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COMPRENSIÓN ORAL. AUDIOCUENTOS - Educacion preescolar zona 33. Live Radio Broadcasts in Spanish - Webcast Directory. Cuentos infantiles clásicos populares para niños con fotos y vídeos. En español , videos-con-ejercicios-, España en antena - Loescher Editore. Daily routine in Spanish: activities, reflexive pronouns, audio & practice. ¿Qué haces todos los días?

Daily routine in Spanish: activities, reflexive pronouns, audio & practice

¿Cuál es tu rutina diaria? These are two common questions to ask about someone’s daily routine in Spanish – la rutina diaria. In the previous lesson, we covered the most important words for everyday activities and made sentences with reflexive and non-reflexive verbs. This lesson will go a little further and teach you to use the right vocabulary, phrases and structures to describe your daily routine in Spanish to your friends or class. By the end of the lesson, we expect that you are able to write sentences and short descriptions about your daily routine in Spanish. Vocabulary review: Daily routine in Spanish and reflexive verbs First, we will review the vocabulary for daily activities.

Molinos de viento. En esto, descubrieron treinta o cuarenta molinos de viento que hay en aquel campo; y, así como don Quijote los vio, dijo a su.

Molinos de viento

La Santa Cecilia - Calaverita. La Santa Cecilia Monedita Lyric Video. La Santa Cecilia - Ice El Hielo. Jesse & Joy - Corazón De Campeón (Official CantoYo Video) El Mismo Sol - Alvaro Soler LYRICS Official. Learn Spanish Online. Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin .

Learn Spanish Online

This is premium content that requires subscription The normal speed version of the news story contains ONLY news narration, not dialog. Detenido un líder opositor tras las protestas en Rusia El lunes, el líder opositor ruso Alexei Navalny fue multado y condenado a 15 días de cárcel. Su detención se produjo el día después de una oleada de protestas por toda Rusia contra el gobierno, que Navalny organizó para protestar contra la presunta corrupción del primer ministro Dmitry Medvedev. Spanish Listening Mobile. Intermediate Spanish Listening #94 ¿Cuál fue el último viaje familiar que hiciste? A mi me gustan la...iratas 2 490403c. Cancion hola adon...alingua1 42cf9b3. Mic Note - Create Time-stamped Multimedia Notes. Mic Note is a free Chrome app that allows you to create voice recordings, text notes, and image-based notes on one concise notebook page.

Mic Note - Create Time-stamped Multimedia Notes

The notes that you record with your voice can be time-stamped by clicking on your Mic Note note page while you're recording. You can also take notes without recording any audio. All notes support inclusion of images and links. The best part of Mic Note is that you can sync all of your notes to your Google Drive or Dropbox account. Watch the video below to see how you can create notes in Mic Note. Applications for EducationMic Note could be a good tool for students who want or need to record a teacher giving a short presentation. LECTURA INTERACTIVA. Free and Daily Spanish Podcasts. Publication date: Sunday, July 08th 2012Channel: SongsLevel: 0 Chapter's exercises (Read the text first) :

Free and Daily Spanish Podcasts

Online Listening Exercises, Phrases, Dialogues, Myths and Legends. Foreign Language Speaking Activities Using Pictures and Photos. A quick and easy way to get students speaking is to have them describe a picture or photo, but this can a get a little old after a few times.

Foreign Language Speaking Activities Using Pictures and Photos

There are many paired and group activities that students can do with an image beyond a simple description. Two great ideas are: –One student orally describes a picture to a second student who then draws a copy of it. –One student orally describes a picture to another student who then is given a choice of pictures and must choose the one described. You will need to find pictures (easily done on the Internet) that represent the vocabulary that your students know. Here is a great document with 50 ideas for using an image to get students speaking in the target language: Using Visual Material in the Foreign Language Classroom (Compiled by Harry Grover Tuttle) Learn Spanish with pictures - Bikes - Spanish Playground. This group of cyclists is in Guanajuato, Mexico.

Learn Spanish with pictures - Bikes - Spanish Playground

Talk about this photo to help your child learn Spanish. The questions that follow, like all the Learn Spanish with Pictures activities, are ordered to help children master the vocabulary and gain confidence with the language. Start with Describe the photo (1), and be sure to point to the objects in the picture as you talk about them. Use gestures, facial expressions and actions to help your child understand what the words mean. When your child understands the key words, ask questions from Choose the answer (2) and Pointing and counting (3). CC Image courtesy of Vlad Litvinov 1. [There are five men with their bikes. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Learn Spanish with Pictures Archives - Spanish Playground. Spanish Vocabulary for Kids - Printable Collage Activity - Spanish Playground. This activity uses a photo collage to help kids decipher Spanish sentences.

Spanish Vocabulary for Kids - Printable Collage Activity - Spanish Playground

They match sentences to the photos they describe and then use the sentences to answer the questions. I do not print the photos. I project the collage or use it off the computer if I am working with a small group. I print the sentences that they match to the photos and the questions. There is a link to the printable activity that goes with this photo collage below. I like this type of activity for several reasons: – You can easily adapt it to different themes and levels.

These are the sentences on the printable activity (out of order on the printable): El hombre toca la guitarra. These are the questions for each photo, based on the sentences above: ¿Qué instrumento toca el hombre? Follow-up activities Once kids have matched the sentences and answered the questions, they are very familiar with the photos. - Free and Daily Spanish Podcasts.

Aprende español con audiotextos gratuitos select your language: | Español | English | Main menu Resources About us Utilities. - Free and Daily Spanish Podcasts

Dialectos - The Sounds of Spanish. Default_spanish. Cómo saludar correctamente? Spanish Learning Lab. Learn Spanish with basic Spanish for beginners.

Spanish Learning Lab

These videos include Spanish examples, simple explanations and Spanish audios to practice pronunciation. All of these videos are part of Spanish lessons with several activities including practical quizzes. The topics covered in these videos are:1. Billetes: Cortometraje: El paletero. Inspiración: Documental sobre un paletero en Nogales, Sonora, México. Spanish 1Questions about shopping video - Google Docs. Cocina de Carmen.mp4. Educatina - Aprende lo que quieras gratis.