Publish, ship, and install modern JavaScript for faster applications. Over 90% of browsers are capable of running modern JavaScript, but the prevalence of legacy JavaScript remains one of the biggest contributors to performance problems on the web today. is a simple web-based tool that calculates the size and performance improvement a site could achieve by delivering modern JavaScript syntax. The web today is limited by legacy JavaScript, and no single optimization will improve performance as much as writing, publishing, and shipping your web page or package using ES2017 syntax. Modern JavaScript # Modern JavaScript is not characterized as code written in a specific ECMAScript specification version, but rather in syntax that is supported by all modern browsers. Learn Node, React, Redux with Real World Project Tutorials. Essential Tips, Tricks, Scripts and Techniques for WebMasters. Wallaby - Integrated Continuous Test Runner for JavaScript.
JavaScript variable name validator. Wondering if you can use a given string as a variable name in JavaScript?
Learn how it works, or just use this tool. <strong>To use this tool, please <a href= JavaScript</a> and reload the page. </strong> permalink That’s a valid identifier according to ECMAScript 6 / Unicode 8.0.0. Uglify-js. UglifyJS is a JavaScript parser, minifier, compressor and beautifier toolkit.
Note: uglify-js@3 has a simplified API and CLI that is not backwards compatible with uglify-js@2.Documentation for UglifyJS 2.x releases can be found here.uglify-js only supports JavaScript (ECMAScript 5).To minify ECMAScript 2015 or above, transpile using tools like Babel. Install First make sure you have installed the latest version of node.js (You may need to restart your computer after this step). Google Developers. What is the Closure Compiler?
YUI Compressor. According to Yahoo!
's Exceptional Performance Team, 40% to 60% of Yahoo! 's users have an empty cache experience and about 20% of all page views are done with an empty cache (see this article by Tenni Theurer on the YUIBlog for more information on browser cache usage). This fact outlines the importance of keeping web pages as lightweight as possible.
Improving the engineering design of a page or a web application usually yields the biggest savings and that should always be a primary strategy. Closure Compiler Service. JavaScript variable name validator. JavaScript Tutor - Visualize JavaScript code execution to learn JavaScript online. Salvattore — A jQuery Masonry alternative with CSS-driven configuration. Memorizing a programming language using spaced repetition software. I've been doing this for a year, and it's the most helpful learning technique I've found in 14 years of computer programming.
Background: I'm an intermediate programmer. I didn't go to school for it. I just learned by necessity because I started a little website called CD Baby that just kept growing and growing, and I couldn't afford to hire a programmer, so I picked up a few $25 books on PHP, SQL, Linux, and Apache, and learned just enough to make it work, then used that little knowledge for years. But later, when I worked along side a REAL programmer, I was blown away by their vocabulary! It made me think about how much I've learned then immediately forgotten, over the years. I wanted to deeply memorize the commands and techniques of the language, and not forget them, so that they stay at the forefront of my mind whenever I need them. Spaced Repetition: When you hear a new fact, it's forgotten pretty quickly unless it's brought back to the forefront of your mind repeatedly.
JS Comparison Table. JSONLint - The JSON Validator. Online JavaScript beautifier. JavaScript Minifier. Video.js: The Player Framework. A Static Type Checker for JavaScript. Buy Plugins & Code from CodeCanyon. 5 JavaScript Style Guides — Including AirBnB, GitHub, & Google. Udemy Black Friday Sale — Thousands of Web Development & Software Development courses are on sale for only $10 for a limited time!
Full details and course recommendations can be found here. Whether you’re just starting to learn JavaScript, or getting ready for your big interview with AirBnB, here are 5 style guides that can help you write cleaner code. What the heck is a style guide? A style guide is a set of standards that outline how code should be written and organized. As you read through these guides, you can get an idea for how code is written at the respective companies. Why do we need style guides? For one main reason: Everyone writes code differently. Mrclay/minify: Combines. minifies, and serves CSS or Javascript files. Code Conventions for the JavaScript Programming Language. This is a set of coding conventions and rules for use in JavaScript programming.
The long-term value of software to an organization is in direct proportion to the quality of the codebase. Over its lifetime, a program will be handled by many pairs of hands and eyes. If a program is able to clearly communicate its structure and characteristics, it is less likely that it will break when modified in the never-too-distant future. Code conventions can help in reducing the brittleness of programs. All of our JavaScript code is sent directly to the public. JavaScript variable name validator.
Salvattore — A jQuery Masonry alternative with CSS-driven configuration. Packery. Masonry. JS Comparison Table. Regulex:JavaScript Regular Expression Visualizer. JSLint: The JavaScript Code Quality Tool. Polyfill - Wikiwand. Additional Resources on JavaScript - Help / Questions - The freeCodeCamp Forum. We've listened to everyone's feedback and made a ton of improvements to our forum.
Improvement #1: HTTPS Our open source community takes security seriously. Now everything on our forum is encrypted using SSL. Improvement #2: Simplified Categories. Flow: A Static Type Checker for JavaScript. Picturefill. 10 Priceless Resources for JavaScript Learners – JavaScript Scene – Medium.
Supercharge JavaScript development in Atom – Satyajit Sahoo – Medium. I know, editors are just tools, and the real power is within the programmer.
