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50 Ways To Practice Self-Care. Self care is a hugely important way to practice self-love.

50 Ways To Practice Self-Care

In fact, it’s one of the more actionable ways to begin incorporating self love into your life. Self-care is about taking care of your mind, body, and overall spirit and essence. There are many ways to do this! If you’re interested in beginning self-care, I made you a list of 50 ways to start, just in time for the new year! Start this year off on the right foot, by putting your personal needs first! 20 Happiness Hacks for a Joyous January (Try one a Day to Keep the Blues Away) The ‘Doctor of Happiness’ and ‘Fairy Godmother of Positivity’ have teamed up with YCB to bring you some top tips for a joyous January.

20 Happiness Hacks for a Joyous January (Try one a Day to Keep the Blues Away)

Here are Andy and Shonette‘s happiness hacks. Weird, wonderful and cleverer than they look – use them wisely. 1. My.happify. StumbleUpon. 101 of the Greatest Insights and Actions for Work and Life. "To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone.

101 of the Greatest Insights and Actions for Work and Life

" — Reba McEntire This is a 101 list of some of the best insights and actions for work and life. This is the stuff you can use to change your frame, to change your game. I started with the simple goal to build and unleash the world’s greatest “ah-ha” collection. I really, REALLY want this to be the gems of insight that are the super insights in life that really do change your game. Amazing Insights for Every Day Use While a lot of the ideas should look familiar, many should be surprising, and instantly useful to your every day. I took an 80/20 approach, and targeted many of the common pitfalls, pains, and opportunities we face through life, in an attempt to arm us with the wisdom of the ages and modern sages.

When we take the balcony view, we can draw from books, people, and quotes to “stand on the shoulders of giants.” This collection of insights and actions is a “hub-and-spokes” model. Enjoy. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 Ways to Add 12 Years to Your Life. “Life moves pretty fast.

9 Ways to Add 12 Years to Your Life

If you don’t stop to look around every once in a while, you might miss it.” — Ferris Bueller’s Day Off You can add up to 12 years to your life, and look and feel younger along the way. Research shows that genes only account for 10% of our longevity and the rest is our lifestyle. The Blue Zones teach us a lot about how to live longer, healthier, happier lives. Do these exercises for two minutes a day and you’ll immediately feel happier, researchers say. You, too, could be this happy by following Shawn Achor’s tips.

Do these exercises for two minutes a day and you’ll immediately feel happier, researchers say

(iStock) To those who think of happiness as a “nice to have” luxury or something that comes after a lifetime of sacrifice of single-mindedly driving to achieve a goal, happiness researcher Shawn Achor, head of Goodthink and author of “The Happiness Advantage,” is on a mission to change minds, hearts and lives. Happiness, he says, isn’t just about feeling good, it’s about the joy we feel while striving after our potential. His research has found that choosing simple happiness habits that take no longer than brushing your teeth can boost your mood, make you happier and, as a result, healthier, more productive and creative at work and closer to those you love at home. He explains: Q: We never used to talk about happiness. Achor: I think we’re living through twin revolutions. 19 Simple Daily Habits for a Happier Life. “Hug harder.

19 Simple Daily Habits for a Happier Life

Laugh louder. Smile bigger. Love longer.” ~Unknown Did you ever have it all mixed up? Happiness, I mean. They all did, but only for a while. Finally, I had to stop and ask myself, “If I’m not able to be truly happy now, will I ever be?” No. 100 Positive-Thinking Exercises That Will Make Any Patient Healthier & Happier. Sometimes even the best medicine and healthcare is not enough for a full recovery.

100 Positive-Thinking Exercises That Will Make Any Patient Healthier & Happier

For patients struggling with illness or dealing with a major life change, these positive thinking exercises can mean all the difference. Here are 100 that we’ve compiled to help you channel your negative or angry thoughts into a happier and more productive positive outlook. Bonheur: réapprenez à aimer votre vie! Fermer X Il semble que vous utilisiez un bloqueur de publicités !

Bonheur: réapprenez à aimer votre vie!

Ce site est financé par la publicité, celle-ci permet de produire du contenu gratuitement. Nous nous engageons activement à respecter les règles du marché fixées par l’IAB et à réduire sensiblement la publicité intrusive. La psychologie positive, qu'est-ce que c'est ? La psychologie prend bel et bien un nouveau tournant depuis quelques années : celui de la positivité.

La psychologie positive, qu'est-ce que c'est ?

Celle-ci ne se contente plus de soigner, de réparer ou d'apaiser les névroses, elle vise à developper les capacités de chacun pour se construire une vie plus heureuse. Il ne faut cependant pas confondre psychologie positive et pensée positive : leur principale différence étant la science. Psychologie positive : qu'est ce que c'est ? "La psychologie positive se pose donc comme l'étude scientifique des aspects positifs de la vie, en se focalisant sur ce qui va bien et sur les potentiels positifs d'un individu afin de promouvoir un sentiment de bien-être et d'accomplissement", explique le célèbre moine bouddhiste Matthieu Ricard sur son site.

Une définition qui sied bien à la psychologie positive. How to Be a Happier Person: 13 Steps. Les 4 accords toltèques : Appréhender le monde plus sereinement. Les quatre accords Toltèques sont en quelque sorte un « code de conduite » qui permet d’appréhender le monde sereinement, et de façon plus saine.

Les 4 accords toltèques : Appréhender le monde plus sereinement

Ce sont des mantras pleins de bon sens, mais surtout d’une très grande puissance. 5. Le cinquième accord toltèque est : « Soyez sceptique mais apprenez à écouter » Nous avons préparé une fiche pratique complète pour tout savoir sur ce 5ème accord bonus ! Robert Waldinger: What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness. 50-new-years-resolution-ideas-and-how-achieve-each-them. Ce qu'il faut savoir avant de mourir.

Phrase résumée de “Ce qu’il faut savoir avant de mourir”: Le voyage de la vie ne se fait qu’une seule foi : pourquoi n’écouterions-nous pas ceux qui ont déjà fait ce voyage et qui peuvent nous enseigner ce qu’ils ont appris? De John Izzo, 2009, 235 pages. Note : Cette chronique invitée a été écrite par Guillaume, du blog Komment devenir riche, dans lequel il partage avec passion ses connaissances de conseiller financier et d’entrepreneur.

Bonheur contagieux