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Jennifer's Little World blog - Parenting, craft and travel. 6 Must-See Math Videos That Will Inspire And Frighten. Math is one of those subjects that students and people in general either love or hate.

6 Must-See Math Videos That Will Inspire And Frighten

Part of this is due to individual personalities and interests, but it is also down to how the discipline is taught. Here are three inspirational math videos to excite your school and students about learning math, as well as three ‘not so’ inspirational videos to demonstrate just why math is so important. Conrad Wolfram: Teaching kids real math with computers British technologist and businessman Conrad Wolfram, is well known for his work in information technology and its applications.

He is also the brother of Stephen Wolfram, the founder of search engine, Wolfram Alpha. Music Is Math Hypnotic to watch, this video is created entirely through the power of mathematics. Teaching Math Without Words Another brilliant TED talk focusing on education, Matthew Peterson of MIND Research Institute talks about the visual approach to learning and teaching math.

Primary Resources - Free teaching resources, lesson plans, teaching ideas & worksheets for primary and elementary teachers. The essential field guide to serious funUNBORED. The Power of Put-Ups: Teaching Kids Kindness - Playful Learning Ecademy. Ages 4 to 104 In the Teaching Kids Kindness online class children are taught about the power of their words and the affects that put-ups and put-downs have on how people feel.

The Power of Put-Ups: Teaching Kids Kindness - Playful Learning Ecademy

Children learn how to navigate complex social situations, with an emphasis on building strong communication skills and respectful behavior towards others. Participants will have the opportunity to earn the Put-Up Power digital badge. Creative writing in the classroom: five top tips for teachers. 1.

Creative writing in the classroom: five top tips for teachers

The rules of writing I always tell students that there are no set rules for writing and they can write whatever they like. I don't subscribe to the notion that all good stories must have, for example, an attention-grabbing opening, a turning point, a twist at the end and an extended metaphor. Incorporating these into writing doesn't automatically mean a story works, and you will read wonderful writing follows none of these rules. French classes for preschoolers. Free Preview Section. Drain the Oceans. Sew everything. Alina's Adventures sew everything A P indicates a printable tutorial or pdf pattern.

sew everything

An F indicates a personal favorite. Easy Peasy All-in-One High School. My name is Lee Giles.

Easy Peasy All-in-One High School

I’m the founder of the Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool, a complete, online Christian curriculum. In 2012 I “went public” with my children’s homeschool assignments that I had been putting online. The site has grown very quickly and is too big now to be kept all in one place. As I’ve expanded to high school, I needed a new beginning. This site is where the high school courses for the Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool will be kept. This is free for you to use. Realize that you are all my guinea pigs. To be clear, EP is not an online school. This curriculum is intended to be college preparatory. Ranking children at 11 - what a waste. The plans announced (leaked?)

Ranking children at 11 - what a waste

Today about testing 11 year olds are about 'ranking' children. It seems as if the aim is to find the 'top' and 'bottom' 10 per cent. The idea behind ranking is trying to put human beings, with all their many characteristics, talents and quirks into 'order'. Mamascout. Arts, Crafts, & Play. Creative Playhouse: Bubble Dough. This is amazing!

Creative Playhouse: Bubble Dough

I sort of made it by accident, well not by accident, but just through curiosity... after making our Cold Sensory Snow with shaving foam and cornflour, I wondered what other liquids and cornflour would do. Id also seen Play Create Explore's wonderful Ice Cream Dough (which is on our list to do, I have a bottle of strawberry conditioner waiting just for this!) So I looked in my kitchen for what we had a lot of. Home. GE FOCUS FORWARD - Short Films, Big Ideas. Two boys, storytelling & child-led learning. Learning in the new millennium, part 2. So much interesting discussion on my last post!

learning in the new millennium, part 2

Do check out the comments . Such doubts we have about video games! Which makes sense: it’s something that we parents didn’t grow up with, which many of us don’t understand, yet it’s becoming a basic part of childhood for many of our kids. People always fear the unknown. And the media plays on fear. I respect any parent’s decision to keep video games out of their kids’ lives. But I think we’re doing our kids a disservice not to look at the entire picture of gaming. Home Page. Teachers Primary Pupils Secondary Students Events and PD "It gave me some good ideas to use in the classroom and ... a link that I can get all of the activities from.

Home Page

" Canada. Pearson College UWC in Canada organises a three week course every summer for 100 students from around the world, designed to strengthen the role that young people play as future community and world leaders.


The Pearson Seminar on Youth Leadership (PSYL) provides a unique learning environment and its framework includes discussions, presentations, guest speakers, workshops and interactive approaches to leadership training. Students are encouraged to broaden their perspectives on key world issues and are provided with the leadership skills they need to become leaders on themes of ecological sustainability, social justice and international understanding. Letter and Number Review Activities! Here are some more Alphabet and Number Reviews that have kept us busy. We bought a pack seashells from the dollar store and wrote each letter of the alphabet on each one, put some aquarium sand in a bin, and placed the shells in a row... Linking Learning and Life. About SAPERE - Introduction. SAPERE is the Society for the Advancement of Philosophical Enquiry and Reflection in Education.

Founded in 1992, SAPERE is the internationally recognised educational charity that brings together a network of people throughout the UK practising and promoting philosophical enquiry for children and communities, often referred to as P4C. This network enables SAPERE to have a stronger voice in the development of educational and social policy in the UK, and to promote the benefits of philosophical enquiry. SAPERE is based in Oxford, from where it co-ordinates and validates training courses in P4C, organises conferences and projects, and provides updates of new resources, courses and events to the growing P4C network. 30 Gross Motor Activities for Kids with Excess Energy on hands on. Pink and Green Mama. Bold colors. Wonderfarm — Musings on passion-driven homeschooling and learning to write. Especially, learning to write.

Let's Play Math! Homeschool Newsletter.