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PenguinTutor Linux LPI practice exams

Logiciels Libres. Libre vs Propriétaire - A propos du site. Avec cette nouvelle rubrique "Pour Remplacer Un Logiciel Propriétaire", vise 2 objectifs : aider les personnes qui cherchent une alternative à leurs logiciels propriétaires. démontrer que l’une des forces du logiciel libre, c’est la diversité.

Libre vs Propriétaire - A propos du site

Notamment à répondre de différentes manières à une même problèmatique. AntiVirus & Sécurité. Logiciels libres ▶ Utilitaires ▶ 33 logiciels libres Sélection Des logiciels très utiles.

AntiVirus & Sécurité

ClamAV ClamAV, ou Clam Antivirus, est un puissant antivirus pour systèmes Unix WinPT La cryptographie libre sous GnuPG pour les windoziens adeptes des zolis fenêtres et du clicodrome.

Repo for linux

Apache sous centOS : installation et commandes de base (1) - PANGAR. Installation NFS + autofs sous CentOS. Resources. Writing shell scripts. With the thousands of commands available for the command line user, how can you remember them all?

Writing shell scripts.

The answer is, you don't. Learning the shell - Lesson 1: What is the shell? Simply put, the shell is a program that takes commands from the keyboard and gives them to the operating system to perform.

Learning the shell - Lesson 1: What is the shell?

In the old days, it was the only user interface available on a Unix-like system such as Linux. Nowadays, we have graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in addition to command line interfaces (CLIs) such as the shell. On most Linux systems a program called bash (which stands for Bourne Again SHell, an enhanced version of the original Unix shell program, sh, written by Steve Bourne) acts as the shell program.

Besides bash, there are other shell programs that can be installed in a Linux system. These include: ksh, tcsh and zsh. What's A "Terminal? " It's a program called a terminal emulator. Learning the shell - Lesson 1: What is the shell? The Linux Command Line by William E. Shotts, Jr. Start. Installation et configuration de SAMBA - Tutoriels Astuces et Infos. L’accès au partage Samba doit être temporaire selon demande et autorisation de l'administrateur.

Installation et configuration de SAMBA - Tutoriels Astuces et Infos

Nous créerons donc un seul et même utilisateur Samba pour lequel le mot de passe pourra être changé en fonction de la demande : Ø Création de l’utilisateur Samba dans la base UNIX (base PAM) et attribution du mot de passe: [root@gamma ~]# adduser smbuser [root@gamma ~]# passwd smbuser. Linux Mail Server Setup and Howto Guide. Webmin Guides. Wiki. Community. Ubuntu Linux - Tips and Tricks in using Ubuntu. Ubuntu Linux - Tips and Tricks in using Ubuntu - Tutorial Copyright © 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Lars Vogel Ubuntu - Typical Tasks This articles contains some information about handling a Ubuntu system.

Ubuntu Linux - Tips and Tricks in using Ubuntu

[Tuto] Asterisk: Installer et configurer Asterisk sous Debian 6 et Ubuntu » Denis Rosenkranz. InShare Dans ce tutoriel nous allons mettre en place un serveur de VOIP Asterisk sur un serveur linux Debian ou Ubuntu et passer un premier appel entre deux utilisateurs.

[Tuto] Asterisk: Installer et configurer Asterisk sous Debian 6 et Ubuntu » Denis Rosenkranz

Ceci n’est pas Asterisk. Core Section - Nagios Library. Welcome Nagios Core Users!

Core Section - Nagios Library

You'll find downloads, documentation, and tutorials on Nagios Core here in the Nagios Library. If you encounter problems, or require technical support for Nagios XI, please report these to our online support forum. Transforming IT Operations. Openbravo. How Linux is taking over the network. Is world domination by Linux a fanciful dream, or could it be a reality in ways we don't expect?

