Tic & Toe by Novo IT. Here’s how not to get sued when reviewing online products. 1404.5199v1. Info.publicintelligence.net/MCIA-KuwaitHandbook. Future Maritime Patrol - Part 7 (Summary) This series on Future Maritime Patrol was unplanned but hope you have enjoyed reading what I think are the various options should the UK wish to reconstitute the capability lost with the withdrawal of Nimrod MR2 and cancellation of the Nimrod MRA4 in the 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review.
In Part 1 we discussed the various requirements and challenges. The single biggest challenge to the MoD is getting over Nimrod MRA4, if the taxpayer is expected to cough up a billion here or a billion there for a maritime patrol aircraft it must first overcome the very real issue of the shadow of Nimrod. Whilst we might understand the sunk cost fallacy, money having already been spent having no relation to money we would like to spend, politics does not quite work that way. Future Maritime Patrol - Part 6 (C130J and A400M Options) Eyes down look in for the final instalment in the Future Maritime Patrol series, apart from a quick summary.
We have looked at all the conventional options; large aircraft like the Boeing P-8A Poseidon, smaller aircraft like the Airbus C295, business jet and even unmanned aircraft. One option remains, using a large aircraft already, or soon to be, in service. How about a Sea Hercules or Sea Atlas Neither are in service anywhere, despite many PowerPoint shows and models (mainly for the former) although a long range Search and Rescue variant of the Hercules is in service with the US Coast Guard. Although a long range SAR aircraft would be useful, as we have discussed, long range SAR languishes at the very bottom of the reasons for reinstating a maritime patrol capability, so, any similar conversion would have to provide the high end anti submarine capability as found in the P-8A for example.
Future Maritime Patrol - Part 5 (Business Jet and Unmanned Options) Future Maritime Patrol – Part 4 (C295 and Comparable Options) If we accept that the Future Maritime Patrol requirement may well have to be redefined in order to meet smaller budgets there are a number of cheaper options to consider.
These are generally characterised by being smaller and shorter ranged than the options examined in the previous two posts on the P8, P3, P1, 319 and ATL. The C295 is often seen in suggestions for the a future UK Maritime Patrol Aircraft, it is a logical off the shelf choice if the P-8A is unaffordable, it must be said, Airbus Military are pushing it hard as well. Many have also suggested it as a stop gap until the P8 matures or other options become available. The problem with stop gaps is two fold, you have to demonstrate a compelling need for a stop gap, difficult, and two, stop gaps tend to become full time.
Future Maritime Patrol – Part 3 (Dedicated Long Range Aircraft – P3, P1, ATL, 319) Although the Boeing P-8A Poseidon might be seen as the obvious choice for a Future Maritime Patrol aircraft there are a small handful of others in the same space to consider.
Future Maritime Patrol – Part 2 (Dedicated Long Range Aircraft - P-8A Poseidon) Future maritime patrol my well require a dedicated long range aircraft like the Boeing Poseidon P-8A Multi Mission Aircraft (by the way, sorry for the auto start video below) To the sweetshop, poste haste!
In the previous post I had a look at background, the wider context and a brief look at the missions. Missions influence equipment requirements, for example, if the SAR and EEZ security mission is discounted the requirements change dramatically. If we want to do deep water at range ASW then a system with short range is going to be money wasted, no matter how cheap it. Future Maritime Patrol - Part 1 (Challenges and Missions) We have regularly discussed future maritime patrol on Think Defence but it is an especially interesting subject because it spans so many capability areas and has so many implications in other areas.
Before we can get to the discussion about requirements and equipment there are a number of issues that need to be considered. The Shadow of Nimrod It should be clear that while Nimrod might not appear in any formal requirements documents and frankly, the MoD and BAE would prefer everyone just forgot it, Nimrod will cast a long shadow on any future purchase of even a remotely similar aircraft. First, after spending the better part of £4b on Nimrod MRA4 spending many millions or billions, so soon after, on an aircraft not made in the UK is going to result in a rough ride in the House of Commons and mainstream media.
Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response: Zombies. Zombie Blog There are all kinds of emergencies out there that we can prepare for.
Take a zombie apocalypse for example. Educators Website Looking to teach preparedness in the classroom? We’ve got full lesson plans and activities for you to use or adapt with your students. Ascension: Storm of Souls and the Big Play. “The party of the first part shall be known in this contract as the party of the first part.”
I’ve written pages and pages about Ascension, Playdek’s fantasy deck-building card game for iOS. Ascension gets as much attention as it does on this one-man blog because it occupies a significant share of the only writer’s playing time. I was waiting on the edge of my seat for the Storm of Souls expansion to drop, only to discover that it’s turned Ascension into something else entirely. Military doctrine. It is a guide to action, rather than hard and fast rules.
Doctrine provides a common frame of reference across the military. It helps standardize operations, facilitating readiness by establishing common ways of accomplishing military tasks. Doctrine links theory, history, experimentation, and practice. Outline of war. Reliable Security Information. The New Geopolitical and Security Consequences of Energy. By: Bruce Jones, David Steven and Emily O’Brien Energy issues—their geopolitics, governance and security implications—are pushing their way to the heart of U.S. foreign policy.
