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Georgia FFA sur Twitter : "@GA_FFA state officers starting day 2 of Facilitation training & COLT conference planning with @rhettlaubach #leaders. Yns1 (Rhett Laubach) Yns1 : #Change requires #leadership. Yns1 (Rhett Laubach) How to make an impact. Today. Fostering Relationships: What Clicks Reveal About Human Nature. Clicks (using this spelling instead of cliques) aren't bad.

Fostering Relationships: What Clicks Reveal About Human Nature

Using clicks as leverage for negative peer pressure is. Clicks exist in schools and businesses for some very basic reasons and leaders within these groups should learn how to leverage them for good. Why do clicks exist? 1. We are pack-minded people. 2. 3. 4. Leaders operating within a click need to understand these basics of human nature and discover ways to work effectively within them. Impact Rules: The Class Rules. Leadership Impact Resources. Wise Judgement: You Can Only Choose One. 1.

Wise Judgement: You Can Only Choose One

Your house is on fire. 2. You have a spouse (in their 20s like you) and three children. John is five and in perfect health. Susan is one and in perfect health. JoAnn is three and has a rare blood disease that prevents her from walking. 3. This extreme dilemma is tragic, no matter the outcome. Integrity: The Lance Armstrong Lesson. It is very simple.

Integrity: The Lance Armstrong Lesson

He doped. He lied. He personally hurt people to protect his lies. He finally told the truth. Lance Armstrong has now joined the ranks of Pete Rose, OJ Simpson, Tiger Woods, Roger Clemens and many other sport celebrities whose personal failures (yes, choosing to use performance enhancing drugs is a personal decision) out-weigh their sporting achievements. Lance Armstrong is someone who should not, today or ever, be held up as a model for anything other than a perfect case study of how far someone will go to protect their reputation and win at virtually any cost.

What about his foundation, Livestrong, improving the lives of millions of cancer survivors and family members? The Lesson. Impact: The Four Impact Habits. General: The Impact Rules. Fostering Relationships: A Quick Study in Teamwork. John Maxwell. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the United States, and I know I’m looking forward to a wonderful day of food and family.

John Maxwell

I hope your plans for the holiday will be meaningful and fun. I don’t know about you, but the Thanksgiving holiday always gets me thinking about gratitude.... Read more Every fall, I have the distinct privilege of participating in two world-class events. EQUIP’s Leadership Open, which I talked about last week, and the John Maxwell Company’s Exchange. What do you do after training leaders in every nation? What drives you when you get up in the morning? Last week I talked to you about rewriting your story into one of significance. What’s your story? No matter what your goals are, communicating with others in a meaningful way can help you. There's a secret to filling the pages of your life. Most teams don’t naturally get better on their own. Leadership Blind Spots Do you have any blind spots?

Leading Blog. This is a post by David Dotlich, Chairman and CEO of Pivot Leadership.

Leading Blog

He is a co-author of The Unfinished Leader: Balancing Contradictory Answers to Unsolvable Problems with Peter Cairo and Cade Cowan. To be a leader today in almost any organization means you are daily, if not hourly, bombarded with problems and challenges that don’t have clear-cut “right” answers. Or, even more confounding, there are many “right” answers, depending on your perspective. Such challenges include meeting contradictory needs (for example, tending to your “stars” while building the team as a whole), delivering quarterly results while investing for the future, maintaining consistent standards and policies while accommodating unique customer requirements, or staying focused on results while adhering to your company’s purpose and values. ThoughtLEADERS Blog. Today’s post is by Mike Kappel, President of Patriot Software.

ThoughtLEADERS Blog

When you start a new business, you’re occupied by thoughts of your next sale, equipment investment, or whether you’ll have time to break for dinner. You’re generally not thinking about being sued, cited by OSHA, or arrested. But in business, your fortunes can turn on a dime. Here’s what happened to me and my business. My partner and I had started our network of executive recruiters four years earlier, and it looked like the business might finally take off. And then George put the chemical-soaked rags in a gas dryer. The pilot light from the gas dryer ignited the rags, throwing George over a row of washers and slamming him into the wall.

After I got the call from George and arrived on the scene, I saw fire trucks blocking the streets, firefighters spraying down the building with a huge plume of water, police diverting traffic, lights, sirens, and barricades everywhere. All Things Workplace. Intentional Leadership.