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7 Classroom Management Mistakes—and the Research on How to Fix Them. Misbehavior may also be a healthy part of a child’s social and emotional development.

7 Classroom Management Mistakes—and the Research on How to Fix Them

When children reach adolescence, their allegiances shift from adults to peers, and their abstract thinking skills sharpen dramatically, leading them to question—and even challenge—long-accepted authority structures. What may look like rule-breaking is really a way for children to test boundaries and assert their independence. While this may be obvious for veteran teachers, research shows that teacher training programs still tend to be focused on establishing strict rules while imposing consequences for misbehavior.

The Mythology and Symbolism of Bees in Christianity & Judaism. Bees and honey are mentioned quite often in the Bible.

The Mythology and Symbolism of Bees in Christianity & Judaism

This can only mean that bees, in particular, play a significant role in both Christianity and Judaism. They symbolize a lot of positive attributes that we can identify through a variety of scriptures. Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center - Ohio's Statewide Family Engagement Center. The Critical Truths Coaching Course. The Center for the Advancement of Christian Education. Teacher Training in East Africa.

English Language Proficiency Assessments. Skip to main content OSPI Building Closed to the Public Throughout the duration of the Governor’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” directive, OSPI will continue serving the public via phone, email, and the website.

English Language Proficiency Assessments

See OSPI’s COVID-19 guidance and resources for educators, students, and families. You are here Home » Student Success » Testing » State Assessments » English Language Proficiency Assessments Student Success English Language Proficiency Assessments Sign Up for ELPA21 Updates Quick Links Migrant & Bilingual Education Program Contact Information Leslie Huff Title III of the Every Student Succeeds Act requires states to assess the English language proficiency of students receiving English language development services at school.

How to Do Formative Assessment in Distance Learning. Whether we use synchronous or asynchronous online sessions, whether we call it distance or virtual learning, we’re all challenged to provide meaningful education experiences at a distance as the education world grapples with the impact of Covid-19.

How to Do Formative Assessment in Distance Learning

This type of learning is nothing new, but it is new to many of us and has caused us to quickly shift our practices. Formative assessment at a distance is challenging but possible, and we still need to check for understanding and provide meaningful feedback. The practices we use will look and sound different than they do in the classroom. Here are some ideas to consider. Formative Assessment at a Distance. 4 Guiding Questions for Effective Remote Collaboration in School Teams. Shelter-in-place, self-quarantine, and stay-at-home orders have created a new reality for educators, students, and families.

4 Guiding Questions for Effective Remote Collaboration in School Teams

While the context of our work has changed, our mission to serve our communities remains. But working in this new reality is a significant challenge, particularly given the uncertainty, ambiguity, and isolation experienced by so many members of our communities. So how do we respond to these challenges? Much of our work as educators happens in teams. Why Your Teachers Are Quitting: Did You S.A.T.? Dear Administrators, Please listen to your heart.

Why Your Teachers Are Quitting: Did You S.A.T.?

You’ve been wondering why your teachers keep quitting. You keep losing teachers. 7 Ways to Make Teaching a More Sustainable Profession. Years ago, a new teacher I was mentoring up and left the profession after two years.

7 Ways to Make Teaching a More Sustainable Profession

She was brilliant, enthusiastic, and well-loved by colleagues, students, and families, and she inspired me to write the book Why Great Teachers Quit and How We Might Stop the Exodus. With each day that I work with teachers, I am more convinced that it is vital to the future of public education that we make teaching a more sustainable, humane profession.

Research tells us that fostering strong relationships and giving students voice and agency as well as opportunities for active learning are necessary to engage and motivate them. But aren’t these important for teachers, too? We know that students feel the stress teachers bring to their jobs. We need schools to be more humane—for the sake of students and teachers. 7 Steps School Leaders Can Take to Support Teachers. Don’t Quit: 5 Strategies for Recovering After Your Worst Day Teaching. It’s that moment when you want to say, “I quit!”

