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Immaterials: Light painting WiFi

Immaterials: Light painting WiFi
The city is filled with an invisible landscape of networks that is becoming an interwoven part of daily life. WiFi networks and increasingly sophisticated mobile phones are starting to influence how urban environments are experienced and understood. We want to explore and reveal what the immaterial terrain of WiFi looks like and how it relates to the city. Immaterials: light painting WiFi film by Timo Arnall, Jørn Knutsen and Einar Sneve Martinussen. This film is about investigating and contextualising WiFi networks through visualisation. It is made by Timo Arnall, Jørn Knutsen, Einar Sneve Martinussen. Investigating WiFi In order to study the spatial and material qualities of wireless networks, we built a WiFi measuring rod that visualises WiFi signal strength as a bar of lights. WiFi outside the Oslo School of Architecture and Design The measuring rod is inspired by the poles land surveyors use to map and describe the physical landscape. Walking with the WiFi measuring rod. Conclusions

Luz Interruptus Le 5 septembre dernier, OWNI suivait le collectif d'artistes espagnols de Luz Interruptus, dans leur préparatifs pour prendre possession des places boursières le 17 septembre suivant. Retour sur un groupe de précurseurs. Le 17 septembre, les collectifs nés des mouvements sociaux et démocratiques en Espagne, en Grèce, occuperont les bourses de New-York, Madrid, Londres, Tokyo, Athènes et d’autres villes encore. C’est aussi le jour de l’arrivée des marches des indignés à Paris, commencées en Espagne au mois de juillet dernier, avant l’ultime étape bruxelloise le 8 octobre.

SCÉNOGRAPHIE INTERACTIVE Le projet «Forest Balloon», créé par le collectif de designers Faktis a été présenté une première fois à la Modern Factory 6 à Angers, début 2010. Passant de 36 ballons à 48 et doté de sphères plastifiées polies, «Forest Balloon» a trouvé sa place le 25 septembre dernier lors de la soirée Jurassic Park au Mirabe à Barcelone. Placés en extérieur sur un mur de pierre parcouru de lierre, ces 48 ballons récupéraient le flux sonore de la musique des artistes présents à cette soirée. Chaque fréquence était distribuée à un ballon spécifique qui s’allumait dès qu’elle était présente. Cette installation était également dirigé par une wimote qui permettait, par son accéléromettre et ses boutons, de lancer des actions sur ce mur de lumière surplombant Barcelone.

Radial Convergence Posted: January 25th, 2011 | Author: Manuel Lima | Filed under: Uncategorized | When I first started grouping projects in VC by visual method, in June 2007, radial convergence was already the most popular group with roughly eight projects. You can see that early classification in a now-extinct page of, back in the day of June 10, 2007 (thanks to WayBackMachine): As you can see from the image above, those eight radial convergence projects were amongst the first to be indexed in VC. SOUNDINGS Soundings: A Contemporary ScoreAugust 10–November 3, 2013 MoMA's first major exhibition of sound art presents work by 16 of the most innovative contemporary artists working with sound. While these artists approach sound from a variety of disciplinary angles—the visual arts, architecture, performance, computer programming, and music—they share an interest in working with, rather than against or independent of, material realities and environments.

5 artistes de light painting prêts à vous éblouir Le light painting est une technique photographique utilisant l’exposition longue et des sources de lumières mobiles, permettant de réaliser des « peintures de lumière ». Possibilités infinies, beauté éclatante de la lumière dans l’ombre, les réalisations sont bien souvent irrésistibles. iStock by Getty Images vous fait découvrir 5 artistes éblouissants. Jadikan : Au royaume de la Lumière Sur son site internet, l’artiste français Jadikan annonce directement la couleur : « Bienvenue au Royaume de la Lumière ». Et Jadikan fait bien de nous y accueillir à bras ouverts, tant ses photos, qui mêlent avec habileté lieux désertés, architectures brutes et jeux de lumières, rendent hommage à l’art du light painting. Ici, la lumière se convertit en bombe de peinture éphémère pour habiller les murs et les lieux dans l’esprit d’un street art insaisissable et saisissant.

brianmatthewhart precursor [triptych] | 2013 this image consists of 108 individual photographic exposures. each section is 8" x 10", for a final dimension of 72" x 136". wundr jr lauren allison shaun andrew hands series | 2012 Word clouds considered harmful In his 2003 novel Pattern Recognition, William Gibson created a character named Cayce Pollard with an unusual psychosomatic affliction: She was allergic to brands. Even the logos on clothing were enough to make her skin crawl, but her worst reactions were triggered by the Michelin Tire mascot, Bibendum. Although it’s mildly satirical, I can relate to this condition, since I have a similar visceral reaction to word clouds, especially those produced as data visualization for stories. If you are fortunate enough to have no idea what a word cloud is, here is some background. A word cloud represents word usage in a document by resizing individual words in said document proportionally to how frequently they are used, and then jumbling them into some vaguely artistic arrangement. This technique first originated online in the 1990s as tag clouds (famously described as “the mullets of the Internet“), which were used to display the popularity of keywords in bookmarks.

The Floating Cinema: 2014: Extra-International THE FLOATING CINEMA: EXTRA-INTERNATIONAL 12 June – 21 September 2014 Extra-International events across London’s waterways So much more than cinema… The Floating Cinema 2014 presents a summer programme of events devised by artist duo Somewhere (Nina Pope and Karen Guthrie). This unique canal boat, designed by Duggan Morris Architects, will journey from east to west London, hosting on-board events such as performances, talks, workshops and screenings, alongside open air ‘Weekenders’ in partnership with leading film festivals and cultural partners from around the world. ‘Extra-International’ will focus on themes of migration, and the interpretation of the UK, its culture and its people through the experiences of other nationalities.

Light Sculptures by Makoto Tojiki The Man with No Shadow, 2009 The Horse with No Shadow, 2010 The Blue Bird 2009 Japanese artist Makoto Tojiki works primarily with light, exploring its use in installations, figurative sculptures, as well as kinetic pieces. His No Shadow works shown above are among my favorite, using long strands of lights to create representations of people and animals. See much more over in his gallery. Visualizing the Daily Traffic Patterns in Lisbon Traffic in Lisbon condensed in one day [] presents several visual experiments that map the routes of about 1,534 (taxi?) vehicles during 24 hours in Lisbon. Watch the beautiful animations below. See also 24 Hours of Traffic in the UK, 24 Hours of Air Flight Traffic, Britain from Above, Real Time Rome, Google Ridefinder and Cabspotting. Via @aaronkoblin.

"investigating and contextualising WiFi networks through visualisation" by agnesdelmotte Mar 9
