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Global risks: Pool knowledge to stem losses from disasters. Turjoy Chowdhury/Nurphoto/Corbis This year's deadly earthquakes in Nepal killed more than 8,000 people and reduced thousands of buildings to rubble.
In April and May, two massive earthquakes in Nepal killed more than 8,400 people, injured 20,000 and reduced 300,000 houses to rubble. In March, Cyclone Pam destroyed homes, schools, infrastructure and livelihoods on the Pacific island of Vanuatu, affecting half the population, including 82,000 children. Both nations will take years to recover. The number and severity of disasters is increasing (see 'Catastrophic rise'). Improved disaster-risk management and resilience is essential for sustainable societies1. Hazard preparation: Three lessons yet to be learned Build well to save life and property. Invest in pre-disaster mitigation. Be prepared. Sadly, hazard mitigation is not a vote-winner. For the Sendai agreement to succeed, an open and comprehensive source of vetted information on disaster-risk reduction is needed.
Splintered approach. All the World's Volcano Webcams. Earth - The world's most deadly volcanoes. Last August, in southern Iceland, the flanks of the volcano Bardarbunga ripped open and fountains of lava spouted skyward.
Molten rock oozed downhill making its way toward the sea. The eruption has now come to an end but the volcano continues to pump gases into the atmosphere. Scientists are still monitoring it closely. “Bardarbunga has really, for the first time, seriously showed its power,” says Pall Einarsson, a geophysicist at the University of Iceland. But, for now, the eruption has followed what Einarsson describes as the “best case scenario.” Laki’s eruption started in 1783 and, for eight long months, it spewed lava and noxious gases. But Laki’s devastation spread well beyond the ‘island of fire and ice.’ Although the ultimate death toll from Laki might be near impossible to estimate, the volcano definitely earns its place amongst the world’s deadliest. None of these volcanoes wielded their force in quite the same way, and nearly all took their victims by surprise.
Earth - Why ancient myths about volcanoes are often true. Story has it that many hundreds of years ago, Tanovo, chief of the Fijian island Ono, was very partial to a late afternoon stroll.
Each day he would walk along the beach, watch the sun go down and undoubtedly contemplate this paradise on Earth. The cultural memory was right, and our scientific surveys were wrong But one day Tanovo’s rival, chief of the volcano Nabukelevu, pushed his mountain up and blocked Tanovo’s view of the sunset.
Earth Forces - GeoResource. Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics. Plate Tectonics (Educational Parody of Whistle by Flo Rida)
Expanding Earth and Pangaea Theory. Plate tectonics. Volcanoes. Most dangerous job in the world: Incredible footage of men working on top of volcanos. This incredible footage shows men working on a super volcanic mountain range in East Java, Indonesia.
The workers, many of whom aren't expected to live past 50, breathe highly noxious gases which come out of the Kawah Ijen Volcano without masks, carrying loads of up to 70kg on their backs from a quarry. Many work shirtless and have huge growths on their backs from the heavy loads. Photographer Brad Ambrose captured the pictures along with his pal Geoff Mackley, while trekking through Indonesia.
How Earthquakes Trigger Tsunamis - Bang Goes The Theory, Preview - BBC One. Layers of the Earth. Earthquakes & Volcanoes - Geography for 2013 & Beyond. Mr. Lee - Layers of the Earth rap. Pangaea's Moving Farther Apart Again Song.
Pangaea's Moving Farther Apart Again Song. Introduction to Earth Science. Plate Tectonic Theory - The British Geographer. Vulcanicity and Seismicity - The British Geographer. Plate Boundary Overview. Convergent Margin—Subduction to Tsunami. GCSE Bitesize - Geography - Tectonic plates - Video. Early development of the atmosphere. The Evolution of Earth's Atmosphere Part 1 of 4. Learning Zone Class Clips - Atmospheric evolution on Venus, Earth and Mars - Science Video. Origins of the Atmosphere. Evolution of the atmosphere. Wegener's Puzzling Evidence Exercise (6th Grade)
Although Alfred Wegener was not the first to suggest that continents have moved about the Earth, his presentation of carefully compiled evidence for continental drift inspired decades of scientific debate.
Wegener's evidence, in concert with compelling evidence provided by post World War II technology, eventually led to universal acceptance of the theory of Plate Tectonics in the scientific community. The following files are needed for this exercise and can be downloaded in pdf format (Teacher Overview, (For Teachers) Wegener's Key to Continental Positions for grade 6, Student Puzzle Pieces, Key to Wegener's Evidence sheet, and Student Map of the World Today). If students need additional hints beyond those provided below, there is a Puzzle Outline Hint to be used as a base for the puzzle.
Objectives Students will observe and analyze scientific evidence used by Wegener.
Discover Continental Drift. Observe an animation of the breakup of Pangaea.
Animation of Continental Drift. Earth 100 Million Years From Now. Plate Boundaries Kung Fu. Introduction to Volcanoes. Introduction to Earthquakes.