La poesía de los objetos. Hay días en que los relojes, las tazas, los sombreros o las llaves son simplemente objetos cotidianos, pobladores imprecisos de las casas, que se llevan con descuido de un lado a otro de los cuartos.
Pero hay también cuando esos mismos enseres habituales se cubren de importancia inesperada y pueden suscitar revelaciones que les convierten en tema de un poema. La poesía sobre objetos cotidianos es una de las formas que el poeta tiene de desprender sentidos trascendentes desde su realidad más inmediata. No hablo de baúles misteriosos, antiguos medallones o estatuillas de precio incalculable; hablo de las cosas más comunes y anodinas, aquellas sobre las que nadie piensa mucho: tiliches, utensilios, cosas de la vida diaria que terminan siendo de repente una especie de lado visible del espíritu. Fragmento de Oda a los Calcetines de Pablo Neruda.
Estos son los artículos que se desechan en la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos. (CNN) — Cepillos.
Billeteras. Barras de Snickers. Normalmente, una colección semejante de artículos de uso cotidiano podría despertar poco interés en la persona promedio. Archivo Digital de Ricardo Flores Magón. El obrero y la máquina 1 —¡Maldita máquina!
—exclama el obrero sudando de fatiga y de congoja. Two Books Wonder: How Long Until You Fall in Love With a Robot? WORK MATE MARRY LOVEHow Machines Shape Our Human DestinyBy Debora L.
Spar SEX ROBOTS AND VEGAN MEATAdventures at the Frontier of Birth, Food, Sex, and DeathBy Jenny Kleeman “Science fiction is not about the future,” the sci-fi novelist Samuel R. NPR Choice page. Querido Autómata – Backroom. En la introducción a su libro El rival de Prometeo.
Vida de autómatas ilustres, Patrick J. Vestigios. ¿Pueden los objetos establecer relaciones entre pasado y presente?
Syllabus for ARCH0297 Spring18 S01 Material Culture: Material Nature. We are living in a material world (cf.
Resisting the Politics of Everyday Life Course Syllabus. The Politics of Everyday Life is designed to study issues of experience, aesthetics, and practice in the study of human communication.
You will examine the relationship between politics and bodies, the dramatic nature of society, and the shared and public nature of culture. This course emphasizes the role different modes of communication play in a variety of contemporary social issues. The Critique of Everyday Life – Syllabus – Anna Kornbluh. The Critique of Everyday Life ENG 446 Everyday life is mundane, repetitive, and boring.
Yet ‘the everyday’ is absolutely fascinating to the genre of the novel, and is considered incredibly complex by important philosophies of socio-political relations like feminism and Marxism. NPR Choice page. This Is Inequity at the Boiling Point. Rabita bends down, fills a bowl with sand, lifts it atop her head, climbs up and down the stairs.
Up and down, countless times each day, even as the heat rises through the morning and the air gets sticky. Her legs ache from the climbing. ¿Qué es la Editorial Ultramarina? – Editorial Ultramarina C&D. ¿Que es la Editorial Ultramarina Cartonera&Digital? La artista Daniela Ortiz huye de España tras denunciar el racismo de los monumentos coloniales. Daniela Ortiz (Cuzco, 1985), artista y militante anticolonial de origen peruano y residente en Barcelona durante 13 años, anunció el pasado domingo en redes sociales que “hace un mes tuve que dejar mi casa, mi barrio y mi vida en Barcelona después de haber dado unas declaraciones en Espejo Público donde reivindicaba la necesidad de derribar el racismo de los monumentos coloniales”. El hospital de árboles. España vacía, España llena. Demografía: El éxodo urbano de España: la nueva despoblación del siglo XXI. Study Guide Coming Back to Life.
Racism Is Killing the Planet. Last week, my family and I attended an interfaith rally in Los Angeles in defense of Black life. We performed a group ritual in which we made noise for nine minutes to mark the last moments of George Floyd’s life. My wife, my oldest daughter, and I played African drums to mark those nine minutes with the rhythm of a beating heart. Da-dum, da-dum, da-dum, over and over again. While we drummed, I realized how difficult it is to keep up any physical activity for nine minutes straight. WELCOME — Joanna Macy & Her Work. Since its inception in the late 1970’s, it has helped countless thousands of people around the globe find solidarity and courage to act despite rapidly worsening social and ecological conditions. This work is also known as Deep Ecology Work (as in Germany, Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan), Active Hope (as in Japan) and Despair and Empowerment Work (as it was known in its first years). This work can be done alone and has enriched many individual lives, but it is designed for groups.
