Where am I Going? Jan Chappuis Feedback Loop. Grading Smarter Not Harder. Educational Leadership:Feedback for Learning:"How Am I Doing?" EDpuzzle. Plickers - Clickers, Simplified. Edtech Tools Get Creative With Formative Assessments. How can you prepare students for workplace experiences that don’t exist yet?
As an educator in this digital age, that’s one of my biggest challenges. Our students now in elementary school have never had a time in their lives where mobile technology wasn't present. Look at the most innovative technology we have today: iPhone, ChromeBook, Galaxy Note, iMac, or whatever your favorite tool might be. You are literally looking at the worst piece of technology our students will see in their lifetime. Educational Leadership:Feedback for Learning:Seven Keys to Effective Feedback.
13 Concrete Examples Of Better Feedback For Learning. By Grant Wiggins As readers may know, my article on feedback in the September edition of Educational Leadership has been one of the most widely read and downloaded articles of the year, according to ASCD data.
That’s gratifying feedback!