Unit 2 - Population & Migraton
Have four or more babies in Hungary and you'll pay no income tax for life. Hero Images | Hero Images | Getty Images Hungary’s prime minister has announced a raft of measures aimed at boosting the country’s declining birth rate and reducing immigration.
Giving his annual State of the Nation address Sunday, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced a seven-point “Family Protection Action Plan” designed to promote marriage and families. Measures announced included waivers on personal income tax for women raising at least four children for the rest of their lives and subsidies for large families to buy larger cars. The ‘action plan’ also extended a loan program to help families with at least two children to buy homes.
This is what 50 years of human migration looks like. The Racial Dot Map: One Dot Per Person for the Entire U.S.
BESbswy. All the World's Immigration Visualized in 1 Map. This map shows the estimated net immigration (inflows minus outflows) by origin and destination country between 2010 and 2015.
Blue circles = positive net migration (more inflows). Red circles = negative net migration (more outflows). Each yellow dot represents 1,000 people. Hover over a circle to see that country’s total net migration between 2010 and 2015. Click a circle (or tap the circle twice on mobile) to view only the migration flows in and out of that country. Country-to-country net migration (2010-2015) The data for this map comes from the U.N. Full screen version / Youtube video. Between Borders: American Migrant Crisis - Video. Unti 2 Population and Migration. China’s one-child policy led to my adoption — and a more privileged life. Ricki Mudd lives in SeaTac, Wash.
“Ricki’s Promise,” a documentary based on her reunion with her birth family, will be screened at the Library of Congress’s James Madison Memorial Building on Wednesday, Sept. 30, at 12 p.m. ‘So what time does your flight get into Sea-Tac?”
Earth 2025 : POPULATION EXPLOSION - AFTERMATH (Full Documentary)
2.3.2 Population: Demographic Transition - Stages. Visualizing population density. Slinging numbers around all day, one adage we believe is that most surprising statistics are wrong.
Animated interactive of the history of the Atlantic slave trade.
Source: slavevoyages.org For the full interactive version, use a larger device.
Interactive by Andrew Kahn. Background image by Tim Jones. Usually, when we say “American slavery” or the “American slave trade,” we mean the American colonies or, later, the United States. But as we discussed in Episode 2 of Slate’s History of American Slavery Academy, relative to the entire slave trade, North America was a bit player.
37 maps that explain how America is a nation of immigrants. By Dara Lind on October 2, 2015 American politicians, and Americans themselves, love to call themselves "a nation of immigrants": a place where everyone's family has, at some point, chosen to come to seek freedom or a better life.
America has managed to maintain that self-image through the forced migration of millions of African slaves, restrictive immigration laws based on fears of "inferior" races, and nativist movements that encouraged immigrants to assimilate or simply leave.
Germany passes Japan to have world's lowest birth rate - study. A study says Germany's birth rate has slumped to the lowest in the world, prompting fears labour market shortages will damage the economy.
Germany has dropped below Japan to have not just the lowest birth rate across Europe but also globally, according to the report by Germany-based analysts. Its authors warned of the effects of a shrinking working-age population. They said women's participation in the workforce would be key to the country's economic future. In Germany, an average of 8.2 children were born per 1,000 inhabitants over the past five years, according to the study by German auditing firm BDO with the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI).
Adult nappies 'outsell baby nappies'
Seen as the one of the last conversation taboos, adult incontinence is a growing issue.
In the UK, manufacturers believe that adult incontinence products will soon sell more than ones to deal with menstruation. The days of incontinence products being hidden on the bottom shelf seem numbered. Around the world, that transition seems already to have taken place. Adult nappies are outselling nappies for babies in Japan, analysts at Pew Research Center believe. Incontinence is a common problem among the elderly population and, with the average age of populations across the world increasing, the Japanese market is leading the way. In Japan, people aged 65-and-over account for around a quarter of the overall population, increasing from 17.4% in 2000.
And the population is not getting younger - Japan’s median age will be 53 by 2050 and the birth-rate per woman is still below two. Google. Japan Sells More Adult Diapers Than Baby Diapers. A Real-Time Map of Births and Deaths. In 1950, there were 2.5 billion humans.
Today there are just over 7 billion. In another 30 years, according to U.S.
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