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Fact Sheet: President Biden Methane Emissions, Today, President Biden is announcing bold actions consistent with his vision that tackling the climate crisis is not just an imperative, but one of the greatest economic opportunities of our time.

Fact Sheet: President Biden Methane Emissions,

When he thinks of climate, he thinks of jobs – and he knows that decisive actions will deliver for economies and jobs back home. The United States is leading the clean energy economy of the future with initiatives across a range of sectors and all stages of innovation: research, development, and deployment. The Department of Energy reports that while most energy sectors lost jobs in 2020, the sectors that continued growing amid the pandemic were wind generation, battery storage, and hybrid and electric vehicles. Globally, the International Energy Agency estimates that moving to a net-zero economy would create 30 million jobs worldwide by 2030 across energy, construction, and automotive sectors, 65% of which will be high-skilled jobs. Measuring Carbon Dioxide in Outdoor Air. Measuring carbon dioxide levels in outdoor air is both a simple and complex exercise.

Measuring Carbon Dioxide in Outdoor Air

One of the main problems with talking about regulating global CO2 levels is that scientists aren’t all in agreement on how to measure it. At the simplest level, the monthly average global CO2 levels has been measured since 1958 at the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii. At Mauna Loa, the remote location, undisturbed air, and minimal influences of human activity and vegetation are ideal for monitoring CO2 levels over time.

The data collected at Mauna Loa indicates a continual rise in global CO2 levels from less than 320ppm (parts per million) when measurements were first recorded to approximately 395ppm today. However, when it comes to measuring CO2 at the local level (or by country), the science becomes more complicated. To solve the problem of measuring CO2 levels on a local level, scientists have developed a 2-pronged approach.

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Scotland carbon market. Carbon trading and Registry System. Tenders. Carbon removal @delears companies. Companies with technology and carbon certificate. CO2 Removal Certificates (CORCs) Saudi green plan. Voluntary carbon market & offset & calculater. Space wether. UAE - CLIMATE PLAN. Climate tech ml+ai+ calculater. U.K climate. הערכות מדינת ישראל לשינוי האקלים. Climate tech v.c+investors+green bank. Carbon & climate tech. California clean tech. U.s plans for envirmental issues. Water & agricalture climate carbon tech. Sustainable Materials.

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Elactric vehicle+charger. SmartAir. Esco. Reckoning with the overlooked business risks of climate change. Renewable energy’s/ energy efficiency/ smart city. HYDROGEN. Esco#2. 5 G and the economics in the city. LED Street Name Signs. Business Case For Green Building Report WEB 2013 04 11 2. The Business Case for Green Building: A Review of the Costs and Benefits for Developers, Investors and Occupants. The Business Case for Green Building: A Review of the Costs and Benefits for Developers, Investors and Occupants examines whether or not it’s possible to attach a financial value to the cost and benefits of green buildings.

The Business Case for Green Building: A Review of the Costs and Benefits for Developers, Investors and Occupants

Today, green buildings can be delivered at a price comparable to conventional buildings and investments can be recouped through operational cost savings and, with the right design features, create a more productive workplace. Key findings of the report include: Planning and Sustainability.

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'Electrification of Everything' Would Spike US Electricity Use, but Lower Final Energy Consumption. Widespread deployment of EVs, heat pumps, and other electric technologies could increase U.S. electricity consumption by nearly 40 percent by mid-century, according to a new government report.

'Electrification of Everything' Would Spike US Electricity Use, but Lower Final Energy Consumption

The report, the second in the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Electrification Futures Study series, analyzes the demand-side impacts of a transition to electricity in transportation, residential and commercial buildings, and industry through 2050. The report authors developed three scenarios to assess changes in electricity demand growth under varying levels of economy-wide electrification. The scenarios are based on cost and performance projections in the first EFS report, as well as the authors’ review of current trends, the academic literature and use of an updated version of the EnergyPATHWAYS bottom-up modeling tool.

