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Rem KOOLHAAS, un génie réactionnaire. L’architecte Rem Koolhaas marquera très certainement l’histoire de l’architecture par son immense talent, son inventivité, par un nouveau langage architectural rompant avec les styles dogmatiques des années 1980.

Rem KOOLHAAS, un génie réactionnaire.

Cette imagination se déploya également dans le domaine de l’urbanisme où l’architecte brisa également quelques conservatismes bien établis, autant ceux de l'école des Beaux-Arts, encore vigoureuse que ceux des architectes anciens militants de l'ex-Nouvelle-Gauche. Mais cette imagination ne se cantonna pas seulement dans le domaine particulier des formes et du renouveau stylistique ; Rem Koolhaas est également un grand théoricien s’employant à démontrer sa vision des choses par de nombreux textes. De cette considération d'impossibilité de changer marque non seulement le retour à l'immobilisme mais également de l'apolitisme, forme hypocrite du conservatisme. Les architectes SMITHSON. Décalage. Muséification. ACTE 2 : OMA et la nouvelle idéologie post-réaliste. Julian Beever. A.N.P.U. Dp_expo_anpu. Inauguration du Point Zéro, Tours / St Pierre des Corps - une vidéo Art et Création.

L'ANPU - une vidéo Art et Création. ANPU - une vidéo Art et Création. Coucher la ville sur le divan - A.N.P.U. Coucher la ville sur le divan Actus Prochaines dates Mardi 20 mai : Psychanalyse urbaine de Fecamp (Fecamp - 76) Vendredi 1er août : Psychanalyse du Bocage Normand (Pirou - 50) Du 22 au 25 septembre : Psychanalyse urbaine de Drancy (Drancy - 93) >> Voir tout...

Coucher la ville sur le divan - A.N.P.U.

Le pOlau. Art graphique urbain en Amérique du sud. MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU. Rosi – Le mani sulla città / Main basse sur la ville « (e)space & fiction. Movie title image.

Rosi – Le mani sulla città / Main basse sur la ville « (e)space & fiction

Image du titre du film. Copyright 1963 ARIES, 2005 Editions Montparnasse The Italian movies of 50s, 60s and 70s invented a new way to depict geography of Italy after second world war, especially urban landscapes. By describing what was supposed to become the geography of the new Italy, as well as its new architecture, urbanism and land planning, the Italian filmmakers wanted to show future face of Italy, turning back to the past. Le cinéma italien des années 50 aux années 70 a inventé une nouvelle façon de mettre en images la géographie de l’Italie de l’après guerre, en particulier les paysages urbains. English Français Reference English Sorry, no translation yet. Français "Main basse sur la ville" (Le mani sulla città), produit et réalisé en 1963 par Francesco Rosi, est un film intéressant à voir comme un film d’archives sur l’aménagement du territoire et l’urbanisme de l’Italie des années 60 mais aussi comme une mise en scène originale d’images géographiques.

Immaterials: Light painting WiFi. The city is filled with an invisible landscape of networks that is becoming an interwoven part of daily life.

Immaterials: Light painting WiFi

WiFi networks and increasingly sophisticated mobile phones are starting to influence how urban environments are experienced and understood. We want to explore and reveal what the immaterial terrain of WiFi looks like and how it relates to the city. Immaterials: light painting WiFi film by Timo Arnall, Jørn Knutsen and Einar Sneve Martinussen. This film is about investigating and contextualising WiFi networks through visualisation.

It is made by Timo Arnall, Jørn Knutsen, Einar Sneve Martinussen. Investigating WiFi In order to study the spatial and material qualities of wireless networks, we built a WiFi measuring rod that visualises WiFi signal strength as a bar of lights. WiFi outside the Oslo School of Architecture and Design The measuring rod is inspired by the poles land surveyors use to map and describe the physical landscape. Walking with the WiFi measuring rod. 'Tox' graffiti artist convicted of criminal damage. To some he is an urban icon, a street artist dedicated to bombing his tag on more, and riskier, places than any other in the UK.

'Tox' graffiti artist convicted of criminal damage

But Daniel Halpin – or Tox, "king of taggers" and scourge of London Underground's cleaning force – faces the possibility of prison walls as his only canvas after a jury decided his art was vandalism and convicted him of criminal damage. The 26-year-old, from Camden, north London, whose masked image and story of anarchism has featured on television documentaries and in magazines, was found guilty of a string of graffiti attacks across England after prosecutor Hugo Lodge told a jury: "He is no Banksy. He doesn't have the artistic skills, so he has to get his tag up as much as possible. " "His statement is Tox, Tox, Tox, Tox, over and over again," said Flynn after the trial at Blackfriars crown court, in which he gave evidence as an expert witness.

Graffiti artist Banksy unmasked ... as a former public schoolboy from middle-class suburbia. By Claudia Joseph for MailOnline Created: 13:38 GMT, 12 July 2008 He is perhaps the most famous, or infamous, artist alive.

Graffiti artist Banksy unmasked ... as a former public schoolboy from middle-class suburbia

To some a genius, to others a vandal. Always controversial, he inspires admiration and provokes outrage in equal measure. Since Banksy made his name with his trademark stencil-style 'guerrilla' art in public spaces - on walls in London, Brighton, Bristol and even on the West Bank barrier separating Israelis and Palestinians - his works have sold for hundreds of thousands of pounds. He has dozens of celebrity collectors including Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and Christina Aguilera. Enlarge. Lectrics. The Modern History.