Don’t Quit: 5 Strategies for Recovering After Your Worst Day Teaching

We don’t talk about those feelings because we’re supposed to be like those heroic teacher-as-savior figures that permeate popular narratives about our work. But here’s a secret: Most teachers, at some point, feel like giving up. Most feel the weight of not having done enough, the frustrations of negative media attention, and the challenges of apathetic or disruptive students. Year ago I posted this recipe and my... - The Farmer's Wife. Self care plan. Elementary Department goal for Kingdom Change. Elementary Department goal for Kingdom Change. Unhappy And Exhausted Teachers: How And Why Everyone Is Affected. This is a guest post written by Robyn Shulman of Ed News Daily.

Unhappy And Exhausted Teachers: How And Why Everyone Is Affected

“Teaching is not a profession. It is a never-ending entry-level vocation, divorced from foundational understandings of training, accountability, and advancement. If we are to enact meaningful reform, we must rescue teaching from its status as vocation and volunteerism, and recast it as a profession of rigor, creativity, and unlimited impact.” -From “Teaching in the 408” According to Google Analytics for this site, the 3 most common phrases typed in via Google that bring readers to ED News Daily are the following: Why did I become a teacher?

Combining these 3 simple phrases brings me to the conclusion that we have many teachers who are unhappy, looking for work outside the classroom, lacking funds, and are ready to leave the field all together. As education leaders, we set the tone, the mood, and deliver the expectations in the classroom on a daily basis. Facts about the education profession: Prevent Teacher Burnout With These 15 Smart Ideas. If a particularly rough day, class, or year has you wondering if you can keep going, you are not alone.

Prevent Teacher Burnout With These 15 Smart Ideas

Most teachers experience burnout at some point. Nearly eight percent of the teaching workforce is leaving every year, according to a report by the nonprofit Learning Policy Institute, and this isn’t due to retirement. This statistic is about twice the rate of high-achieving countries like Finland and Singapore. It’s also especially true in new teachers, with estimates suggesting that more than 40 percent of teachers leave within the first five years. 4 Ways to Support Teacher Mental Health Which is Good for Everyone. Teachers are stressed out. With the demands of classroom management and the pressures of meeting national standards, the expanded role of teachers in the US is causing chronic mental health issues.

As educators, we are quick to tend to the needs of our classroom community. In the process, we disregard our own mental health needs. This is undoubtedly contributing to the high attrition rate that is seen within the teaching profession. As we seek to build school communities that meet the needs of all of its members, this pattern in behavior must be interrupted. Teacher mental health matters Recent surveys suggest that the majority of teachers feel alarmingly stressed at work, and there has been a significant spike in the number of teachers describing their mental health as poor. How to Mentor New Teachers So They Won’t Quit. After over 30 years of teaching, I still recall my feelings of panic during my first year. I wondered how other teachers kept their heads above water with all the meetings to attend and papers to grade.

Every Sunday evening I asked myself how in the world I was going to finish my lesson plans and somehow maintain the semblance of a home life. I wondered if I would ever sleep again. I did have some experienced teachers who took a few moments each day to give me tips. My fondest memory is of a senior English teacher who often sat down with me to plan together. Free Staff Meeting Agenda: Developing Schoolwide Rules. Simple Ways Principals Can Show Teachers They Care.

We often use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to refer to students’ needs for safety and love, but teachers need to be seen and feel a sense of belonging just as much as their students do. Positive school culture starts with strong principal-teacher relationships. Nurture trust and mutual respect on a daily basis, with these easy ideas to show teachers you care.

6 Ways to Hold Respectful School Staff Meetings That Work. You know those times you need to suggest that people shouldn’t reheat last night’s fish dinner in the staff room microwave? The same is true for staff meeting behavior. Some people may not feel they’re doing anything wrong, because we all have different tolerance levels when it comes to actions and behavior. What doesn’t bother you might distract someone else.