘black boxes’ of the education system. There is not an awful lot of research on classroom teaching practices, but TALIS 2008 provides some self-reported data on teaching practices and professional activities including participation in collaborative learning with colleagues. In collaboration with the TALIS programme and as part of its Innovative Teaching for Effective Learning project the OECD’s Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) has just released a research report which delves deeper in the TALIS data on teaching practices in classrooms and schools. 201-220_HEUTTE_tome2. The Teacher by Kevin Hewitson on Prezi.