5 Unbreakable Rules of Landing Page Design. When creating a landing page for your website, it is important to make sure that it is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and free of errors.
This article will tell you the five unbreakable rules of landing page design that can make or break your website. The landing page of your website fulfils many functions. It’s like a front door to your website: it provides the user a snapshot of your topic or productits visual design and colors convey subtle information about your professionalism, trustworthiness, and attitudeits links and organization reveal the structure and contents of the rest of your siteand the words you choose and how you use them reflect on your attention to detail and dedication to your product or topic. With your landing page conveying so much, it is important to get it right. Include media The first rule of landing page design is to always include a picture or video, especially if you are selling a product.
Avoid clutter Use perfect grammar and spelling Use colors wisely. StumbleUpon. 26 Great Facebook Landing Page Examples. Welcoming people has been a sign of respect and politeness for a long, long time.
Businesses can do the same and welcome users who arrive at their page. Having a great Facebook landing page can also help to engage new users from the first interaction. Below is a list of Facebook welcome pages that are great for reasons such as engaging content, call-to-actions, incentives, design, interactivity and so on. While compiling this list I browsed about 600 or so Facebook pages from which most of them didn’t have a landing page or had a really poor one.
How to Create a Squeeze Page That Converts at 21.7% (Case Study) I think you’ll agree with me when I say: It’s REALLY hard to convert ice cold traffic into email subscribers.
Or is it? Well, it turns out, you can dramatically increase your site’s email signups by adding one simple page to your site… …a page that’s converting 21.7% of my traffic into new email subscribers. And in today’s post (and video) I’m going to show you what that page is…and exactly how you can easily add one to your site. Bonus: Download a free checklist that will show you exactly how to create your own high converting squeeze page. How I Accidentally Discovered The Secret to High Converting Pages Before I show you my high-converting page, let me share a quick story with you.
Backlinko’s traffic has grown consistently over the last 6-months: While I was (obviously) happy with my traffic, there was one VERY important area of my business that I wasn’t as happy with: conversions. Contrast the traffic chart above to my blog’s average conversion rate over the same time period: Think about it: Seal the Deal: 10 Tips for Writing the Ultimate Landing Page. 10 Landing Page Optimization Tactics.
Home > Best of Larry Chase's Top 10 Internet Marketing Tips If you run PPC campaigns, landing pages are critical to your success.
If you run email marketing campaigns, landing pages are critical. In fact, landing pages are critical to organic search engine marketing, press releases and just about all Internet marketing efforts. Internet cognoscenti know to spend as much time developing the landing page as they do on the offer that drove their visitors to that page in the first place. Sponsored Listing 2014 Mobile Predictions Download the Forrester 2014 Mobile Trends report to discover the trends that are transforming business as we know it—and the strategies you need to gain a competitive edge.
Download now As publisher of Web Digest For Marketers, I see what works and what doesn't. Below are my top 10 tactics for creating successful landing pages that will help you recoup your investment sooner rather than later. 1. 2. 3. Remember, many computers aren't running the latest apps. 4. 5. 6. 7. Seal the Deal: 10 Tips for Writing the Ultimate Landing Page. Untitled. Landing Page: Create, Publish and Optimize for Free. Landing Pages Turn Traffic Into Money.