How Linux is taking over the network

Ubuntu Juju. Install Juju. Homepage - Docker: the Linux container engine. Gluster Community Website. Gluster Community Website. Salt Stack Home. CF [BETA] oVirt. Salt Stack Home. About Salt Stack. Main Page. Flexible Enterprise Cloud Made Simple. OpenShift by Red Hat. CF [BETA] About Apache CloudStack. Apache CloudStack is a top-level project of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). The project develops open source software for deploying public and private Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds. CloudStack provides an open and flexible cloud orchestration platform to deliver reliable and scalable private and public clouds. What's that mean, exactly? Apache CloudStack is a Java-based project that provides a management server and agents (if needed) for hypervisor hosts so that you can run an IaaS cloud.

About Apache CloudStack. Welcome to Cloud Foundry. oVirt. Ceph. Ceph. OpenShift by Red Hat. Puppet Open Source: IT Automation Software for System Administrators. Puppet Open Source is a flexible, customizable framework available under the Apache 2.0 license designed to help system administrators automate the many repetitive tasks they regularly perform. As a declarative, model-based approach to IT automation, it lets you define the desired state - or the “what” - of your infrastructure using the Puppet configuration language.

Once these configurations are deployed, Puppet automatically installs the necessary packages and starts the related services, and then regularly enforces the desired state. In automating the mundane, Puppet frees you to work on more challenging projects with higher business impact. Puppet Open Source is the underlying technology for Puppet Enterprise and runs on all major Linux distributions, major Unix platforms like Solaris, HP-UX, and AIX, and Microsoft Windows.

Getting Puppet There are several different ways to get Puppet Open Source: Community Learn More. About Vagrant - Vagrant. Vagrant is a tool for building complete development environments. With an easy-to-use workflow and focus on automation, Vagrant lowers development environment setup time, increases development/production parity, and makes the "works on my machine" excuse a relic of the past. Vagrant was started in January 2010 by Mitchell Hashimoto. For almost three years, Vagrant was a side-project for Mitchell, a project that he worked on in his free hours after his full time job. During this time, Vagrant grew to be trusted and used by a range of individuals to entire development teams in large companies. oVirt. MRTG - Tobi Oetiker's MRTG - The Multi Router Traffic Grapher. What it does You have a router, you want to know what it does all day long? Then MRTG is for you. It will monitor SNMP network devices and draw pretty pictures showing how much traffic has passed through each interface.

62 Software Categories And Their Open Source Alternatives. Guide to Open Source Cloud Projects. Opscode. MRTG - Tobi Oetiker's MRTG - The Multi Router Traffic Grapher. PING - Le Tutorial Facile. Stats Nov 2010 82'909 Visiteurs 146'476 Pages196 paysStatistiques completes Aidez-nous à traduire nos tutoriaux! Réseau. La commande lsof. Linux Certif - Documentation du mot clé 'lsof' License. Artica: Une console Web d'administration d'un serveur Linux pour entreprises.

Il existe de nombreuses console web d'administration. La plus connue de tous est "Webmin". Artica est un projet Open Source qui tente d'aller plus loin... Artica en 3 mots : Artica est un "front-end" d'administration d'un serveur Linux développé en Ajax/PHP et FreePascal. Qui peut être intéressé ? Vous gérez une petite entreprise, vous ne disposez pas des compétences Linux pour aborder les sujets tels que la messagerie, le proxy, le serveur de fichier, le VPN et le VDI mais vous souhaitez vous en équiper à moindre coûts. Continuez à lire ce billet. Vous êtes expert Linux voir un "geek" et ce depuis plusieurs années. Pour vous Linux n'a pas de "secrets"... Fermez cette page, cela ne vous intéressera pas. Certifications LPI - Formations Linux LPI. Examens blancs LPI 101 et LPI 102 - Formations Linux LPI. Voici quelques liens qui vous aideront à vous évaluer avant de passer les examens LPI 101 et 102 .

Examens blancs librement accessibles Les supports de formation aux LPI 101 et 102 de LPI Francophonie comportent chacun un exemple d’examen en français, que je trouve cependant un peu en dessous du niveau des vrais examens. Certains sites proposent également des tests en ligne, ces tests étant tous en anglais :