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Flipped Classroom

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Procomún. Lessons Worth Sharing. Instrucción en el modelo flipped classroom. Modelo Flipped Classroom. 'Flipped classroom' o la clase al revés. Flipped Learning: A response to 5 Criticisms -What’s Flipped Learning? Over the past two years, the Flipped Learning method has created quite a stir.

Flipped Learning: A response to 5 Criticisms -What’s Flipped Learning?

Some argue that this teaching method will completely transform education, while others say it is simply an opportunity for boring lectures to be viewed in new locations. While the debate goes on, the concept of Flipped Learning is not entirely new. Dr. Eric Mazur of Harvard University has been researching this type of learning since the early ’90s, and other educators have been applying pieces of the Flipped Learning method for even longer.

It is our opinion that one of the reasons this debate exists is because there is no true definition of what Flipped Learning is. With the above framework in mind, we tapped Twitter to learn what educators say are the downsides to implementing the Flipped Learning method, and we have provided our opinions that address the five major criticisms. Implementing the Flipped Learning method makes me, as the teacher, much less important. This could not be further from the truth!

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Tools. Experiencias. Aprendizaje Invertido. La Clase Invertida. Flipped Classroom. Educational Technologies: Center for Scholarly Technology. What does it mean to “invert” or “flip” a class?

Educational Technologies: Center for Scholarly Technology

Inverting or flipping a class is a blended learning approach that intentionally moves lectures, content and asynchronous activities into an online learning environment. Instructors can use face-to-face class time for homework and active learning methods that increase student engagement, deepen understanding of concepts and advance mastery of skills. Students are expected to go online in preparation for in-class activities as outlined by the instructor. Inverted Classroom StrategiesBenefits of ‘Flipping’ a ClassTechnologiesResources Inverted Classroom Strategies In practical terms, what are the core strategies and principles of flipping a class? 1. 2. 3. 4. Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts When Flipping Your Classroom #edchat.

Produce material for YOUR students to engage them outside the classroom.

Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts When Flipping Your Classroom #edchat

Generic content works as a starting point but students have greater faith in their own teacher’s input.Decide on a workflow solution and stick to it. I use Edmodo to set assignments and annotate responses. Students are happy with this solution as it is cross platform and supports learning with library and backpack resources.Set specific deadlines for your students. If they are given a date then unfortunately that can be construed as midnight!! The old hand-in mantra of next lesson doesn’t fit the ‘flipped‘ class idea and as such can present a problem.Provide access for students who aren’t connected to the internet at home. Sites/all/themes/echo360/files/Flipped_Classroom_Brief.pdf. The Flipped Classroom.

Blended learning

The Flipped Classroom. Personalized Learning, Flipped Classrooms, Video Watching: Last Gasps of the Old Education. Being Mobile | Blog Personalized Learning, Flipped Classrooms, Video Watching: Last Gasps of the Old Education As academics whose research area is K-12, we (CN, ES and the rest of our professorial tribe) have long touted the benefits of learn-by-doing, constructivist learning, social-constructivist learning, constructionist learning, etc.

Personalized Learning, Flipped Classrooms, Video Watching: Last Gasps of the Old Education

(Connected learning is the latest pedagogy in this family of student-centered pedagogies; it is espoused by researchers in the MacArthur Foundation network.) And we proudly point to classrooms where such learning is taking place. But, while it pains us to say it, the reality is this: The dominant pedagogy in the United States is still direct instruction, with a matching curriculum that was defined initially by the Committee of Ten, a national commission studying high schools that was headed by Charles Eliot, then president of Harvard University in 1893, updated by E. No surprise: modern technologies are used in service of "education as acquiring stuff. " An Annotated List of Flipped Class Tools and Resources.

Flipped Class Tool and Resource List from Turn to Your Neighbor We will keep a (clearly very incomplete) list of tools and resources we use and/or discover relative to flipped teaching here.

An Annotated List of Flipped Class Tools and Resources

Help us grow this list using the form at the bottom of the page. We try to emphasize free tools on this page. There are many paid, inexpensive tools that we are big fans of including Screenflow (screencasting software) and Learning Catalytics (classroom response and assessment system). 20 recursos para una Flipped Classroom. 20 recursos para una Flipped Classroom El mes pasado introducimos el concepto de Flipped Classroom en un primer post .

20 recursos para una Flipped Classroom

Con el artículo de hoy queremos profundizar un poco más en la cuestión, aportando un recopilatorio de 20 recursos básicos. Estos recursos están seleccionados por su aportación a la comprensión, construcción e implementación de dicho modelo didáctico y organizativo. SU13SurveyResultsFlippedLearning.pdf. Flipped Classroom: Understanding the Basics. The Flipped Classroom. EDpuzzle y dale la vuelta a tu clase! Seguro que a todos nos suena eso de "Flipped classroom" o el aula al revés.

EDpuzzle y dale la vuelta a tu clase!

Consiste en dejar las clases magistrales para casa y que el alumno participe de manera activa en el aula. Esta metodología es la que deberíamos utilizar en el desarrollo de un aprendizaje por proyectos, o basado en problemas, donde el trabajo práctico, las consultas, la investigación, la realización del producto final y la colaboración en grupo debe realizarse dentro del aula. Entonces... ¿cuándo les explico ese nuevo concepto, o esa teoría, o de dónde sale esta fórmula?... Porque en clase sólo les doy unas breves instrucciones los diez primeros minutos y luego les dejo hacer... Bueno, la solución es darle la vuelta a la clase y proporcionarles esas explicaciones en vídeo que puedan ver en casa de manera individual.

Con EDpuzzle podemos crear nuestras clases y asignar los vídeos que grabemos a nuestros alumnos. La herramienta es muy sencilla, con una interfaz muy clara. Aprendizaje Invertido.