Rape culture
HYÈNES EN JUPONS. The Opposite of Rape Culture is Nurturance Culture. The opposite of masculine rape culture is masculine nurturance culture: men* increasing their capacity to nurture, and becoming whole.
The Ghomeshi trial is back in the news, and it brings violent sexual assault back into people’s minds and daily conversations. Of course violence is wrong, even when the court system for handling it is a disaster. That part seems evident. Triggering, but evident. But there is a bigger picture here. A meme going around says ‘Rape is about violence, not sex. Violence is nurturance turned backwards. These things are connected, they must be connected. Compassion for self and compassion for others grow together and are connected; this means that men finding and recuperating the lost parts of themselves will heal everyone. 1. 2.
To heal rape culture, then, men build masculine nurturance skills: nurturance and recuperation of their true selves, and nurturance of the people of all genders around them.
: micdotcom: Watch: If an angry bear was treated...
I Hope The Ghomeshi Verdict Makes You Fucking Furious. Rape Culture: My Words and Theirs (with images, tweets) · CardsAgstHrsmt. I Can't Believe People Tell Sex Workers to "Go to the Police" If They've Been Raped. The law does not give a shit about sex workers.
Neither do many people on Twitter. The Stranger On November 28, writer, director, and porn actress Stoya fired off two tweets that would upend the porn world. @Stoya: "That thing where you log in to the internet for a second and see people idolizing the guy who raped you as a feminist. That thing sucks... Stoya was talking about her former partner, James Deen—the adult-video-industry icon, he of the boyish good looks and crossover media fame, whose swooning female fan base dubbed him "the feminist porn star.
" Deen was silent for a day and then posted to Twitter: "There have been some egregious claims made against me... I believe Stoya. However, one development of all this did pleasantly surprise me: Major porn companies responded swiftly to the womens' allegations. Of course, there was a backlash.
False reports of rape are vanishingly rare — so why treat women as liars by default?
False rape accusations are extremely rare.
I have typed these words, or some iteration of these words, countless times for this website. Numerous other bloggers have done the same. And yet it doesn’t seem to make much of a difference: With each new alleged case of sexual assault that pops up the news also come corresponding allegations that the whole incident has been fabricated; women are accused of participating in a giant conspiracy, or they’re branded “pretty little liars,” or they’re imprisoned for bringing their claims to the police. But the blanket skepticism reserved for accusers seems more and more unwarranted in light of the most recent studies on the incidence of false rape reports, which have narrowed down the statistics of false reports to a rather small window: 2-8 percent of cases.
Le backlash. Un pas en avant, deux pas en arrière Un backlash, c’est un ressac.
C’est le retour violent des vagues vers le large, après avoir frappé un obstacle. Depuis plusieurs jours, nous assistons à un retour en arrière, après que des milliers de femmes aient pris la parole sur les médias sociaux et dans les journaux pour témoigner des agressions sexuelles qu’elles ont vécues. À présent, les médias laissent la parole à une ligue d’hommes qui ne se gênent pas pour dire aux femmes, non sans paternalisme et condescendance, que ça suffit, qu’elles en ont assez dit, qu’elles sont allées trop loin. Parler de son agression sur Twitter ça passe, témoigner sans démasquer ou sans envoyer quelqu’un en prison c’est correct, mais commencer à nommer le problème, c’est-à-dire l’individu qui a commis l’agression, ça ne passe pas.
When I was seventeen and preparing to leave for...
Parler à en crever.
A l'été 2012, deux stars de l'équipe de football de Steubenville aux Etats-Unis violent une jeune fille en plein coma éthylique.
Le viol a été filmé et transmis sur les réseaux sociaux et commenté en temps réel. Un garçon présent sur la video pourrait être poursuivi pour non dénonciation de crime. Sur la video, la victime est décrite comme une morte qu'on viole et sur laquelle on urine. Les deux violeurs ont été jugés en mars et condamné l'un à un an de prison, l'autre à deux. Une nouvelle enquête pourrait avoir lieu pour établir quelles autres personne pourraient éventuellement être poursuivies. Rehtaeh Parsons était une jeune canadienne de 17 ans. Audrie Mott avait 15 ans. Culture du viol. Je vous vois hausser les yeux au ciel. Okay. Est-ce que cela tient encore l'excuse du "m'enfin on condamne tous le viol". Est ce qu'on condamne tous le viol quand une femme sur 5 sera victime au cours de sa vie de violence sexuelle.
When a woman enjoys her sexuality without hurting...
This take on rape culture is amazing...