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This Changes Everything - Climate Change Conference - Naomi Klein Q&A. Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis on adapting This Changes Everything. Canadian author and social activist Naomi Klein and her filmmaker husband Avi Lewis are adapting Klein's best-selling book This Changes Everything into a documentary.

Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis on adapting This Changes Everything

In their first ever joint interview about the project, they join guest Gill Deacon to explore the connections between climate change and capitalism, the challenges of turning a 500-page book into a two hour movie, and why they remain hopeful in the face of overwhelming environmental challenges. Click on the listen button above to hear the full segment, including an impromptu debate with Dragons' Den investor Michael Wekerle. Klein and Lewis share a sneak peek of their film this week in Toronto. Meantime, watch the book trailer for This Changes Everything. Canadian author and social activist Naomi Klein and her filmmaker husband Avi Lewis are adapting Klein's best-selling book This Changes Everything into a documentary. Klein and Lewis share a sneak peek of their film this week in Toronto. Naomi Klein: Addicted to risk. Naomi Klein: Copenhagen: Obama Better Go Back. When Obama arrives in Copenhagen tomorrow to support Chicago's Olympic bid, he will be showing the world that he is willing to schlep to Scandinavia for an event he considers important.

Naomi Klein: Copenhagen: Obama Better Go Back

The big question now is: will he do it again on December 7, when Copenhagen plays host to the United Nations summit on climate change, the highest-stakes environmental negotiations in history? British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has already pledged to be there, characterizing the summit as a last chance to pull the planet back from the brink. "I will go to Copenhagen to conclude the deal," Brown told the UN General Assembly.

"This is too important an agreement -- for the global economy, and for the future of every nation represented here -- to leave to our official negotiators. So I urge my fellow leaders to commit themselves to going to Copenhagen too. " No word so far on whether Obama will heed the call (remember that George Bush Sr. went to the Rio Earth Summit...). America's Teacher. Obama's Big Silence: The Race Question. Published in The Guardian Americans began the summer still celebrating the dawn of a "post-racial" era.

Obama's Big Silence: The Race Question

They are ending it under no such illusion. The summer of 2009 was all about race, beginning with Republican claims that Sonia Sotomayor, Barack Obama's nominee to the US Supreme Court, was "racist" against whites. Then, just as that scandal was dying down, up popped "the Gates controversy", the furore over the president's response to the arrest of African American academic Henry Louis Gates Jr in his own home. Obama's remark that the police had acted "stupidly" was evidence, according to massively popular Fox News host Glenn Beck, that the president "has a deep-seated hatred for white people".

Obama's supposed racism gave a jolt of energy to the fringe movement that claims he has been carrying out a lifelong conspiracy to cover up his (fictional) African birth. Naomi Klein. Published in The Phoenix Naomi Klein, black-clad and sharp-tongued mistress of the global anti-corporate left, friend to Occupiers and scourge of oil barons, stood outside a dressing room backstage at Boston's Orpheum Theatre one night last month, a clear-eyed baby boy on her hip.

Naomi Klein

"I'm really trying not to play the Earth Mother card," Klein told me over the phone the week before, as she talked about bringing Toma, her first child, into the world. But she didn't need to worry. A Lexicon of Disappointment. Naomi Klein: Real Change Depends on Stopping the Bailout Profite. To understand the meaning of the U.S. election results, it is worth looking back to the moment when everything changed for the Obama campaign.

Naomi Klein: Real Change Depends on Stopping the Bailout Profite

It was, without question, the moment when the economic crisis hit Wall Street. Up to that point, things weren't looking all that good for Barack Obama. The Democratic National Convention barely delivered a bump, while the appointment of Sarah Palin seemed to have shifted the momentum decisively over to John McCain. Then, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac failed, followed by insurance giant AIG, then Lehman Brothers. It was in this moment of economic vertigo that Obama found a new language. The New Trough : Rolling Stone. The New Trough : Rolling Stone. The New Trough : Rolling Stone. The New Trough : Rolling Stone. The New Trough : Rolling Stone. Naomi Klein : "Suivre la naissance d'un nouveau modèle économiqu. L'auteur de No Logo refait parler d'elle avec, cette fois, un documentaire : The Take.

Naomi Klein : "Suivre la naissance d'un nouveau modèle économiqu

Le film, tourné en Argentine, se penche sur le phenomène des entreprises autogérées par les salariés . Auteur en 1999 du best-seller international No logo : la tyrannie des marques, Naomi Klein revient sur le devant de la scène avec, cette fois-ci, un film : "The Take". Au travers de ce documentaire, qui sortira en salles le 27 avril prochain, la journaliste canadienne se penche sur une conséquence méconnue de la crise économique et financière dont a été victime l'Argentine en 2001. Après la fuite des capitaux, des milliers d'entreprises argentines se sont retrouvés sur le carreau, abandonnées par leurs dirigeants.

Certains salariés ont alors décidé de se fédérer pour relancer eux-mêmes ces entreprises, pilotées selon un principe de démocratie directe. Après votre livre "No Logo", vous avez choisi cette fois de poursuivre votre démarche au travers d'un documentaire. NAOMI KLEIN ET LA CRISE FINANCIÈRE - L’INTÉGRAL. Nous avons pu rencontrer Naomi Klein, cette journaliste et écrivaine canadienne, auteure du livre “No Logo”, et plus récemment de “ la stratégie du choc ” (2007, Actes Sud). Alors que la crise financière s’installe dans le monde entier, il nous a semblé utile d’entendre cette spécialiste du “capitalisme du désastre”. “ La stratégie du choc” à l’œuvre pendant la crise financière “La règle du néolibéralisme n’est pas le libre-marché, la règle c’est l’intérêt des multinationales” Dans cette première partie, Naomi Klein nous rappelle la stratégie de l’idéologie “néo-libérale”: profiter des crises pour installer un peu plus le système du “laissez-faire”.

Un système qui fonctionne sur les bulles spéculatives et le secours de l’Etat en cas de problème. Une stratégie politique Elle donne l’exemple édifiant du cyclone à la Nouvelle Orléans. Bush s’est invité à la TV et a déclaré que nous aurions « la société de propriétaires » à la Nouvelle-Orléans. . “ Après le krach financier de 1929. Naomi Klein veut passer la COP-15 au détecteur de mensonges. Profiles: Outside Agitator. The marquee outside the Bloor Cinema, in Toronto, advertised “The Last Mistress” at four, “Naomi Klein—the Shock Doctrine” at seven, and “Little Shop of Horrors” at nine-thirty.

Profiles: Outside Agitator

It was a warmish night. Profiles: Outside Agitator. The marquee outside the Bloor Cinema, in Toronto, advertised “The Last Mistress” at four, “Naomi Klein—the Shock Doctrine” at seven, and “Little Shop of Horrors” at nine-thirty.

Profiles: Outside Agitator

It was a warmish night. The falafel shop next door was doing a brisk business. A line of people holding tickets to the Naomi Klein event stretched to the end of the block and around the corner. Outside the entrance to the cinema, a middle-aged man and an elderly woman paced up and down selling copies of Socialist Action for a dollar. (The September issue included articles about capitalism’s contradictions, class war in Bolivia, and a commentary by Mumia Abu-Jamal—a regular feature.) “We apologize for starting late, but it’s typical activist time, so I’m sure you’re used to it,” a young woman organizer said from the stage. Profiles: Outside Agitator. Profiles: Outside Agitator. Profiles: Outside Agitator.

Profiles: Outside Agitator. Profiles: Outside Agitator. Profiles: Outside Agitator. Profiles: Outside Agitator.