The editor still plays a major role in writing good code. I don't know about you, but even though I can probably write a small program using nano, it'll be damn difficult to get it right the first time. Yeah, the good ol' typos, missing parentheses and all. And it'll probably be much slower than having the luxury of autocomplete provided in the editor. Use JSDoc: Index. Découvrez Hyper Dev, le Codepen des applications JS. Closure Compiler Service. Python Tutor - Visualize Python, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, C, and C++ code execution. De jQuery à Vanilla JS. Oui alors jQuery, c'est sûrement très bien, ça simplifie pas mal de choses et le chaining est intéressant mais eeeest-ce que vous connaissez l'équivalent en pur JavaScript ?
Pas sûr hein. Ce petit article vous propose de quoi peut-être vous faire changer d'avis sur la bibliothèque qui pèse tout de même environ ~80ko. Vanilla JavaScript FTW. Mise en place de polyfills avec Modernizr et YepNope.js. Dans un article précédent, j’ai fait la présentation de Modernizr, une librairie JavaScript qui permet la détection de fonctionnalités du navigateur. Dans cet article, nous allons voir comment mettre en place un polyfill grâce à Modernizr et YepNope.js. Polyfill. Mise en place de polyfills avec Modernizr et YepNope.js. Live.js - One script closer to Designing in the Browser.
Compile Sass, Less, Jade, CoffeeScript on Mac, Windows & Linux with Live Browser Reload. Show my password, please · Matt Smith. Stop me if this sounds familiar: you’re logging into a site or app on your phone, carefully entering your password, you tap the sign-in button, and… “Incorrect password, please try again.” Ohhh, snap! You didn’t enter the wrong password, you simply tapped a wrong key. It’s something you likely would’ve caught if the login control provided a feature allowing you to view the password you entered. Here’s what I mean: Why do we need this? For a number of years we’ve seen mobile trends that suggest users are okay with the idea of removing password masking, at least to be able to see if the input is correct.
20 New Free Javascript and jQuery Plugins. John Resig developed the jQuery library in 2006, and since then this become the most popularJavaScript libraries on the web. Without a doubt, jQuery is well known and frequently used in the web design community. Jquery lets you prototype and create any kind of unique and creative user interface with minimal work and that is the reason why it increases in popularity each day. 40 JS Plugins All Web Developers Should Know About. We searched the web for the best JS plugins and libraries all web developers should know about, and came up with this awesome roundup of 40 most useful JS plugins for your inspiration! Add these gems to your toolbox! We categorized them, for easy browsing, into JS plugins for audio, buttons and switches, carousel sliders, data visualization, file upload, forms and search, images, layout, maps, modals, navigation, notifications, transition and effects and typography.
Huge thanks to the creators of these amazing JS plugins! Audio audio.js audio.js is a drop-in javascript library that allows HTML5’s <audio> tag to be used anywhere. Audioplayer.js. Javascript Beautifier and Formatter Online. Enter your messy, minified, or obfuscated Javascript (JS) into the field above to have it cleaned up and made pretty. The editor above also contains helpful line numbers and syntax highlighting.
There are many option to tailor the beautifier to your personal formatting tastes. Minify Javascript - Online Compressor / Packer. Minifying Javascript takes the pretty, well formed JS code that you have written and removes the spacing, indentation, newlines, and comments. These arie not required for Javascript to run successfully. It also makes the Javascript more difficult to read when viewing the source. Many developers will maintain a 'pretty' version, and upon deployment of their project run their scripts through a minification program. They also often combine their many script files into a single file. 10 jQuery Horizontal Scroll Demos & Plugins.
In today’s post we bring to you 10 jQuery Horizontal Scroll Demos & Plugins useful for those who see things horizontally. I guess we have to accept some people scroll both ways! :) 25 Free Resources for New JavaScript Developers. We asked our campers to share their favorite free resources for new JavaScript developers on Camper News. The list includes some time-tested books as well as podcasts and videos you may not have heard of yet. Books. Tool-Up Time: The Very Best Front End Web Developer Tools DebugMe Blog.
We talked a lot with our in-house web developer team, researched the topic for hours and hours and finally put together the DebugMe* list of front end web developer tools which can be useful for every web dev out there. *Our bug tracking and visual feedback giving solution is not on the list because we are more humble than that, however you should take a look at it and maybe give it a try. Webpack module bundler. Gists from JS Bin vs. CodePen vs. JSFiddle vs. Plunker – cunning ramblings in codecraft. Is anyone sick of choices yet? JSLint: The JavaScript Code Quality Tool. Closure Compiler Service. Annees bissextiles. JSHint, a JavaScript Code Quality Tool.
Js. Réduire la taille des ressources HTML, CSS et JavaScript Ces règles se déclenchent lorsque les analyses PageSpeed Insights indiquent que la taille de l'une de vos ressources pourrait faire l'objet d'une réduction. Présentation La réduction de la taille des ressources consiste à supprimer les octets inutiles, ceux utilisés par exemple par les espaces supplémentaires, les sauts de ligne et les mises en retrait. JSCompress: Minify Javascript Online / Online JavaScript Compression. JavaScript Minifier. GitHub - Haeresis/NodeAtlas: NodeAtlas is a full-stack JavaScript framework allows you to create Scalable website with SEO and W3C compliance.