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Bibliographie finale. Taylor & Francis Online. COM 6450: Interaction des jeunes avec les médias - Guides de cours - Bibliothèques - Université de Montréal. Répertoires | Facultés | Bibliothèques | Plan campus | Sites A-Z | Mon portail UdeM Rechercher dans : Sauter les liens rapides Sauter le menu du site Accueil > Guides de cours COM 6450: Interaction des jeunes avec les médias · Retour à la page d'accueil · [Accès Admin] Joindre votre bibliothécaire Hélène Tardif helene.tardif@umont... 514 343-6111, poste 1702 Bibliothèque ÉPC-Biologie : Site Web / Coordonnées Guides suggérés La stratégie de recherche La stratégie de recherche est élaborée avant d'entreprendre la recherche dans les bases de données.

COM 6450: Interaction des jeunes avec les médias - Guides de cours - Bibliothèques - Université de Montréal


Intéressants. Formation of news habits among college students in an Internet environment. Portails - Recherche scientifique. Americans Spending More Time Following the News. Ideological News Sources: Who Watches and Why Overview There are many more ways to get the news these days, and as a consequence Americans are spending more time with the news than over much of the past decade.

Americans Spending More Time Following the News

Digital platforms are playing a larger role in news consumption, and they seem to be more than making up for modest declines in the audience for traditional platforms. As a result, the average time Americans spend with the news on a given day is as high as it was in the mid-1990s, when audiences for traditional news sources were much larger. Roughly a third (34%) of the public say they went online for news yesterday – on par with radio, and slightly higher than daily newspapers. At the same time, the proportion of Americans who get news from traditional media platforms – television, radio and print – has been stable or edging downward in the last few years.

Sources (39%). The integration of traditional and digital technology is common among those in older age groups as well. Ip1452. News Report 2013. New research finds 92 percent of time spent on news consumption is still on legacy platforms. Here is a surprising statistic from leading consultants McKinsey and Company: When you measure news consumption in the U.S. by time spent, rather than raw audience numbers, digital platforms are getting only 8 percent of the action.

New research finds 92 percent of time spent on news consumption is still on legacy platforms

McKinsey data show 35 percent of news consumption remains in newspapers and magazines, 16 percent in radio and other audio, and 41 percent television. Smart phones and tablets each account for 2 percent of time spent and desktop/laptop 4 percent. As the chart below indicates, total time spent on the platforms yields a very different picture. Digital devices get slightly more than half of total media time — about 10 times more than newspapers and magazines. However the extended time news consumers spend with print — compared to short sessions on digital — multiplies its share sevenfold when only news consumption is considered. The finding, and even the attempt to measure time spent, was novel enough that I tried to answer several questions for this post. State of the News Media 2014. In Changing News Landscape, Even Television is Vulnerable. Trends in News Consumption: 1991-2012 Overview The transformation of the nation’s news landscape has already taken a heavy toll on print news sources, particularly print newspapers.

In Changing News Landscape, Even Television is Vulnerable

But there are now signs that television news – which so far has held onto its audience through the rise of the internet – also is increasingly vulnerable, as it may be losing its hold on the next generation of news consumers. Online and digital news consumption, meanwhile, continues to increase, with many more people now getting news on cell phones, tablets or other mobile platforms. And perhaps the most dramatic change in the news environment has been the rise of social networking sites. These are among the principal findings of the Pew Research Center’s biennial news consumption survey, which has tracked patterns in news use for nearly two decades.

The decline of print on paper spans beyond just newspapers. The changing demographics of the TV news audience are particularly noticeable in the. Entretien_avec_Laurence_Corroy.pdf. Smartphones, réseaux sociaux, médias... Les 2 dernières études à découvrir - ComScore publie une étude sur l’accès à des sites de navigation, McKinsey a présenté une étude lors du News World Summit basée sur une enquête sur l’utilisation des réseaux sociaux pour accéder aux sites de contenus.

Smartphones, réseaux sociaux, médias... Les 2 dernières études à découvrir -

Les smartphones privilégiés aux ordinateurs pour accéder aux sites de navigation ComScore a publié une étude sur l’accès à des sites de navigation (comme Google Maps, Mappy ou ViaMichelin) à l’aide d’un smartphone et d’un ordinateur, à travers les 5 principaux marchés européens (France, Allemagne, Italie, Espagne et Royaume-Uni). L’étude a montré que 35% des utilisateurs de smartphones ont accédé à des sites internet via leur appareil mobile en mars 2012 tandis que 49,6% ont accédé à ces sites depuis leurs ordinateurs. L’audience des sites de navigation sur smartphone a augmenté de 55% en un an alors que l’accès à ces sites via un ordinateur est en hausse de seulement 8%. Ce dynamisme s’expliquerait notamment par la présence d’applications mobiles.