11 Low-Hanging Fruits for Increasing Website Speed (and Conversions) 150inShareinShare Website speed matters.
Fast-loading sites perform better on all fronts: better user experience, higher conversions, more engagement, even higher search rankings. If you’re after mobile traffic (everyone is), site speed becomes even more important. No one wants to download a 4MB website on their smartphone, but most sites are that way. Your website can be different. How fast is fast enough? While 1-second load time would be nice, if you manage to get a load time under 3 seconds, you’re doing fine. According to Strangeloop, who tested the load times of the top 2,000 retail websites, web pages keep getting bigger, and the average site takes 10 seconds to load.
The Ultimate Roundup of Design Tools. They say a poor craftsman blames his tools, but what they don’t tell you is that a great craftsman chooses his tools wisely – so with that in mind, we rounded up our design team, and extracted their top picks for awesome hardware, software and sources of everyday inspiration that are worthy of a place in any designer’s bat-utility belt.
The Gear Sure, you’re pushing pixels around all day, but that doesn’t mean you should skimp on the real-world objects with which you’re surrounded, right? Big mousepad Having 2 screens and a tiny mousepad is like hang gliding indoors – why wouldn’t you give yourself room to soar! You’ll find your ability to handle pixel-perfect precision work is greatly improved, when your movements are less restricted.
Wacom Tablet Speaking of precision, nothing beats a good mouse – but for creating smooth, flowing and organic lines in illustrations, the Wacom family of tablets is our go-to choice. Nice Headphones 3D Headphones via Shutterstock Dual monitor setup The Software. 39 Web Apps and Tools We Use to Create Websites. Probably not unlike you, we use a cadre of different tools to help us create websites and products we’re proud of.
Every year it seems that this list morphs, evolves, shrinks and grows. So we thought, ‘Hey, it might be valuable to some people to get a look at how we build things and the tools that we use to get the job done.’ We looked at every step of our development process and highlighted our favorite technologies every step of the way. These divisions aren’t meant as hard and fast rules; but rather groupings that can help you if you’re looking for a tool to find efficiencies, process improvements or work product for a particular phase. 39 Web Apps and Tools We Use to Create Websites Meeting, Brainstorming, Strategy Our initial planning phases are all about collaboration. Publication Network - Youblisher.com - turn pages / flippable pdfs - pdf's zum umblättern. Crazy Egg - Visualize where your visitors click. Over 200,000 businesses Convert Better with Crazy Egg, The Original Heatmapping Technology A heatmap is an easy way to understand what users want, care about and do on your site by visually representing their clicks - which are the strongest indicators of visitor motivation and desire.
A Crazy Egg heatmap lets you collect more than 88% of the data you would using a traditional eye-tracking process. At a fraction of the price. With no hardware. 10 Great Web Tools to Create e-Books for your Classroom. I have just finished compiling a list of some must have web-based tools that can allow you to create books.These tools can also be used with students.
They are very simple to use and have friendly interfaces. The best way to get students engaged is to make them feel they are responsible for their learning, you can for instance have them paired in small groups and work on a writing project using one of the tools below. Check out the list below and let us know what you think of these book making tools : 1- Blurb This is probably one of the most popular tools in this regard. 2- Zooburst This is ideal for kids and students. 3- Tikatok This is another cool web tool that allows users to create books. Online Free Flash Pageflipper. 6 Tools to Build a Mobile App on the Cheap. The Mobile App Trends Series is presented by Sourcebits, a leading product developer for mobile platforms.
Sourcebits offers design and development services for iOS, Android, Mobile and Web platforms. Follow Sourcebits on Twitter for recent news and updates. The massive growth of the app market has coincided with the creation of a parallel niche industry — the proliferation of accessible, low-cost development alternatives to traditional shops and agencies. But not all brands — or industries altogether — require diverse, expansive functionality in their apps. In the same regard, a lean approach to launch can move a unique product to market in a mere matter of minutes. As the mobile applications market moves toward $25 billion per year, according to a MarketsandMarkets report, non-traditional development opportunities are emerging in a number of forms.
Below are six platforms carving out their space in the market. 1. 2. 3. Cost: Licenses start at $2,500 per month. 4. 5. 6. Application - snacktools. Google Gadgets For Your Webpage. SurveyMonkey: Free online survey software & questionnaire tool.