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Particle Physics

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Webcast. Share this event Link to the live event Social networks Wikipedians in the Library - Ally Crockford, wikipedian in residence at National Library of Scotland, Emmanuel Engelhart & Micha L.


Rieser, wikipedians in residence at Swiss National Library The Swiss National Library, CERN and AILIS invite you to the 4th Library Science Talk 2014. Doser, Michael (CERN) - Search Results. International Particle Physics Outreach Group. Educational Programs - Teacher Resources. About the Program Using the world-class facilities at Argonne’s Advanced Photon Source, high school students and their teachers will explore the principles and operation of these tools and conduct research over the school year.

Educational Programs - Teacher Resources

Under the guidance of staff scientists, each team will construct a doable project based on the techniques and limitations within a specific research group; prepare and submit a research proposal, setup the experiment, gather and analyze their results, make conclusions, and prepare a final poster. Recommended Databases - Recommended Databases for Physics - Browse Databases by Subject at Duke University. April 18 Atomic Mass and Isotopes. When you look at the periodic table of elements, you see that each element is in a box with numbers and a symbol.

April 18 Atomic Mass and Isotopes

It goes from top to bottom as element name, atomic number, symbol, and atomic mass. Schoolphysics. Magnetic fields The force (F) on wire of length L carrying a current I in a magnetic field of strength B is given by the equation: But Q = It and since Q = e for an electron and v = L/t you can show that :Magnetic force on an electron = BIL = B[e/t][vt] = Bev where v is the electron velocity In a magnetic field the force is always at right angles to the motion of the electron (Fleming's left hand rule) and so the resulting path of the electron is circular (Figure 1).


Therefore : Radiation Protection. Strontium (chemical symbol Sr) is a silvery metal that rapidly turns yellowish in air.

Radiation Protection

Strontium is found naturally as a non-radioactive element. Strontium has 16 known isotopes. Naturally occurring strontium is found as four stable isotopes Sr-84, -86, -87, and -88. Twelve other isotopes are radioactive. The Brief Wondrous Life (and Long Dangerous Half-Life) of Strontium-90. (Photo: Kelly Michals / Flickr)At roughly 5:30 in the morning on July 16, 1945, an implosion-design plutonium device, codenamed "the gadget," exploded over the Jornada del Muerto desert in south-central New Mexico with a force equivalent to about 20,000 tons of TNT.

The Brief Wondrous Life (and Long Dangerous Half-Life) of Strontium-90

It was the world's first test of an atomic bomb, and as witnesses at base camp some ten miles away would soon relay to US President Harry Truman, the results were "satisfactory" and exceeded expectations. Within weeks, the United States would use a uranium bomb of a different design on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, and three days after that, a plutonium device similar to the gadget was dropped on Nagasaki, about 200 miles to the southwest. Though military authorities and officials with the US Atomic Energy Commission initially downplayed the dispersal and dangers of fallout from these atmospheric tests, by the early 1950s, scientists in nuclear and non-nuclear countries alike began to raise concerns.

Four things you might not know about dark matter. Not long after physicists on experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN laboratory discovered the Higgs boson, CERN Director-General Rolf Heuer was asked, “What’s next?”

Four things you might not know about dark matter

One of the top priorities he named: figuring out dark matter. Dark matter is five times more prevalent than ordinary matter. It seems to exist in clumps around the universe, forming a kind of scaffolding on which visible matter coalesces into galaxies. The nature of dark matter is unknown, but physicists have suggested that it, like visible matter, is made up of particles. Dark matter shows up periodically in the media, often when an experiment has spotted a potential sign of it. Here are four facts to get you up to speed on one of the most exciting topics in particle physics: 1.

