Arctique / exploitation en zones limites
Protégeons l’Arctique des forages de Total. The irony: ConocoPhillips hopes to freeze thawing permafrost to drill more oil By Shannon Osaka on Aug 19, 2020 at 3:56 am. Living on a heating planet always comes with some ironies.
For one thing, the people who are most to blame for global warming (the rich and powerful) are also shielded from its worst effects. Meanwhile, airlines push fossil-fuel burning tourist flights to see Antarctica’s melting ice, and cruise companies hype energy-intensive trips to see polar bears in the Arctic before they’re gone.
Published on Monday, July 27, 2020 by Common Dreams Pressured by Climate Activist Groups, Deutsche Bank Ditches Drilling in the Arctic. Tell Chevron Not to Drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. En Arctique, le réchauffement climatique est bon pour le business. Keep Big Oil OUT Of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge !
Stop Big Oil From Drilling In The Arctic Ocean. Target: Barack Obama Goal: Reject plans to allow offshore drilling by Big Oil.
President Obama is still open to allowing oil companies to drill in the Arctic Ocean and new areas of the Gulf of Mexico. The decision leaves many wondering how serious President Obama is about combating climate change, which is arguably the greatest moral question of our time. It furthermore leaves him open to the accusations of hypocrisy and cynicism.
Take Action for the Arctic Ocean. Friends of the Earth: The Biggest Jobs on Earth. Dear Representative, The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is the nation’s largest wildlife refuge, and one of the world’s most unique, beautiful and unspoiled landscapes.
Hundreds of species of mammals, fish and birds, along with Alaska Native communities, call this area home. Yet, Fossil Fuel Empires want to drill for oil and gas and turn this pristine area into an energy sacrifice zone. Not only is the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge of significant ecological and cultural importance, it is also experiencing the impacts of climate disruption twice as fast as the rest of the nation. To preserve and protect this area for present and future generations, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge must be designated as wilderness to place it off limits to fossil fuel development.
Our nation is committed to taking urgent action to curb climate disruption and protect our last wild places, and the only way to accomplish both is to leave fossil fuels in the ground.
Tell Obama to Say "NO" to New Offshore Drilling!
Statoil is Latest Oil Company to Abandon Arctic Ocean Drilling. Friends of the Earth: The Biggest Jobs on Earth. You have to see these pictures of Seattle’s kayaking climate protesters. An estimated 500 climate activists took to kayaks, canoes, paddleboards, and even a solar-powered party barge on Saturday to tell Shell to get the hell out of Seattle.
Rallying cry: #sHellNo! The oil giant brought a huge drilling rig, the Polar Pioneer, to the city’s port on Thursday, over objections from the mayor, city council, and a whole lot of pissed-off Seattleites.
President Obama - Don't Risk an Arctic Oil Disaster That Could Kill Polar Bears and Whales. Holly Novotne, AZ May 12, 11:47 Doris LeVasseur, NH.
Friends of the Earth. Give Ringed Seals the Home They Need. Stand Against Reckless Drilling in the Arctic Ocean - Ocean Conservancy.
Stand Against Reckless Drilling in the Arctic Ocean - Ocean Conservancy. Obama to protect Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Declaring ANWR on the GOP President Obama is picking a big fight with oil-lovin’ Republicans, and the green community is delighted.
Seems he’s still feeling pugnacious after his State of the Union address last week. For more than 30 years, conservationists have pushed for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to be permanently protected from oil and gas development. Obama now says he wants to do just that.
Stop Risky Oil Drilling in the Arctic Ocean - Ocean Conservancy. 9th Circuit dismisses Shell's pre-emptive lawsuit against environmentalists. Alaska Dispatch News, November 12, 2014 9th Circuit dismisses Shell's pre-emptive lawsuit against environmentalists By Yereth Rosen A federal appeals court on Wednesday threw out a Royal Dutch Shell lawsuit that was intended to inoculate the company’s oil-spill plans from challenges by environmentalists.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Shell’s 2012 lawsuit against numerous environmental groups, including Greenpeace and the Center for Biological Diversity, represented a “novel legal strategy” but violated the U.S. Constitution.
Statoil’s Killer Blow to Norway’s Green Credentials » MayDay MayDay MayDay. It’s a puzzling place, Norway.
On the one hand, like its Scandinavian neighbours, the country boasts a far higher degree of environmental sophistication than Britain and several other Western democracies. Electrified transport systems and renewables are years ahead of ours; recycling and the quest for locally sourced produce are deeply engrained in the national consumer fabric. The country has also taken a leadership position on climate change, notably pledging vast sums to combat deforestation in the developing world. The people in charge of this effort are impressive, dedicated and decent.
Arctic Drilling: Promising Frontier or Too Risky?
What are the biggest opportunities and challenges of drilling in the Arctic Ocean off Alaska's northern coast?
Parallel efforts are underway to start drilling in this northernmost ocean. After its plans to drill this summer encountered multiple problems, including treacherous weather conditions, Shell has submitted a new, less extensive exploratory plan to the Obama administration for next summer. The Interior Department is also seeking public comment—ending on Dec. 3—for oil and natural-gas lease sales for the Chukchi Sea, the same general area where Shell is seeking to drill. Meanwhile, Interior recently said it will wait till next year to propose new rules for oil and gas development in the Arctic, according to FuelFix.
If oil spills in the Arctic and no one is around to clean it up, does it just stay there?
Oil and shipping companies are salivating as the climate change that they helped cause melts away the ice at the top of the world.
