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'Like a Girl' Super Bowl commercial sparks '#likeaboy' backlash on Twitter. Always' Super Bowl commercial shows a group of people being asked to run, fight or throw 'like a girl' and their mocking responsesWhen young girls are asked to do the same, they run as fast as they canAfter the commercial aired, men took to Twitter to complain that there was not also a commercial for them and started the hashtag '#likeaboy'Other Twitter users slammed them for the idea By Dailymail.com Reporter Published: 19:20 GMT, 2 February 2015 | Updated: 19:59 GMT, 2 February 2015.
7 Tactics of Highly Effective Harassers: How A Voice for Men’s Internet Hate Machine works. 'Feminists hate men': Meet Mike Buchanan, the leader of Britain's new Justice for Men and Boys party - People - News. Buchanan quit the Tory party in 2009, after David Cameron announced support for all-women parliamentary candidate shortlists and has applied himself to promoting anti-feminism, and has written three books on the topic.
As well as saying that feminism is "vile", Buchanan and his party also believe that “fatherhood is being systematically removed from society” which means “taxpayers are subsidising sperm banks for single women and lesbians”. Party leader Mike Buchanan, a former Conservative party consultant who started his party in 2013, told The Independent: "If you look at it from a gynocentric perspective, [you say] that all our concern must be for women and girls, to the absolute exclusion of men and boys, they can go home – literally if they want to – [we're] pointing out that women are not these divine creatures.
" Justice for Men and Boys will be running for three seats in the May General Election - one in Shadow Minister for Women & Equalities Minister Gloria De Piero's seat. «Le féminisme radical» a créé les prêtres pédophiles. Why should men be feminists? Men’s rights activist: Civilization fails when women and their vaginas are allowed in the workplace. The founder of A Voice for Men, Paul Elam, went on “ManStream Media” to discuss how women have forever ruined the workplace and ended the possibility of humanity ever doing anything “excellent” again.
“There’s just a different way that men do things with each other,” he said, “and it results in excellence. In civilization. In the aqueducts being built. To people landing on the moon and cures being found to disease.” Elam offered as an example of such excellence what happens at a construction site when some “newbie comes in and accidentally pulls the trigger on the nail gun and plants one in his leg. “I’m sorry, ladies,” he continued, “but if we want society to advance, we need to leave men alone to do their work — to do their thing and be with each other to get things done. Therapist Tom Golden agreed, saying, “we’ve eliminated that from this country, and we’re paying the price for it.
“And the men were like, ‘What? “‘Hi!’” Watch the entire conversation below via YouTube. Janet “JudgyBitch” Bloomfield tries to lie her way out of a Twitter suspension; here’s proof of her targeted abuse. Slightly censored screenshot of one of Janet Bloomfield’s suspended accounts Janet “JudgyBitch” Bloomfield may not have mastered the fine art of public relations in the real world, but amongst those who live in imaginary worlds of their own making she is something of a PR genius.
Twitter’s Biggest Scumbag Chuck C. Johnson Outs Rape Victim To Teach Feminazis A Lesson. We continue to not know what to make of Rolling Stone’s horrific story on an alleged gang rape at the University of Virginia, but we are sure of one thing: Idiot man-child blogger Chuck C.
Johnson, who has been on this story like a maggot on a rotting corpse, continues to prove that he is the human equivalent of toxic sludge. Actually, we may be insulting toxic sludge. Johnson, as you recall, is the award-winning journalist who has been accused of fabricating a story about vote-buying in Mississippi, then later claimed that Michael Brown just might have had a juvenile homicide conviction, although — surprise, surprise — he didn’t.
He also attempted to find something scandalous in the fact that Kaci Hickox, the nurse who didn’t have Ebola, worked for the Centers for Disease Control, because somehow knowing about infectious diseases made her a biased insider who shouldn’t be trusted. Maxim's "Cure A Feminist" Spreads the Sexism Even Farther Than It Dared to Hope. I noticed a friend’s Facebook share the other day of a Maxim “article” along with a critique of the language of “lads mags.”
Here's the magazine feature, which is disgustingly violent in the most straightforward of ways, in order to give some context, but what I really want to talk about are some of the public conversations that have followed it. I noticed a friend's Facebook share the other day of a Maxim "article" along with a critique of the language of "lads mags. " Here's the magazine feature, which is disgustingly violent in the most straightforward of ways, in order to give some context, but what I really want to talk about are some of the public conversations that have followed it.
The Maxim page is a horrifying how-to project, complete with diagrams (for scientific precision!) , that teaches young men on how to "cure a feminist" and turn her into an "actual girl. " Why “Feminism” Today Disgusts Me. Before all the hate comes gushing in, I would like to declare myself a feminist.
