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Hottest New Minecraft Skins - Faith skin Minecraft Skin. Business adventure man Minecraft Skin. Minecraft Skin Creator. It's one of the greatest indie games of all time, bought, played and loved by millions of gamers around the world and now some little clever clogs has released a neat little flash application to develop your favourite avatar for the game.

Minecraft Skin Creator

Skinkraft is the best Minecraft character creator out there. You can export your work to and proudly display your designs there. This produced app/game has already received very good feedback from users of the flash games site with an average rating of 88% after 4500 votes and 250,000 plays. The best way to use the Minecraft Skin Creator is to start from a blank white block man and proceed on. Noah ZInn - ShinySearch. Desert Temple at Spawn - Minecraft Seed Hunter.

Now that Minecraft 1.3 is out, it's time for another seed!

Desert Temple at Spawn - Minecraft Seed Hunter

This seed spawns you next to a desert village with a desert temple! Do you dare to go explore what's inside? Here's another view of the temple with part of the village being shown as well (click it to see larger): The temple is located approximately at x = 120 and y = 260.