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The Isreal Palistine Conflict

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Censorship (The Isreal Palistine Conflict)

Early Palistine History. Holocaust Rehtoric & The Palistine Conflict. Intelectual Oposition to the Palistine Conflict. Some Lives Matter More Than Others (Isreal Palistine) Trials & The Israli-Palistine Conflict. Israel passes contentious Palestinian land-grab bill in late night vote - Israel News - Max Blumenthal Zionism and Israel in Thom Hartmann - Converrsation with Great Mind - YouTube. Russell Brand Takes on Sean Hannity and His Skewed Debate on Gaza. The Fox News host recently invited representatives from Palestinian and Israeli organizations to his show for a debate about the ongoing hostilities in Gaza, but as comedian Russell Brand points out in his latest episode of “The Trews,” Sean Hannity framed the entire segment to push his own beliefs about the conflict.

Russell Brand Takes on Sean Hannity and His Skewed Debate on Gaza

Brand, who sees things a bit differently from Hannity, provides a hilarious and informative running commentary throughout a viewing of the Fox News clip. In one of his comments, the comedian pokes holes in the reason being floated around to justify the high number of civilian deaths in Gaza: “Even if everyone was carrying around children literally strapped to wooden boards, using them as shields—they still wouldn’t die if it weren’t for the missiles,” “The Trews” host says.

“The key ingredient in the death of those children is the missile.” Old images from Palestine - Images From Palestine. An Israeli Soldier's Story - Eran Efrati. Ex-Israeli soldier speaks out... what he says will change everything you think you know about Israel! - Digital Resistance. See summarised key points mentioned from this lecture below.

Ex-Israeli soldier speaks out... what he says will change everything you think you know about Israel! - Digital Resistance

The talk by Eran Efrati was filmed in Denver, Colorado on March 3, 2014 as part of The Soldier and the Refusenik U.S. tour with Maya Wind. Eran talk about his experiences in the IDF and then more broadly discusses Israel, its relationship to the U.S. and the global expansion of militarism. Eran Efrati, 28, was born and raised in Jerusalem. After graduating high school he enlisted in the IDF, where he served as a combat soldier and company sergeant in Battalion 50 of the Nachal Division. He spent most of his service in Hebron and throughout the West Bank. Key points from this lecture “Everybody knows, the apartheid regime will stop. Tom Mulcair: Canadians want balanced and principled approach to Mideast conflict. Nearly a month of sustained violence in Gaza and Israel has galvanized the world’s attention.

Tom Mulcair: Canadians want balanced and principled approach to Mideast conflict

As we watch images of Palestinian civilians suffering and dying, and Israeli civilians living in fear of rockets, no one can remain unmoved by a conflict that has killed thousands and left millions more living in fear for their safety. When four children playing soccer on a Gaza beach were killed by Israeli shells, like so many other Canadians I was touched personally and thought of my own grandchildren. No child — Israeli or Palestinian — should have to live in fear of such violence. 5 Broken Cameras (2011. Amnesty accuses 'trigger-happy' Israeli troops of war crimes. Sonali Kolhatkar: Understanding Israel’s War as Racist Is Crucial to Ending Occupation - Sonali Kolhatkar. (Page 2) Benevolently, he supported letting anyone who wants to leave Gaza do so unharmed presumably because an expulsion of the Palestinian territories would complete the project of occupation that hundreds of illegal Israeli settlements has already begun.

Sonali Kolhatkar: Understanding Israel’s War as Racist Is Crucial to Ending Occupation - Sonali Kolhatkar

In case there was any doubt about his intentions, Feiglin spelled it out, saying, “Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever. Liberation of parts of our land forever is the only thing that justifies endangering our soldiers in battle to capture land. Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews.” He even made a few practical long-term suggestions that emptying Gaza of its Arabs would “also serve to ease the housing crisis in Israel,” and then, “The coastal train line will be extended, as soon as possible, to reach the entire length of Gaza.”

Israel - Palistine. Israel. Israel-Palästina/Nah-Ost-Konflikt. BDS Boycott Divest & Sanction. Censorship in the Isreli Palistine conflict. Israli-Palistine Propaganda. Trump on the Israel Palestine Conflict.