Planning and exploration is underway for an Arctic drilling and shipping boom. But what aren’t underway are meaningful preparations for responding to the oil that will inevitably be spilled into the remote and rugged Arctic environment by these accident-prone industries. The National Research Council has catalogued these hazards in a new report, warning that the lack of Arctic infrastructure would become a “significant liability” should oil be spilled. “It is unlikely that responders could quickly react to an oil spill unless there were improved port and air access, stronger supply chains, and increased capacity to handle equipment, supplies, and personnel,” wrote the council in a report requested by the American Petroleum Institute and various U.S. agencies.
Greenland's First Female PM Says "No" To Arctic Drilling. The new government of Greenland will not grant any fresh offshore oil and gas drilling licenses in the country’s Arctic waters and will also place existing licenses under greater scrutiny.
The moratorium is a result of concerns raised by Greenpeace about the risk of oil spills and the fear that offshore oil and gas operations will increase climate change. At the end of March, 47-year-old Aleqa Hammond became Greenland’s first female prime minister. Earlier in the month, her social democratic Siumut party won 42.8% of the vote, beating the sitting prime minister and his socialist Inuit Ataqatigiit party, which came in at 34%.
This is the first change in parties in 30 years, and it looks like Ms. Hammond is determined to make a difference.
Arctic oil spill is certain if drilling goes ahead, says top scientist. A serious oil spill in the Arctic is a "dead cert" if drilling goes ahead, with potentially devastating consequences for the pristine region, according to a leading marine scientist who played a key role in analysis of BP's Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The warning came as Russia filed court orders this week to have Greenpeace activists and journalists kept in prison for a further three months in prison before their trial over a protest at Arctic oil dirlling. Concerns about the potentially dire consequences of drilling for oil in the region have intensified as the Russian government and others have begun exploration under the Arctic seas.
In such a cold region, any spill would be much more troublesome, because the oil would not naturally disperse as it does in warmer waters, and because of the difficulty of mounting a clean-up operation in hostile weather conditions.
Piégés dans une prison russe. 83,108 ont signé. Aidez-nous à atteindre 1,250,000. Les citoyens ont parlé : l’Arctique doit être sanctuarisé!
74 % des citoyens-nes du monde pensent que les gouvernements devraient créer une zone naturelle protégée dans l’océan Arctique, autour du pôle Nord, pour protéger les espèces terrestres et marines, et 71 % estiment que l’exploitation pétrolière, entre autres industries lourdes, devrait être interdite dans l’ensemble de l’océan Arctique.
L’Arctic Sunrise rentre à la maison. Tôt ce matin, nous avons reçu un appel inattendu de Mourmansk… Au bout du fil, nos avocats basés en Russie.
Protest Against Arctic Oil Shipment in Rotterdam. Alaska Hunts Oil as Arctic Damage Shows Most Change From Climate. GreenpeaceSuomi : Oil spill in Gazprom...
Mais où est le Conseil de l'Arctique ?
Il existe une instance que toute personne passionnée par le Grand Nord devrait connaître et suivre : le Conseil de l’Arctique. Un conseil aux objectifs louables. Are We Ready to Drill in the Arctic? Kulluk Incident Raises New Questions. Note: This is a guest post from Marilyn Heiman who directs efforts to protect the U.S.
Arctic Ocean for The Pew Charitable Trusts. The recent grounding of a Shell oil rig near Alaska’s Kodiak Island may have been the biggest mishap of the 2012 Arctic drilling season, but it was hardly the only one. This past year, the exploration in America’s Arctic Ocean has been characterized by one problem after another, including the near grounding of a second rig and safety and engineering concerns that prevented deployment of a promised oil spill containment barge.
Taken together, these missteps raise a serious question that goes beyond any single accident or, for that matter, any single oil company: is the United States ready to drill in such a remote and risky setting?
Arctic Drilling Proves Dangerous Again. The Huffington Post, January 2, 2013. Government Urged to Conduct New Review of Arctic Drilling After Coral Discovery in Shell's Drill Zone.
For Immediate Release, August 16, 2012. Des derricks à l’assaut de l’Arctique - Environnement. Arctique : Total fera-t-il tâche (d'huile) ?
Après la suspension des forages par Shell puis par Gazprom ces dernières semaines, Total fait aujourd’hui une annonce fracassante en matière d’exploitation du pétrole en Arctique. Dans le Financial Time aujourd’hui quelques heures seulement après la confirmation de la condamnation de Total par la Cour de cassation dans l’affaire Erika, Christophe de Margerie explique que «Les industriels devraient s’abstenir de chercher du pétrole dans ces eaux car les risques liés à l’environnement y sont trop élevés ».
Le PDG de Total souligne ensuite qu’une « marée noire ferait trop de dégâts pour l’image de la compagnie».C’est un message clair lancé par l’une des plus grandes compagnies pétrolières au monde qui pourrait sonner comme un coup de semonce dans le milieu des investisseurs : forer en Arctique est risqué. Pour l’environnement, mais aussi pour des questions de réputation, d’assurances, de financements.
Total's purchase of Arctic oil shipment sparks row over offshore exploration. Video - Un gigantesque iceberg s'est détaché d’un glacier au Groenland. Un iceberg faisant deux fois la taille de Manhattan s’est détaché du glacier Petermann, au Groenland. Selon les scientifiques, cela pourrait accélérer l’avancée de la glace dans les eaux de la région. Avez-vous déjà partagé cet article?
Official Anonymous #SaveTheArtic - Phase 1 and 2 [REUPLOAD AND SHARE]
Animals Footing the Bill of Oil and Coal. How To Purchase the Arctic With Only $4 Billion. Mobilisons nous SAUVONS L'ARCTIQUE. Oil Drilling in the Arctic Isn't Worth the Risk. Arctique en danger ! - Greenpeace France. Greenpeace. IrinaGreenVoice : Statoil has a surprising new...