Online screening: Journey To The End Of Coal A project powered by Klynt Editing & publishing app. Journey To The End Of Coal tells you the story of a sacrifice. A sacrifice millions of Chinese coal miners are making everyday, risking their lives and spoiling their land to satisfy their own country’s appetite for economic growth. Your journey begins in Datong which is located just a couple hours away West from Beijing. You travel from there all around the region and visit its major coal mines, from the “best” state-owned complex to the worst private coal plants.
IDEO's Diego Rodriguez on innovation in the real world TNW On Thursday, at the Behance Network‘s 3rd annual 99% Conference in New York City, 380 advertising, design and related creative professionals and enthusiasts gathered for the first of 2 days of quality speakers and potential industry connections. The afternoon sessions broke out into “master classes,” one of which, titled “Innovating in the Real World: Using Design-Thinking To Create Positive Change” featured Diego Rodriguez, a partner at IDEO and a founding professor at the at Stanford. Leading IDEO’s Bay Area offices, Rodriguez works with clients on new ventures, organizational design and marketing strategies. In 2010 Rodriguez was named by Fortune as one of “The Smartest People in Tech”. “I am obsessed with this idea of awesomeness,” Rodriguez began, “But over the past couple of years, I started worrying that I didn’t have a set of principles or a way of looking at the world that was consistent.” He asked, “Why are some people doing it better than others?
Environment news and global warming articles from New Scientist - New Scientist Environmen Cookies on the New Scientist website close Our website uses cookies, which are small text files that are widely used in order to make websites work more effectively. Algorithm-Powered Movie whiteonwhite:algorithmicnoir Computes at Sundance A scene from the computer-powered film whiteonwhite:algorithmicnoir. PARK CITY, Utah — It’s never the same movie twice. [bug id="sundance"]Eve Sussman’s experimental cinema project whiteonwhite:algorithmicnoir uses a computer to build a movie out of 3,000 video clips, 80 voiceovers and 150 pieces of music. Though it makes choices in largely random fashion, the computer is surprisingly adept at editing together a pretty good movie. Sometimes. whiteonwhite played three shows at the Sundance Film Festival (it has also been performed in New York and will soon travel to Berlin and Santa Fe, New Mexico).
Infographic: A Look At The Size And Shape Of The Geosocial Universe In 2011 Thanks to Jesse Thomas of interactive design agency JESS3, we now have an updated look at the structure of the geosocial universe as it exists in anno domini 2011. It wasn’t so long ago that the International Astronomical Union booted Pluto out of the solar system or that MySpace was overtaking Yahoo! and Google as the most-visited site in the U.S. Well, a few rotations around the sun later, and the overall shape of the geosocial universe has changed dramatically.
Center for Science in the Earth System Welcome to the publications directory for the Climate Impacts Group. Please contact the web administrator for assistance with any of these publications. Jump to Year: In press In press 4 Inspiring Examples of Digital Storytelling Layla Revis is vice president of digital influence at Ogilvy PR Worldwide. Her specialties include international affairs, tourism and multicultural marketing. In 2011, Sundance Film Festival created The New Frontier Story Lab, an initiative created to foster the development of a new style of media production. As media began to depart from traditional, linear films intended for a passive audience, the launch represented an innovative new era in entertainment. The New Frontier Story Lab helped many an interactive narrative come to life.
38 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed Mashable has finally returned from Disney World (also known as the happiest place on earth) with the conclusion of Connect. Since returning, we've have no time to slump, turning out another great week of tools and resources for your social media pleasure. Read on for some great stories about how to use Gmail Labs to boost your productivity, 13 alternative ways to get your news online, and a ton of resource roundups for developers, designers, and small businesses alike. Looking for even more social media resources? This guide appears every weekend, and you can check out all the lists-gone-by here any time. The Global Campaign for Climate Action : The Global Campaign for Climate Action Top Climate News Brazil strips protections from 5.2 million hectares of land Brazil might be falling back into land use policies that sacrifice the long-term benefits of forests for the immediate gains of industry.
The Miracle Mile Paradox ARG by Transmedia LA Rexford Higgs, in the video above, is just one of many characters with which you will be able to interact as if they were real people in The Miracle Mile Paradox, an alternate reality game (ARG) set in a historic neighborhood of Los Angeles. The game will run for 14 weeks this summer and will be playable both online and in real life for free! It's simple! All the "in game" characters like Rex will have websites, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, even phone numbers, which you can read, follow and call as you discover pieces of the story. Think of it as an alternate world that overlaps with the real one that's a bit, shall we say, more dangerous & dramatic?
Twitter and the collective storytelling Along with Google and Facebook, Twitter has been an icon of the new Web. To learn from its success, in this post I take a look at the relationship between Twitter and the collective storytelling. As we know, an essential character of Web 2.0 is the embodiment of collectivism on the Web. Besides the often-mentioned collective intelligence, however, there are many other types of the embodiment of collectivism. One of them is collective storytelling---a particular joint between collective intelligence and collective behavior. As its name tells, storytelling is the combination of "story" and "telling".