The paper Fueling a New Order? The New Geopolitical and Security Consequences of Energy examines impacts of the major transformation in international energy markets that has begun. The United States is poised to overtake Saudi Arabia and Russia as the world’s largest oil producer and, combined with new developments in natural gas, is on track to become the dominant player in global energy markets.
Meanwhile, China is in place to surpass the United States in its scale of oil imports, and has already edged out the U.S. in carbon emissions. Middle East Relationships: It's Complicated. Close X United States:Iran The U.S. broke off diplomatic relations with Iran in 1980 after Iranian students seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and took 52 Americans hostage. Since then, talks between Tehran and Washington have been carried out by mediators.
The United States has drafted and supported UN sanctions against Tehran over its nuclear program. Release the robo-kraken: DARPA seeks bottom-dwelling ocean attack bots. When trouble’s brewing at sea and there’s no nearby friendly airbase or port, it could take weeks for US Navy ships and aircraft to show up to protect shipping and keep the enemy at bay. So the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is looking to give the US Navy a new way to get to the scene almost immediately, popping up near, behind, or even in the midst of an enemy fleet, using robotic pods that sit on the ocean floor and can release flying and floating drones to the surface to attack on command. DARPA has requested bids this week for the final two phases of its Upward Falling Payloads (UFP) program—an effort to create pre-positioned unmanned systems that sit dormant on the sea floor, waiting for a command to rise to the surface and unleash (non-lethal) hell.
The tests will likely take place in the Western Pacific Ocean, though testing might happen closer to US shores for some components of the program to reduce cost. Wolf Hunting Tactics. Littoral failure: Navy hedges bets on high-tech littoral combat ships. The Navy’s littoral combat ship (LCS) was supposed to be the ship of the future, designed to be easily converted from one role to another with a relatively quick swap-out of “mission modules.” But what the Navy got instead was a range of headaches and a ship with significantly less flexibility and capability than the ships the LCS was replacing.
Now, as National Defense reports, the Department of Defense has cut the number of ships to be built nearly in half, and it has put future purchases on hold while it considers its options. But there could still be good news for the defense contractors building the LCS: the options include a beefed-up version of the ship that could raise its cost further—and increase the profits of Lockheed Martin and Austal USA in the process. Stu Slade, warship analyst for Forecast International, told National Defense, “This isn’t a done deal. Back to the future. The Rubicon Theory of War: How the Path to Conflict Reaches the Point of No Return - Harvard - Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.
Members of the United Nations Security Council attend a meeting at U.N. headquarters in New York, Feb. 25, 2003. The 10 Most Important Theories About Why We Make War. I'm very disappointed, though not surprised, at this analysis. The Top Ten Tactical Skill-Sets for the Common Man. How to Stay Safe If You're Caught in a Mass Shooting. World Economic Forum - Global Risks 2014 report. Smart Mortar Rounds Make Good Spies. Www.mca-marines.org/files/MCWP 5-1 MCPP.pdf. Operations order. A standardized multi paragraph format is used by the United States Department of Defense's armed services and most other military forces. Intent (military) Intent is a key capability in 21st century military operations and is a vital element to facilitate subordinates initiative (U.S Army 2003, para.1-69),[1] self-synchronisation (Alberts et al. 1999, pp. 175–180)[2] and collaboration and cooperation (Alberts and Hayes 2007,pp. 109–114)[3] amongst team members in joint operations.[4]
Five paragraph order. The five paragraph order or five paragraph field order is a style of organizing information about a military situation for a unit in the field. It is an element of United States Army, United States Marine Corps and United States Navy Seabees of small unit tactics, and similar order styles are used by military groups around the world. Www.mca-marines.org/files/MCWP 5-1 MCPP.pdf. How To Win On Jeopardy. HyperWar: World War II on the World Wide Web. HyperWar: Conduct of the War at Sea (Doenitz) Ask an expert about the science — and future — of war. Will wars fought by robots make war "less terrible" and thus more common? Www.dni.gov/files/documents/Intelligence Reports/2014 WWTA SFR_SSCI_29_Jan.
Trump's Arena Guide: Neutral Commons. iHearthU.com - Hearthstone News, Articles, Guides & Community. Centre for Risk Studies. Colloque/séminaire. Kysicurl.free.fr/enigmes/data/images/werber/allumettes.gif.
43 Books About War Every Man Should Read. Basic Strategic Arts Program. United States Army War College. Army War College. US Army War College. The 8 Worst Mistakes Made by the Allies During World War II. NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein. Www.lawfareblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Strategic-Terrorism-Myhrvold-7-3-2013.pdf. Chasseur d étrange » Tu seras seigneur de guerre mon fils. Pourquoi il n'y a pas de civils dans les jeux de guerre. Le wargame comme outil de compréhension des conflits. How playing casual games could help lead to better soldiers.
Computer simulations suggest war drove the rise of civilizations. STRATEGIE, HISTOIRE ET GEOPOLITIQUE (GENERAL LALANNE-BERDOUTICQ) - Politique, société, économie. Quand les sénateurs français proposent d'abandonner l'Europe de la défense. SCHOPENHAUER'S 38 STRATAGEMS, OR 38 WAYS TO WIN AN ARGUMENT.
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