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Khan Academy: Learning Habits vs. Content Delivery in STEM Education
Email Share March 20, 2012 - by Guest Author 0 Email Share Co-written by David Castillo and Peter McIntosh Most math education analyses in urban high school classrooms focus on delivery of content: What content to deliver, when to deliver it, how to explain it, what textbooks to use, how much home work to assign, and more.
Smallpeice Trust: Engineering Courses and Careers - Structural Engineering
28th - 31st July 2014 Ever wondered how engineers design structures to resist storms and earthquakes? Or about the process they go through when choosing materials and shaping them into structures? Sponsored by Coventry University, this course could open the door to a career in solving some of the greatest challenges of our time. What will I be doing? • Learning about the fundamentals of structural engineering including pressures, stresses and strains
How to Evaluate a Startup Company
What a startup is worth comes up a lot when looking for money. The worth or evaluation of a startup is a inexact science that combines rules of thumb, some simple math, years of experience and eventually what someone will actually pay (or invest in you). In order to come up with these evaluations, you should have a systematic approach that can be vetted, modified and compared to other similar companies. Some Terms and Definitions Throughout this post, I will use the following terms and definitions:
25 Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom, By Degree Of Difficulty
How Can We Stop Cheating In Online Courses? 6.11K Views 0 Likes While clearly not every student is trying hard to take the slacker route, it's worth noting that picking out the students trying to take this route gets a little more complicated when you move from taking classes in person to taking classes online.
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Warner Yard
Osper Building the worlds first bank for kids. Osper are creating digital tools to teach young people how to manage money responsibly
EdTech: 100 Tech Tools for Teachers and Students
This post is #12 in DailyTekk’s famous Top 100 series which explores the best startups, gadgets, apps, websites and services in a given category. Total items listed: 104. Time to compile: 8+ hours. Follow @DailyTekk on Twitter to make sure you don’t miss a week! This post is quite a departure from last week’s subject: 100 Tools to Develop the Next Killer iOS or Android App.
50 Best iPad Apps for STEM Education
Despite early doubts, the iPad has proven to be an incredibly valuable tool for education, both in the classroom and in homes around America. By offering students, from elementary school all the way up to the university level, the chance to do some hands-on learning, exploring, and sometimes even educational gaming, the device makes education fun and exciting, something that isn’t always easy to do. With schools falling behind in math and science education and companies unable to find enough qualified professionals to fill jobs in science and technology fields, pushing STEM education is more important than ever.
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