What leadership will look like when Generation Z takes over (and I love Pope Francis) If you want to understand Generation Z (born in the 200o’s), take a look at Pope Francis.
He is not just a new pope. He is revolutionizing the Vatican in a way that generation Z is likely to revolutionize secular institutions. For those of you who are not following Pope Francis, you should. He is so cool he makes me want to give money to the Catholic church. He is a Gen Z mascot. Francis was not trained to be a powerful man. This is exactly how Generation Z will view power: something that distracts from the real work of helping people. Generation Z will shore up institutions.The history of civilization is cyclical. Want to know what that will look like? Pope Francis models this behavior today when he tells everyone the church needs to stop focusing on fighting abortion and working against gay rights. For Generation Z, self-effacing action is the new authenticity.Do you know how you can tell what age someone is online? Pope Francis does not care for covering up. Ben Lichtenwalner sur Twitter : "The acronym is complete! Servant Leaders are THOROUGH > #ServantLeadership.
SERVANT Leaders are Thorough - Acronym Model. 9 Characteristics of Jesus as a Leader. 9 Characteristics of Jesus as a Leader The gospel of Mark begins by telling the reader about 9 characteristics of Jesus as a leader.
When you read the first chapter of Mark there are some distinctive traits of Christ that every team leader can learn from! There can be no doubt or question that Jesus Christ was the greatest of all leaders known to man. The biblical truths of his teachings and the pattern of his leadership are valuable to any leader. Here are 9 characteristics of Jesus as a leader: 1. As Jesus began his ministry he made it clear that there was a great power at work. In Matthew 3:13-15 the bible explains in more detail why Jesus began his ministry by not promoting himself but allowing John to be in charge. “Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. 2. After Jesus was baptized, the Gospel writer Mark says that ”at once the Spirit sent him out into the wilderness, and he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan.
7 Powerful Qualities of Servant-Leaders. 7 Powerful Qualities of Servant-Leaders Every act of leadership is an act of service.
Anything less is exploitation. The higher you go, the more people you get to serve. People aren’t in organizations to serve leaders. Leaders are in organizations to serve people. Weak leaders expect service; strong leaders give it. 5 fears: Self-importance ignites fear in servant-leaders. 5 fears of fledgling servants: Under-appreciation. Self-importance prevents you from serving. Get down in the dirt and put the ANT in serve. 7 behaviors of servant-leaders: Think like a waiter or waitress. Choose usefulness. Commit to create a great experience for others.Watch over; never hover.Inquire, understand, and connect.Don’t intrude or dominate.Anticipate needs. Life matters most to those who give the most. Greatest act of service: No one knows you’re serious until you deal with violators. Demonstrate commitment to servant-leadership by dealing promptly and firmly with violators. Make it safe to serve. Like this: