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Temas y teoria de transmedia

Álex de la Iglesia: “'El día de la Bestia' es una partida de rol y el cura es un personaje de 'Cthulhu'” Dr. Carlos Scolari ¿Que es una narrativa transmedia? DEFINICIÓN "TRANSMEDIA" SCOLARI. Transmedia. El translector. Lectura y narrativas transmedia en la nueva ecología de la comunicación. Viene de la primera parte.

El translector. Lectura y narrativas transmedia en la nueva ecología de la comunicación

Este post consta de dos partes y nace como derivación textual del volumen La lectura en España. Informe 2017 coordinado por José Antonio Millán y en el cual tuve el inmenso placer de participar junto a un dream team de expertos en lectura, edición y circulación del libro. Jake Barton: Where space and storytelling meet. Jake Barton has always been interested in the "mash-mash of space and storytelling".

Jake Barton: Where space and storytelling meet

The founder of New York-based media design company Local Projects previously designed interior architecture for museums, created sets and directed for the theater. He believes the best way to bring these two elements together is through the use of technology. Rafael Lozano-Hemmer - Project "Voz Alta" Relational Architecture 15 "Voz Alta" (Loud Voice) is a memorial commissioned for the 40th anniversary of the student massacre in Tlatelolco, which took place on October 2nd 1968.

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer - Project "Voz Alta"

In the piece, participants speak freely into a megaphone placed on the "Plaza de las Tres Culturas", right where the massacre took place. As the megaphone amplifies the voice, a 10kW searchlight automatically "beams" the voice as a sequence of flashes: if the voice is silent the light is off and as it gets louder so does the light's brightness. As the searchlight beam hits the top of the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, now Centro Cultural Tlatelolco, it is relayed by three additional searchlights, one pointed to the north, one to the southeast towards Zócalo Square and one to the southwest towards the Monument to the Revolution.

Interactive: David Coleman Headley's Web of Betrayal. Masterclass: "En Búsqueda" » Festival de Cine Creative Commons Bogotá. Masterclass: Desarrollo de narrativa audiovisual transmedia "En Búsqueda" Fecha: Viernes 26 de septiembre​Lugar: Atom House - Cra. 7 # 69-17 (Ver mapa)Hora: ​2:00 pm - 2:50 pmEntrada libre y gratuita hasta completar aforo.

Masterclass: "En Búsqueda" » Festival de Cine Creative Commons Bogotá

BREVE RESUMEN DEL ESPACIOEl colectivo Punto.Lab, con el apoyo de la Cinemateca Distrital, ha desarrollado una experiencia de narrativa transmedia que se tomará las calles de Bogotá desde el 25 de septiembre de 2014. En Búsqueda Bogotá es el diseño de una experiencia que torna la narración audiovisual en un juego de interacción en el que los espectadores son partícipes y resultan esenciales para el desarrollo de la historia. Este proyecto transmedia se desarrollará en una web móvil que contienen un E-Book, una instalación urbana a modo de carrera de observación y un cortometraje de ciencia ficción. UX Axioms by Erik Dahl (@eadahl) Korsakow — Dynamic Storytelling. Hollow - An Interactive Documentary.

FIVE MINUTES - Interactive Short. Waterlife. Welcome to Bridge The Gulf Project. The largest mobile/online teen poetry community. A Documentary. Beyond 9/11 - Portraits of Resilience (HBO Documentary Films) Filmmakers Collaborative. FC offers low cost fiscal sponsorship to independent producers across the country.

Filmmakers Collaborative

Many foundations will not issue grants to individuals but only to non-profits, so instead of starting their own 501(c)3 organization, filmmakers often align themselves with an established non-profit, allowing them to apply for a wide range of grants and offer their donors a tax deduction. FC is not simply a “pass through;” it is a member organization that accepts and administers contributions made to our members’ projects, monitors reports to ensure that grant funds are spent in accordance with funder requirements, and acts as the liaison between foundations and filmmakers.

Since 1986 FC has managed more than $25 million in grants and donations for over 200 projects. Our films have been shown nationally and internationally, and have won awards at festivals and competitions around the world. Proyecto Walsh » Operación Masacre en 2 minutos. » Out My Window. Still image from recently found footage: An uncle’s self-documentation 20 years ago with a super 8 film camera in a Toronto highrise.

» Out My Window

This remarkable footage is providing clues for Maria-Saroja Ponnambalam, HIGHRISE community media coordinator, in her documentary about the mysteries of her uncle’s immigration to Canada, and his struggle with mental health issues. I asked Maria to guest blog about how she found the footage, her uncle, and how it unexpectedly relates to HIGHRISE. My father was convinced he had no films of his brother Pandi. While I was interviewing him on camera, he insisted on showing a box with a super-8 projector in it that belonged to Pandi. He had barely put his hand inside the box when he came across a smaller box, with a roll of developed film inside!

