[FR] Institut national d'histoire de l'art. [FR] Matrimoine - le site des artistes et créatrices qui ont construit notre histoire. « l'Anthologie de l'art », 2001-2002 / Braunschweig University of Art. [ ANTHOLOGY OF ART ] = [Anthologie de l'art] [FR] Histoire de arts’Lab / ministère de la Culture et de la Communication.
[FR] Audio-Vidéo / INHA. [FR] Art contemporain - cycles de Master class, conférences, entretiens (art de la scène, cinéma, arts plastiques) vidéos / Louvre. [FR] Entretiens avec des historiens d'art - vidéos / Louvre. Les métamorphoses de Jurgis Baltrusaïtis (Sandra Joxe, 1989) Diffusé sur FR3, émission « Océaniques », le 16 novembre 1989 Quand ce film a été tourné, Baltrusaitis était à la fin de sa vie. c’est un homme âgé, fragile, tourné vers l’intérieur et vers la réflexion, qui se livre.
Né en Lithuanie au début du 20e siècle, il a vécu en secret et souvent solitaire, à l’écart des modes et des institutions. Mais peu à peu son travail s’est imposé comme l’une des recherches les plus fécondes et les plus originales en histoire de l’art. [FR] Initiation à l'histoire des arts - conférences-vidéos / Louvre. Allez au contenu Allez au menu principal Allez à la recherche Change language Accessibilité Achetezvotre billet Accueil>Arts & éducation>Conférences de l'auditorium>Initiation à l'histoire des arts.
[FR] L'œuvre en scène - une oeuvre, une conférence-vidéo / Louvre. [FR] La Chaire du Louvre - recherche en archéologie, en histoire des arts et de la culture : conférences-vidéos / Louvre. [FR] Conférences et colloques / Musée d'Orsay. [FR] Chaîne Youtube / Musée d'Orsay. [US] Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History / The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. [US] Inventing Abstraction 1910–1925 / MOMA New York. [CH] Catalogue d'accès aux œuvres Dada du Kunsthaus Zürich (OPAC - Libero)
[US] The Vorticists - exposition / Nasher Museum of Art, Duke University. The Vorticists: Rebel Artists in London and New York, 1914-18 is the first museum exhibition devoted to this Anglo-American movement to be presented in the United States or Italy.
It is also the first to attempt to recreate the three Vorticist exhibitions mounted during World War I that served to define the group's radical aesthetic for the public. An abstracted figurative style, combining machine-age forms and the energetic imagery suggested by a vortex, Vorticism emerged in London at a moment when the staid English art scene had been jolted by the advent of French Cubism and Italian Futurism. Absorbing elements from both, but also defining themselves against these foreign idioms, the Vorticists founded a short-lived but pivotal modernist movement that spanned the years of World War I (1914-1918). [GB] The Vorticists: Manifesto for a Modern World – exposition à la Tate Britain. Vorticism was a radical art movement that shone briefly but brightly in the years before and during World War I.
This exhibition celebrates the full electrifying force and vitality of this short-lived but pivotal modernist movement that was based in London but international in make-up and ambition. The Vorticists forged a distinctive style combining machine-age forms and energetic imagery, embracing modernity and blasting away the staid legacy of the Edwardian past. Focusing on the only two Vorticist exhibitions mounted during the lifetime, in London and New York, this striking exhibition brings together over 100 key works; including photography and literary ephemera, as well as seminal pieces by Wyndham Lewis, Jacob Epstein and Henri Gaudier-Brzeska. This exhibition aims to shine a new light on this revolutionary group of artists, presenting the style, radical aesthetics and thoughts of one of the most truly avant-garde art movements in British history. [GB] BLAST! The radical Vorticist Manifesto – journal / Tate, Londres. Edited by Wyndham Lewis, its radical intention was immediately evident when it first appeared.
It has an extraordinarily bright pink colour with the title BLAST written across the cover in huge, bold, black letters. Ezra Pound described it as this “great MAGENTA cover’d opusculus”. The first section of the journal starts with a sequence of twenty-odd pages which are presented like a manifesto. Each page has a dramatic piece of graphic design, in which the editors ‘Blast’ and ‘Bless’ different things - often these are the same things. It is sardonic and humorous to read, but has a great vitriolic tone as well. It lists the things that the Vorticists love and hate. One of the other items included in BLAST is Lewis ‘s play called ‘Enemy and the Stars’ which is generally seen to be largely unintelligible and certainly unperformable. [GB] Vorticism – Art Term / Tate, Londres. The group was founded by the artist, writer and polemicist, Wyndham Lewis in 1914.
Their only group exhibition was held in London the following year. Vorticism was launched with the issue (of two) of the magazine Blast which contained among other material two aggressive manifestos by Lewis ‘blasting’ what he considered to be the effeteness of British art and culture and proclaiming the vorticist aesthetic: ‘The New Vortex plunges to the heart of the Present – we produce a New Living Abstraction’. Vorticist painting combined cubist fragmentation of reality with hard-edged imagery derived from the machine and the urban environment. It was, in effect, a British equivalent to futurism, although with doctrinal differences, and Lewis was deeply hostile to the futurists. Other artists involved with the group were Lawrence Atkinson, Jessica Dismorr, Cuthbert Hamilton, William Roberts, Helen Saunders, Edward Wadsworth, and the sculptors Sir Jacob Epstein and Henri Gaudier-Brzeska.