Its effect is deeper and more enduring when experienced interactively with others, for its approach is improvisational and its impact is synergistic. Workshops have varied in length from an evening to a full lunar cycle. Rastros humanos en las superficies del mundo – Contactos. Discarded coronavirus face masks and gloves rising threat to ocean life, conservationists warn. The rise in disposable face masks and gloves being used to prevent the spread of coronavirus is adding to the glut of plastic pollution threatening the health of oceans and marine life, environmentalists warn. On Wednesday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo issued an executive order, effective this weekend, that New Yorkers must now wear a mask when out in public in situations where social distancing isn’t possible.
Download the new Independent Premium app Sharing the full story, not just the headlines. Travel - Japan’s ancient way to save the planet. Reaching across the counter to pass us a beautifully wrapped pack of homemade senbei (rice crackers), the elderly shopkeeper joined in our admiration of the colourful designs. Each pack was nestled in traditional washi paper, which, the shopkeeper suggested, could be used again for gifts or to cover a notebook. “Mottainai,” she called as we left, wagging a finger with the perfect stern-grandmother tone to match. Ubiquitous in daily life, mottainai has been the go-to admonishment for waste in Japan for centuries, representing a meaningful connection between item and owner that’s deeply rooted in Buddhist culture.
Focussing on the essence of objects, it encourages people to look beyond our throwaway culture and value each item independently, adding the fourth “R” of “respect” to the well-known mantra of “reduce, reuse, recycle”. Tapas de un futuro pospetróleo - Juan del Río. 15/15\15 – Revista para una nueva civilización. Rooms Where Time Stops: Miyu Kojima’s Miniature Replicas of Lonely Deaths. Twenty seven-year old Miyu Kojima (previously) works for a company that cleans up after kodokushi (孤独死) or lonely deaths: a Japanese phenomenon of people dying alone and remaining undiscovered for a long period of time.
The instances first began to be reported around 2000, and are thought to be a product of increased social isolation coupled with a greying population. Atacar el sistema, cambiar el paradigma. Stopping Climate Change Will Never Be “Good Business” Bill McKibben, climate justice activist and founder of, professor of environmental studies, best-selling author, and journalist, needs little introduction. He has made enormous contributions to the public awareness of the need to prevent climate emergency. And he continues to promote important developments in the struggle, including Extinction Rebellion and the global September 20 climate strike.
Stopping Climate Change Will Never Be “Good Business” Environmental Center. Climate change affects our whole planet from it's wildlife to it's weather patterns. The statistics below are not meant to alarm you, but to paint a picture about what we're really facing. "The danger posed by war to all of humanity - and to our planet - is at least matched by the climate crisis and global warming," he said. "I believe that the world has reached a critical stage in its efforts to exercise responsible environmental stewardship. " -United Nations General Secretary Ban Ki Moon. Being Part of a System - STEP FORWARD. ‘We need everyone’: Greta Thunberg calls on adults to join climate strikes. Greta Thunberg and leading youth strikers for climate action from across the world have called for all adults to join a global general strike on 20 September. They are asking citizens to walk out of work just ahead of a crucial UN summit at which nations are being urged to declare much stronger ambition to tackle the climate emergency.
The call was issued as young people prepare for what organisers are claiming will be one of the biggest student strikes so far on Friday, with protests expected in 1,594 cities and towns in 118 countries, according to the Fridays for the Future website. Thunberg, the Swedish teenager who sparked the global movement with a solo protest last August, and 44 fellow protesters from across the globe, issued the call for a general strike in an article in the Guardian. The global strike is intended to start a week of climate action around the world. Basura – Historia y Cómic. Humans Are Speeding Extinction and Altering the Natural World at an ‘Unprecedented’ Pace. When Should You Freak Out About Climate Change? Right Now.
The Rich Get Richer Under Climate Change, 50 Years of Data Shows. Why climate action is the antithesis of white supremacy. U.N. Issues Climate Warning, Tells Leaders to Have Concrete Plans. Culture - How science fiction helps readers understand climate change. And Now, the Weather: Mars-like, With a Chance of Apocalypse. The Economics of Happiness (Abridged Version) La Barceloneta’s Struggle Against (Environmental) Gentrification. Barcelona restringirà el trànsit en episodis de contaminació. Theconversation. Barcelona Announces Europe's Largest Ban on Older Cars - CityLab. Reciclaje con Inclusión. Europa abre un expediente sancionador a España por la contaminación de Madrid y Barcelona. Superblocks to the rescue: Barcelona’s plan to give streets back to residents. MEDIACCIONA: Cuando la resistencia es la única opción de participación ambiental.