> Madkirill
Pourquoi De Gaulle refusa-t-il toujours de commémorer le débarquement du 6 juin ?
Extraits de l’excellent livre C’était de Gaulle d’Alain Peyrefitte Pourquoi Charles de Gaulle refusa-t-il toujours de commémorer le débarquement du 6 juin ?
C’était de Gaulle, Tome 2 (Édition de Fallois Fayard 1997), pages 84 à 87 Palais de l’Élysée, 30 octobre 1963 En nommant Jean Sainteny ministre des Anciens combattants en décembre 1962, le Général lui avait demandé de consacrer son énergie à l’année 1964. Elle était propice à raviver le souvenir de deux des années glorieuses : cinquantenaire de 1914 et vingtième anniversaire de 1944.
À la fin du Conseil du 30 octobre 1963 , Jean Sainteny a évoqué les cérémonies prévues pour la commémoration de la libération, Pompidou me prend à part : « Tâchez de faire revenir le Général sur son refus d’aller sur les plages de Normandie… » Je suis stupéfait et de l’information et de la demande. « Enfin, reprend Pompidou, prenez des précautions… Je m’y suis cassé les dents. » Sainteny m’apprend ensuite qu’il se les était déjà lui-même cassées. 13 mai 1964.
Homo History. March 11, 1778 – Lieutenant Gotthold Frederick Enslin becomes the first documented service member to be dismissed from the U.S. military for homosexuality.
Under an order from General George Washington which states "abhorrence and detestation of such infamous crimes," Lt. Enslin is drummed out of the Continental Army after being found guilty of sodomy. March 1, 1917 – The Articles of War of 1916 are implemented. A revision of the Articles of War of 1806, the new regulations detail statutes governing U.S. military discipline and justice. Under the category Miscellaneous Crimes and Offences, Article 93 states that any person subject to military law who commits "assault with intent to commit sodomy" shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. 1919 – Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin D.
June 4, 1920 – Congress approves modified Articles of War. 1921 –The U.S. 1941 – The U. January 20, 1950 – Army Regulation 600-443 is published, identifying three categories of homosexuals.
Classic San Francisco: The Garden Court in the Palace Hotel. Lunch in the Palace's Garden Court Crab cakes with scallop mousse ($19) Note: Today I’m beginning a series of revisiting classic San Francisco and Bay Area restaurants — those places in business for 50 years or more — that have become the foundation of today’s vibrant dining scene.
Today I’ll look at the Garden Court in the Palace Hotel.
Patricia Lockwood's Crowd-Pleasing Poetry. “It’s like if you had a bad daughter—a VERY bad daughter—and it is Thanksgiving, and she keeps yelling sexual things at the turkey as you set the platter down.”
This is how the poet Patricia Lockwood, an exemplar of brilliant silliness who has been called the poet laureate of Twitter, has described her own writing. She puts it mildly.
New Type Of Computer Capable Of Calculating 640TBs Of Data In One Billionth Of A Second, Could Revolutionize Computing. Silicon's Valley's Brutal Ageism. Other People's Pathologies - Ta-Nehisi Coates. Over the past week or so, Jonathan Chait and I have enjoyed an ongoing debate over the rhetoric the president employs when addressing African Americans.
Here is my initial installment, Chait's initial rebuttal, my subsequent reply, and Chait's latest riposte. Initially Chait argued that President Obama's habit of speaking about culture before black audiences was laudable because it would "urge positive habits and behavior" that are presumably found especially wanting in the black community.
Varieties of Religious Experience - John Updike.
There is no God: the revelation came to Dan Kellogg in the instant that he saw the World Trade Center South Tower fall.
He lived in Cincinnati but happened to be in New York, visiting his daughter in Brooklyn Heights, with a top-floor view of Lower Manhattan, less than a mile away. He was still puzzling over the vast quantities of persistent oily smoke, and the nature of the myriad pieces of what seemed to be white cardboard fluttering within the smoke's dark column, and who and what the perpetrators and purpose of this event might have been, when, as abruptly as a girl letting fall her silken gown, the entire skyscraper dropped its sheath and vanished, with a silvery rippling noise.
The earth below, which Dan could not see, groaned and spewed up a cloud of ash and pulverized matter that slowly, from his distant perspective, mushroomed upward.
Spurious Correlations. Dynamic Core Routine - Josh Cox. The Closing of the Right's Mind. Photo FLORENCE, Italy — The longstanding link between the political right and various Christian churches is breaking down across Europe.
This is largely because the right, like much of European society, has become more secular. Yet this hardly indicates progress: Animated by an anti-Islamic sentiment, the right’s position is endangering freedom of religion, as well as secularism and basic democratic traditions. Up to the 1950s, the cultural values endorsed by the right throughout much of Europe were not so different from the traditional religious values of Catholics and Protestants. Homosexuality was criminalized in many countries. Then came the 1960s.