Cómo evaluar sitios web. Evaluando calidad en los Recursos Educativos Digitales. Los contenidos educativos virtuales actuales no necesariamente están diseñados para una asignatura especifica.
Es decir, pueden ser desarrollados como recursos educativos digitales independientes. Evaluación de Recursos Educativos Digitales - Conecta 13. La Web es un auténtico almacén de contenidos digitales y aunque cualquier material es susceptible de ser utilizado como recurso en un proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, no todos los materiales que se utilizan en educación surgen con una intencionalidad didáctica.
Por eso es muy importante contar con criterios para poder identificar entre todos los contenidos digitales disponibles aquellos que pueden ser buenos recursos educativos digitales. Evaluar Recursos Educativos. La Norma 71362 de “Calidad de los materiales educativos digitales” elaborada por UNE responde a la necesidad de proporcionar un documento de referencia sobre la calidad de los materiales educativos digitales (MED) y una herramienta para su medición.
Los objetivos de esta norma se resumen en los siguientes objetivos específicos: Guiar la creación de un recurso educativo digital de calidad.Valorar estos recursos de forma precisa y objetiva.Facilitar a los usuarios la elección del mejor MED. La calidad de los Recursos Educativos Digitales se puede valorar a partir de 15 criterios establecidos en dicha norma. Cada criterio contiene diferentes indicadores de calidad que especifican las características que debe reunir un recurso para tener una alta valoración en dicho criterio.
(PDF) Instrumento para evaluar Recursos Educativos Digitales, LORI - AD. : T is for Thinking. Checklist for Evaluating Web Resources. Is the Web a good research tool?
This question is dependent on the researcher's objective. As in traditional print resources one must use a method of critical analysis to determine its value. Here is a checklist for evaluating web resources to help in that determination. Content evaluation checklist - Digital Guides. Quality content should support a user need when the user interacts with government.
Ask a content expert to evaluate the quality of each content item in the audit spreadsheet. They should assess your content against the following criteria. Usability Who is the intended user of the content? Does your content meet a user need? Findability Does the navigation help the user find information? Readability Does the first sentence help users to decide if the page is relevant? Accessibility Ensure content meets WCAG 2.0 requirements for content authors. Is the content written so that all users can read and understand it? How To Evaluate Information. Identify the Source Who is providing the information?
Check domain ownership. Whois look-up at Domain Tools Utilities at CentralOps.net Learn how to decode a Web address and detect Web site spoofing. Read "about us" and author bios. Examine links to and from other Web sites. Examples illustrating source identification: GigaLaw (clearly indicated) AllRefer.com (multiple sources different from site owner) Gatt.org (masked) Discover the Source's Expertise Is the source an expert or authority?
Examine credentials in author bios and "about us" pages. Examples illustrating reputation: Determine the Level of Objectivity Does the source provide a balanced viewpoint? Examine the writing style. Examples illustrating objectivity: Cancer information at the National Cancer Institute (balanced) Institute for Historical Review (biased; hate site) Not Just Another Scare (biased; undocumented claims) Establish the Date of Publication Is the information current at the time of publication? View As Slides. Ten C's for Evaluating Internet Resources. How many times have you heard "I read it online" when someone was telling you a ridiculous fact?
Sadly, many people mistakenly assume that what they read online is absolute fact. When using online information for any type of writing, you need to make sure the information you are quoting is accurate. Web Evaluation. WWW CyberGuides The "WWW CyberGuide" Internet evaluation forms were developed by Karen McLachlan informally as a means of introducing the World Wide Web to novice users in 1996.
Since then the Guides have been published in a book, on the Internet, and referenced in journal articles. They have been used in countless classrooms and professional in-service programs. Due to the evolvement of Web site design and content, the CyberGuides needed revision to reflect the increased sophistication of the Internet and to continue to meet the ever-growing need for critical evaluation of Web-based information.
Matriz de Valoración sobre publicar en un Blog. Nivel de la Taxonomía de Bloom: Comprensión Introducción: Esta es una Matriz de Valoración (Rúbrica) [1] para publicar en un blog.
Tiene por objeto examinar el proceso de registrar y reportar eventos y procesos, utilizando herramientas de blog. Lista de Chequeo Eduteka parte 2. Lista de Chequeo Eduteka parte 1.