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My Handbound Books - Bookbinding Blog. ふっくらポケットのトートバッグの作り方. How to make your first robot. If you have purchased an "Instant Robot" shield, you can find a project using that shield here.

How to make your first robot

If you prefer the instructions in a single PDF, Dominic / Servello has made this nice PDF to download - Thanks :) Welcome :) Index to Tips. Materials. You are visitor number since 09/02/03Copyright 2000-2002 by Frank J.


Hoose, Jr. Home If you have not already done so, please read the Disclaimer (last updated 10/18/09) Raw Materials for the Mini Lathe. Free plans and pictures of PVC pipe projects. A site containing all things geeky. Easy 3D Printing Creator Apps. Fritzing. PROJECTS. An exploration into the possibilities for individual construction and customization of the most ubiquitous of electronic devices, the cellphone. … more Electronic Popables Electronic Popables is an interactive pop-up book that sparkles, sings, and moves.


The book integrates traditional pop-up mechanisms with thin, flexible, paper-based electronics and the result is a book that … more Codeable Objects Codeable Objects is a library for Processing that enables novice coders, designers and artists to rapidly design, customize and construct an artifact using geometric computation and digital fabrication The programming … more Self-folding Origami Paper A first-step toward origami robotics, I/O paper is a pair of origami papers in which the red (controller) paper senses how it is being folded and the white (output) paper … more. Buy USB Infrared Toy v2 [TES42756P] Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits. Kintsugi: the art of repairing broken ceramics. Did you know that in Japan, the act of repairing broken ceramics is an art form?

Kintsugi: the art of repairing broken ceramics

The 16th century ‘Kintsugi’, or ‘Kintsukuroi’, is a repairing technique that celebrates the broken item’s rich history by decorating its cracks instead of hiding them. This is done by applying a mixture of urushi (lacquer resin), rice glue, and powdered gold, silver, or platinum. No two Kintsugi patterns are the same, with each golden stream’s path depending on the extent and pattern of the break. The method gives the broken pottery piece new life and identity, making it good as new – sometimes better than the original, even. The video below was created by Greatcoat Films in London. How Quirky Works. Our Vision. Build a Camping Rocket Stove from Leftover Food Cans. Electronic Goldmine - Electronic Components, Parts, Test Equipment, Kits, Goldmine. Tutorials.

DIY « Filippa Malmegard. The Internet of Skills.

DIY « Filippa Malmegard

Forma Steel Decorative Shelf Bracket – 12 x 12 – Stainless. Wisdom of the Hands. BLOG.BOOKBINDERSWORKSHOP.COM: The "Lost Gutenbergs" 15th Century Style Binding Project. Lili's Bookbinding Blog. Education Community. Free Autodesk software and/or cloud-based services are subject to acceptance of and compliance with the terms of use or other applicable terms that accompany such software or cloud-based services.

Education Community

Software and cloud-based services subject to an Educational license may be used solely for Educational Purposes and shall not be used for commercial, professional or any other for-profit purposes. Students and educators are eligible for an individual educational license if they are enrolled or employed at a Qualified Educational Institution which has been accredited by an authorized governmental agency and has the primary purpose of teaching its enrolled students.

Learn more. Qualified Educational Institutions may access free educational licenses for the purposes of learning, teaching, training, research and development that are part of the instructional functions performed by the educational institution. Learn more. DIY Electronics And Appliances Repair. Learning DIY electronics and appliance repair can be very beneficial, because it enables people to save money and gain useful knowledge.

DIY Electronics And Appliances Repair

In the past, those who wish to learn how to build, modify, or repair electronic devices and appliances had to go to school or study under an electronics expert, but now, they can get comprehensive instructions on the Internet. Here is a list of websites that provide helpful information on how to make and fix different electronic devices and appliances. Radios DIY Crystal Radio: Clear instructions for building a basic crystal radio. Tutorial ~ Hanging Fabric Baskets Or Pockets. How to Build a Scratching Post. How I Fixed My Broken Rice Cooker: The Complete Illustrated Instructions.

Another day, another broken gadget.

How I Fixed My Broken Rice Cooker: The Complete Illustrated Instructions

Plastic-free rule #1 when something breaks is to try and fix it instead of replacing it. But that’s not always easy since so many appliances are built to be tossed instead of repaired. Well Easy Schmeasy. Fixing things is fun. Saves money. How to Repair a Table Lamp. Check the bulb first!

How to Repair a Table Lamp

When a lamp flickers or doesn't light up at all, chances are that one of the parts has gone bad. Here we’ll show you how to replace all the key parts. How much material does the laser burn away? In 2008 I sought to try and quantify the kerf of our laser cutter, or how much material the laser cutter burns away when cutting specific materials.

How much material does the laser burn away?

The idea behind providing this information is so you can make a more educated guess of what sizes to draw your shapes if you are needing a tolerance fit. This information is particularly relevant if you are creating inlays and slotting joints*. Please note that these are old figures, which we are hoping to update soon – we cannot guarantee super-precise kerf widths at this time. Prototyping for yourself is the best way to guarantee the perfect result but hopefully this info will give you an idea of what to expect. So anyway here are the results…