טכנולוגיה מבוססת בינה מלאכותית לשיתוף בהחלטות. Gartner: Four strategies to make smart cities work for citizens. Smart cities can only be successful if local government engages with citizens, opening up a dialogue to meet their needs, said Gartner today.

Gartner: Four strategies to make smart cities work for citizens

Developing IoT programmes without consulting the community is the wrong strategy, according to the analyst company. Smart cities are no longer just about optimised traffic patterns, parking management, efficient lighting, or improvements to public works, said analysts, but should instead be about a community-driven approach to deciding local priorities. What If London Were a National Park City? The Data Incubator. The Next Big Technology to Transform Government. Imagine this: Homeowners no longer need to buy title insurance.

The Next Big Technology to Transform Government

Want to build the city of the future? Here's your chance. Imagine an app that updates the locations of apartments for rent in real time, or intelligent street lights that only turn green when cars are waiting.

Want to build the city of the future? Here's your chance

Or picture a map — Minority Report-style, of course — that aggregates crime data, pinpointing areas where assaults and robberies occur most often. Welcome to the neighbourhood. Have you read the terms of service? All are ideas actually under consideration by the cities of Vancouver and Surrey, which have teamed up to compete for the $50-million jackpot offered by the federal Smart Cities Challenge.

בנק של רעיונות

קולקטיב אנרגיה. Innovative Team. Storage Facilities - מתקני איחסון. Inside Self-Storage. Videos of Storage Facilities. New Innovations. Iota. האקלים ועסקים. Bionic Plants. רובוטים במקום העבודה. זקנים. Big data. Big data videos. IOT. Computerized Energy Management Systems. Computer Programs. Array of Things. Privacy Notes 1: These sensors do not have the capability to measure or identify individuals. 2: Microphones and cameras in public spaces do not collect sensitive personally identifiable information (PII).

Array of Things

Microphone and camera images will be processed in near-real-time within the installed equipment, not transmitted or stored, with the exception of less than 1% of images at random times, saved for the purposes of image processing software calibration. Although these images will not contain PII, they will be controlled and protected with the same measures typically afforded PII. For more information and detail, please see the Privacy Policy. Home - Clean Growth Hub. Canada's clean technology advantage The global transition to a low-carbon, low-pollution and resource-efficient economy is an economic opportunity for Canada.

Home - Clean Growth Hub

Canada's clean technology producers and users are well positioned to compete and win in this global market.

Data Analysis of Municipal Waste

Data Platforms. Portal Satu Data Indonesia. Science Based Targets. The Case for Government Investment in Analytics. Government stands to gain $1 trillion globally from using data analytics.[1] Few government data teams have the resources to document their value, but those that do can show as much as eight-to-one return on their cost.

The Case for Government Investment in Analytics

There is significant non-financial benefit as well, as public faith in government may improve when saving time and money is paired with increased transparency and accountability. Many leading governments are already innovating with data and improving results, but these exemplars remain in the minority. While there are over 30,000[2] units of local government, only two dozen local governments have a data leader who participates in the Civic Analytics Network, a peer network of data leaders hosted by Harvard Kennedy School.


Smart City Videos. ערים תאומות דיגיטליות. תשתית עיר חכמה. What Work Cities. Fragile Cities. Smart Media. Digital Main Street - Transforming Bricks-and-Mortar. Array of Things. Govtech. 1. דו"ח מבקר המדינה בנושא ערים חכמות חושף פערים דיגיטליים משמעותיים בשלטון המוניצפאלי בישראל. בעוד ברשויות גדולות וחזקות יש לרוב מגוון שירותים מקוונים לתושבים, ברשויות קטנות וחלשות המצב הפוך, ולעתים אפילו אין להן אתר אינטרנט.

בדומה, ברשויות החזקות יש על פי רוב מנהלי מערכות מידע, אך מדובר רק במיעוט הרשויות שיש בהן בעל תפקיד זה. 100% Renewable Energy Cities. City Infrastructure -תעשתיות.