Illustration by: Sandbox Studio, Chicago. Electromagnetism - Can the path of a charged particle under the influence of a magnetic field be considered piecewise linear. The motion of the electron in the constant uniform magnetic field is very much like the motion of an electron in the hydrogen atom.

electromagnetism - Can the path of a charged particle under the influence of a magnetic field be considered piecewise linear

The difference is in the source of the centripetal acceleration. EDITION: The comments that kindly have been written, which I welcome, show how difficult it is to formulate a question, and how easy it is to misinterpret it (it is still possible that I have not understood the question.) In view of these comments I thought I should add this edition: Subatomic particle (physics) More than just strings To understand the presence of objects in string theory that are not strings, but higher dimensional objects, or even points, it helps to know the formulation of Maxwell's equations in the language of differential forms, because this is what tells us that the sources of charge in the Maxwell equations are zero-dimensional objects.

Gauge field strengths that are p+2-forms turn out to have sources that are p-dimensional objects. We call these p-branes. Quarks. Why is the top quark so massive? I am inclined to a belief that the experimental set-up, is where the resulting difference appears from.

Why is the top quark so massive?

The fact that the increase in acceleration of particles (higher energies) will yeild incorrect "momentum" data, because of the interaction times? As an example, if one was to bring two opposing matters (Proton and Anti-Proton) together at a low velocity, instead of the high accelerated particle "smashers", then the yeild product of proton to anti-protons, should define the proton mass, equivilent to that of the anti-proton, without the high-output "momentum" products being observable? There is also evidence that 'low-momentum' interactions produce truer values to ElectroMagnetic and Charge products, resulting from a Phase-Shift(which can be viewed as a 'Momentum-Shift' in some models) of Quark and Anti-Quark scattering without Proton Decay.

The Particle Adventure. How to make a cloud chamber. Homemade Cloud Chamber at CERN. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Hi Matthew, The short answer to "are there anti-photons" is "yes", but the disappointment here is that anti-photons and photons are the same particles. Some particles are their own antiparticles, notably the force carriers like photons, the Z boson, and gluons, which mediate the electromagnetic force, the weak nuclear force, and the strong force, respectively. Particles that are their own antiparticles must be electrically neutral, because an aniparticle has the opposite electrical charge as its partner particle. ATLAS event display - decoded! Yesterday we introduced you to the collision event displays used by Large Hadron Collider physicists, and explained one type of display used by the CMS experiment.

Will the LHC Destroy the World. The LHC will allow scientists to observe particle collisions at an energy level far higher than any previous experiment. Some people worry that such powerful reactions could cause serious trouble for the Earth. In fact, a few people are so concerned that they filed a lawsuit against CERN in an attempt to delay the LHC's activation. In March 2008, former nuclear safety officer Walter Wagner and Luis Sancho spearheaded a lawsuit filed in Hawaii's U.S. District Court. LHC: Smashing Protons" The principle behind the LHC is pretty simple. First, you fire two beams of particles along two pathways, one going clockwise and the other going counterclockwise.

You accelerate both beams to near the speed of light. Then, you direct both beams toward each other and watch what happens. Is not available. As complex as the idea of a particle accelerator might seem, it's actually strikingly simple to implement. The design we will be using was first created in the late 19th century by J.J. Thomson and subsequently used to make several important discoveries about the fundamental nature of the atom and the electron. Later, in the early 20th century, Cockroft and Walton (yup, the same hooligans responsible for the voltage multiplier) used a similar design to build the first true electrostatic linear accelerator, or "static linac" for short.

Nowadays, advanced versions of this type of accelerator are commonly used for radiotherapy and ion implantation. Essentially, our cathode ray tube is just two electrodes in a vacuum chamber with a high voltage applied between them. Some interesting effects that can be observed at this stage are sputtering and magnetic deflection. Sputtering: Antimatter experiment seeks help from the crowd. AEgIS.

What is the lifetime of a photon? The photon – the quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation – is normally considered to have zero mass. But some theories allow photons to have a small rest mass and one consequence of that would be that photons could then decay into lighter elementary particles. On the trail of dark energy: Physicists propose Higgs boson 'portal' One of the biggest mysteries in contemporary particle physics and cosmology is why dark energy, which is observed to dominate energy density of the universe, has a remarkably small (but not zero) value.

This value is so small, it is perhaps 120 orders of magnitude less than would be expected based on fundamental physics. Standard Model. homepage. Nuclear & particle physics. Job Search. Has LHCb spotted physics beyond the Standard Model?