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Learn How To Read Chinese In Only 6 Minutes With This Entertaining Video! - Seenox. In our popular previous posts “40 Most Bloodcurdling Chinese Mistranslations Ever!”

Learn How To Read Chinese In Only 6 Minutes With This Entertaining Video! - Seenox

And “Chinese Character Tattoo + Mistranslation = Epic Fail!” Major translation fails were presented. Be it Google translator or an unknowing Tattoo artist, the mistranslations are really bloodcurdling and funny. However, in this post we present you a video, which teaches you how to read Chinese in only six minutes. According to the “Language Difficulty Ranking” created by the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), Mandarin and Cantonese are ranked amongst the most difficult languages to learn for native English speakers. 88 weeks or 2200 hours are indicated to learn these languages, even though is also stated that some person may need less. [1] Nevertheless, this video will give you a very good introduction into reading Chinese characters within six minutes. Self Study Mandarin. Chinese Learning Easy. Chinese Notes — Grammar 中文笔记 - 语法. 鼠标悬停可以看词的英语和拼音;点击中文词可以看词的详细中文和英文数据。

Chinese Notes — Grammar 中文笔记 - 语法

Mouse over to see English and pinyin for a Chinese word. Click the word to see full details in Chinese and English. 目录 Contents 导言 Introduction 汉语句子中可以有六种句子成分:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语和补语。 Chinese sentences can have six types of elements: subject, predicate, object, attributive, adverbial adjunct, and complement. 句子可以分单句和复句。 Sentences can be divided into two classes: simple sentences and compound sentences. 汉语里一个汉字代表一个音节。 In Chinese one Chinese character represents a single syllable. 汉语的词可以分成实词和虚词两大类。 Chinese words can be divided into two kinds. 虚词包括副词、介词、连词、助词、叹词和象词六类。 Function words include six kinds: adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, particles, interjections, and onomatopes. 附类是词头和词尾两种构词成分。 Affixes include prefixes and suffixes, which can both be used to construct sentence elements. 词类 Parts of Speech 名词 Nouns 名词表示人或事物名称。 Nouns express the names of people or objects. 名词本身一般没有单数和复数的分别。 In general, nouns do not inherently have a difference in singular and plural forms. 动词“是”

CCTV Learn Chinese. Learn Chinese CRI ENGLISH. Chinese Quizzes and Chinese Trivia. Chinesewmike. Zhongwen Red - Free Mandarin Lessons. Chinese Lesson Online. About Our Progressive Chinese Course is an online course in Mandarin Chinese for absolute beginners to intermediate students. Our Mandarin Chinese course uses a progressive immersion technique that is unlike any other course out there. The beginning of the course is conducted entirely in English. English explanations are gradually replaced with Chinese that has been taught. This means that you’re constantly reviewing the vocabulary taught in earlier lessons. A tonal language likes Chinese requires a LOT of listening practice that books cannot give you. In a class, you have to divide your time with other students. CLO has two key advantages over many of the other podcasts out there: Many podcasts use a theme based approach.

Many podcast courses out there teach in discrete levels. Day Day Up Chinese! In this first lesson we will learn the pronouns, the verb "to be", and the occupations "student", "teacher", and "businessperson".

Day Day Up Chinese!

After all, aren't we a little bit of all three? The simple sentence pattern of pronoun + be + complement is a a quick and easy way to convey information about people - "He is an American", "They are students", "She is my coworker" etc. Once you get in the basic form, it's simply a matter of plugging in additional vocabulary (which we will do in later lessons). 1.01 Pronouns Notes: He and she have the same pronunciation in Mandarin, tā; in the written language they are differentiated by their characters, 他 for he and 她 for she. 1.02 Pronouns and the verb "to be" Notes: The verb to be 是 shì does not decline, that is to say that its form stays the same no matter who is performing the action. 1.03 Pronouns, the verb "to be", and the noun complement "student" Vocabulary point: 学 xué is, on its own, a verb that means to study. 1.06 You cheeky monkey!

Notes: Exercises. Learn Chinese - Grammar and Vocabulary. Chinese Lessons Chinese is the official language of over 1,1 billion people and, as a mother tongue, it is the most spoken language in the world.

Learn Chinese - Grammar and Vocabulary

With regard to its classification, it is considered an isolated language, though it is the most important one within the Sino-Tibetan superfamily. Chinese is the language of the Han people, the majority ethnic group of China. Online English Chinese Dictionary, Learn Chinese. FluentU - The Fun Way to Chinese Fluency.

Hanlexon Chinese - Create Your Own Worksheets and Lessons. Learning Chinese Online - Characters. 一年级上册 人教版教材·人教版电子课本·人民教育出版社·课程教材研究所. 一年级上册 人教版教材·人教版电子课本·人民教育出版社·课程教材研究所. 一年级上册 人教版教材·人教版电子课本·人民教育出版社·课程教材研究所. 韩国语快速入门—5课掌握韩语发音_百度文库. [实用韩语单词500个]视频版 共16课. Chinese learning tools. Vocabulary/Flashcards. Chinese language.