To our surprise the projector was working. One Millionth Tower. DUMBO, Brooklyn, NYC. BBC One - Doctor Who. Transmedia Services. Rise of Pervasive Communications Today's most desirable target markets, Millennial young adults and Generation Z ‘tweens and teens, have come of age in a time of pervasive communications.

Transmedia Services

As a result they are far more media savvy, interpersonally connected, and able to express themselves than any previous generation. The problem faced by corporations and big media is that many are communicating on old broadcast models, where the narrative is linear, the medium stands alone, and the narrative is only running one way. A new toolset and new techniques are necessary to reach and engage mass audiences in the digital age. The consumer or audience member is now a user and a participant. 42 Entertainment.

Business group chat, file sharing, group decision making: Campfire. Our Team. Creativity is making something out of nothing.

Our Team

It’s what we did with Red Six Media, and it’s what we enjoy doing for our clients.The Red Six appeal is growing in Baton Rouge and across the Gulf South. Get your popcorn ready. Kristen Morrison Co-Owner + Account Manager Happiness is only real when shared with the client. Matt Dardenne Co-Owner + Creative Director Minimalist. Joe Martin Co-Owner + Creative Director. Montecarlo - Barcelona, Spain., Química visual. OFFICIAL PROFILE Montecarlo, born in Barcelona, Spain.

Montecarlo - Barcelona, Spain., Química visual.

BA in Fine Arts and MBA in Film and TV. Started his career as a comic-book author (writer & artist) and video maker. Since then he has written feature films and has script-doctored other film projects (fiction & documentary). He has directed short films and 3D animation series, taking charge of the script, the storyboard and direction. He has also designed exhibitions, and interactive games. His interest in exploring new narrative strands has led him to create Química visual (Visual Chemistry). He combines this work with lectures and workshops in the same areas. He is co-author of the novel “El consejo” (The board/The advice), a story about the power of Storytelling, and author of “Filmmaking Techniques” and “One Day at a Time – a Journey Through Images”. Nieman Reports. Transmedia Journalism Principles. Jump to: Previous Page: “Where Journalism Has Gone Before”Spreadable | DrillableContinuous and SerialDiverse and Personal in ViewpointImmersive | ExtractableOf Real Worlds | Inspiring to Action Next page: Building Transmedia Journalism “There are no new ideas in the world.

Transmedia Journalism Principles

Only a new arrangement of things.” — Henri Cartier-Bresson Almost Transmedia Looking at journalism in terms of Henry Jenkins’ seven principles, all of the characteristics of transmedia as he defines it have individually been implemented in a journalism or documentary context before. Though they may not yet have been designed together in a single storyline, all the pieces of the puzzle are there already. “Bosnia: Uncertain Paths to Peace” encouraged drilling for more information, provided personal and diverse alternative viewpoints, and expressed itself across multiple media genres.

Click to explore the site. Discussion was designed into the site from the start — a rarity in online journalism in 1996. Porting Transmedia Storytelling to the News Business. Futures of Entertainment: Archives. For more than a year now, I've written about taking a transmedia approach to journalism and how that approach can be best accomplished. I'm not talking in this sense about giving conglomerates the chance to squeeze more blood from the stone, to get three times as much work from half as many journalists, or else the myth of the uberjournalist, where one person should be sent into the field to take the pictures, do the story, get video, and then come back to write the story, publish the photographs, put the video up on the Web, appear on the TV station, and so on.

Instead, what I mean is finding the best platform possible to tell the story in, to use each medium to its strengths. As I wrote back in that July post linked to above, "The problem is simply that convergence, as a buzzword, is too broad. The latest issue of The Convergence Newsletter features a piece by Randy Covington that originally ran in the Winter 2006 issue of Nieman Reports. World Building (Media Systems #5) Fort McMoney.

Transmedia storytelling. ¿Cómo va a ser la televisión del futuro? Esta es la pregunta del millón. El avance de las tecnologías está provocando nuevos comportamientos en los usuarios, nuevas maneras de interactuar, de comunicar, de compartir, etc. El cambio es inminente, ya lo estamos viviendo. La televisión está dejando de lado el consumo familiar para vivir una experiencia televisiva más individual, más interactiva y más socialmente conectada.

Cómo “Pitchear” un proyecto que utiliza múltiples soportes. Presentar un proyecto tiene su truco y más aún, si es una idea que utiliza múltiples soportes. En varios de mis posts he hablado de varias propuestas de cómo presentar un proyecto de estas características. Los 8 elementos de las narrativas transmedia según Jeff Gómez. Jeff Gomez, está considerado como uno de los principales pioneros en este tipo de narrativas y muchos de sus proyectos son ampliamente conocidos. Piratas del caribe, El Príncipe de Persia, Tron, Halo, Avatar, Transformers, Hot Wheels y Happiness Factory (Coca Cola)… Ya he hablado en otro post sobre el identikit de Henry Jenkins sobre las Narrativas Transmedia. Ahora, hablaremos del propuesto por Jeff Gomez.

Pero como bien dice, Carlos A.