Express 10.12 - Five Trends That Are Transforming Education. Five Trends That Are Transforming Education Bill Daggett In our rapidly changing world, how a school responds to emerging trends often determines that school's future.
At the International Center for Leadership in Education, we find and analyze the nation's most rapidly improving schools so that we can learn about—and showcase—what makes these schools flourish. Through this work, we have identified five transformative trends that are changing the face of education. Council Post: Six Military-Taught Principles For Precision Leadership. Much has been written and studied about military precision, from how to write an email to how to improve courtroom performance.
To be truly successful, our corporate leadership methods, too, should be modeled in a manner similar to the Air Force corporate structure. Yes, I said "corporate. " The Air Force is run like a business and led by a "CEO," the Secretary of the Air Force. Little did I know the Secretary of the Air Force would shape my professional growth early on in my Air Force career. Shortly after taking oath, Secretary Deborah Lee James stepped out of an up-armored SUV, surrounded by armed guards, onto my small forward operating base in Afghanistan. As a leadership student, purveyor and perfectionist, I continued to look into the details of my own leadership in the years that followed and studied her methods, writings and teachings, including her book, Aim High: Chart Your Course and Find Success. Harvard psychologist: The most emotionally intelligent people have these 12 traits. What makes someone great at their job?
Having knowledge, smarts and vision, to be sure. But what really distinguishes the world’s most successful leaders is emotional intelligence — or the ability to identify and monitor emotions (of their own and of others). Companies today are increasingly looking through the lens of emotional intelligence when hiring, promoting and developing their employees. Years of studies show that the more emotional intelligence someone has, the better their performance.
What most people fail to realize, though, is that mastering emotional intelligence doesn’t come naturally. 7 Ways to Make Teaching a More Sustainable Profession. Years ago, a new teacher I was mentoring up and left the profession after two years.
She was brilliant, enthusiastic, and well-loved by colleagues, students, and families, and she inspired me to write the book Why Great Teachers Quit and How We Might Stop the Exodus. With each day that I work with teachers, I am more convinced that it is vital to the future of public education that we make teaching a more sustainable, humane profession. Research tells us that fostering strong relationships and giving students voice and agency as well as opportunities for active learning are necessary to engage and motivate them. But aren’t these important for teachers, too? We know that students feel the stress teachers bring to their jobs. Want to Hire the Best? Look for These 3 Key Words on Every Single Resume. Unemployment is historically low.
Still, there's intense competition for the best jobs. Whether you're trying to hire top people, or even if you're an applicant trying to gain an edge over the competition, it turns out there's a simple shortcut you should be using -- something that separates the best applications and resumes from everybody else's. What do Amazon and Google do?
We've taken the time before to break down the tricks that big, highly sought-after companies like Amazon and Google use to identify the most promising candidates. These are companies that face a big challenge, if an enviable one: they get a massive number of applications for every open position, and they're often interviewing the cream of the crop. Rethinking Teacher Recruitment.
History of Education. Sense and Sensation: The Cognitive Science of Education (14-Part Series) Leadership and Management. Institutional Integrity. Creating a Nurturing, Supportive School Climate. Rethinking Schools to Teach 21st Century Skills. Teacher Supervision and Evaluation. Innovative School Cultures. Data-based Decision Making. Brain Research. Design Thinking. Reflective Practice. Technology Integration. Addressing Social Emotional Learning.
Promoting Diversity and Inclusion. STEM. The top 10 education books of 2018. Learning How to Learn: how to succeed in school without spending all your time studying; a guide for kids and teens Authors: Barbara Oakley, Terrence Sejnowski with Alistair McConville Publisher: Tarcherperigee Details: 240pp, £13.99 Learning How to Learn is written for children and gives a very accessible account of how our brains actually learn, accompanied by practical activities that you can put into action straight away.
As well as rescuing the idea of “learning how to learn”, this book is a landmark in another way. This is a particularly valuable task because so many traditional teacher injunctions can seem like they have no purpose other than to make children’s lives a misery. Read the full review here. Daisy Christodoulou is director of education at No More Marking and the author of Making Good Progress? The Teacher Gap Authors: Rebecca Allen and Sam Sims Publisher: Routledge Details: 166pp, £14.99 The Teacher Gap is such an exciting book. Read the review in full here. Details: 240pp, £20.
Managing the Strategic Planning Process. Managing School Finances. Enrollment Management. Marketing Our School. Cost of Private School Education. 4 Things the Parents of Successful Kids do Differently. All good parents want their kids to succeed, but if you look around at the general population, clearly not everybody ends up being a high achiever.
Why millions of people use this Japanese-inspired presentation technique.