What? Doesn’t the title of this article already state that I abhor feminism? Am I not one of the “slut-shaming” perverts ruled by my uncontrollable sexual urges that stem from me being male? No, I am simply against what the majority of ”feminists” call feminism and would like to say that feminism—correctly defined and fought for—is a beautiful ideal. I am a feminist. I believe that no woman should have to worry about getting raped on the lone walk home at any hour of the night. I believe in equal rights for women, but I do not believe in complete equality between man and woman. I believe many women in the world still live in oppression and I believe that it is something that needs to be solved. To all the haters who will not share my opinion and will most certainly curse me and my descendants that follow (unless they are women), I say to each their own. L'égalitarisme, c'est pas ce que vous croyez. Comprendre le gender en moins de 3 minutes (La Manif pour Tous)
Théorie du genre : pourquoi tant d'hystérie ? - CSD. Théorie du genre. Page. Sociologie de la beauté : le marché des femmes de la société patriarcale. * Beauté : dont le physique a un large succès dans la société.
Beauté et vénalité Le pseudo-féminisme parachève la prostitution de la femme. Alors qu’autrefois (patriarcat traditionnel) elle était vendue contre son gré lors de son mariage, aujourd’hui (patriarcat libéral) elle supervise elle-même sa propre vente (spéculation conjugale & »croqueuses de diamants »). Elle ne se prostitue plus pour survivre ou nourrir sa famille, mais désormais pour vivre la vie de luxe et de fastes vantés par la presse (prostitution consentante des adolescentes pour s’acheter des produits de luxe). Elle se met désormais à son compte personnel, en tant que prostituée-auto-entrepreneuse, et devient individualiste et carriériste. Cendrillon, ou la belle épouse-prostituée qui passe de la misère à la richesse en vendant son corps : « Trop belle, trop chère » – Alain Soral. Karen straughan. Men’s rights activist Paul Elam: “If we want society to advance, we need to leave men alone to do their work”
MRA and Paul Elam: Lures people away from anti-domestic violence site with a copycat. Photo by DANIEL MIHAILESCU/AFP/Getty Images Until recently, an online community of anti-feminist men (and a couple of women) who consider themselves "men's rights activists" were content to perform most of their "activism" by complaining about women online and overwhelming the comment sections of any feminist website, rendering them virtually unusable for people who actually want to discuss feminism.
But under the direction of Paul Elam for the site A Voice For Men, they've upped their game a bit in the past few months, holding a small conference to complain about how men are victimized by feminism and, of course, egging on Gamergate. Amanda Marcotte is a Brooklyn-based writer and DoubleX contributor. She also writes regularly for the Daily Beast, AlterNet, and USA Today.
The radical notion that women are adults. Karen straughan. Paul Elam. Being born in the mid 50’s, I grew up in a much different world than we live in today.
My father was career military, serving faithfully through two wars and bearing the scars to prove it. My mother served as well, being an army wife and raising three boys. She earned a masters degree with honors after, and only after, that job was done. My youth, of course, was rocked by the late 60’s and early 70’s, as was the rest of the country. I came to question and suspect, as did most everyone my age, everything my parents stood for. It also dawned on me that what they stood for was work, sacrifice and above all else, their children. I did my own stint in the service and found myself unsuited for the grueling conformity and dedication to tedium it requires in peacetime, though I can’t imagine I would have preferred walking in my fathers footsteps to the battlefield.
Unsuitable for the military and uninterested in manual labor I eventually escaped to college. Like marriage and family. Paul Elam. A Voice for Men. Janet Bloomfield. Girl Writes What. Regard critique sur "Movember", un mouvement masculiniste. Le mot anglophone Movember (contraction des mots moustache et november) désigne un événement qui a lieu chaque année au mois de novembre dans plusieurs pays du monde. Ce mouvement concerne les hommes et consiste à se laisser pousser la moustache pendant un mois afin d'attirer l'attention sur certains thèmes masculins. Apparemment lancé par un groupe d'australiens en 1999, ce concept est récupéré depuis 2004 par la Fondation Movember.
Son but est d'attirer l'attention et lever des fonds pour la lutte contre les maladies typiquement masculines (cancer de la prostate, etc.). Explications sur movember sur ce site : Depuis toujours, la recherche scientifique est centrée sur l'homme Ce mouvement prétend que les femmes auraient de l'avance sur les hommes en ce qui concerne la santé (voir l'article ci-dessous). A Voice for Men. Why Nikola Tesla Is a Hero to Men's Rights Activists. Une femme chez les masculinistes. No, women aren't as likely to commit violence as men. Not only is there no data that supports such a claim - a common cry in online comments sections - but the data that we do have proves the exact opposite.
Why Attacking Dr. Matt Taylor and #ShirtGate Belittles Feminism. (58) Bardock Obama - Timeline Photos. Masculinisme, antiféminisme, banalisation d’une pensée réactionnaire. Féminisme : les idées reçues. Fausse route par Élisabeth Badinter.