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Wilderness Survival. Botanique. Champignons. L’ortie une seule plante pour nos besoins. Article publié le 5 décembre 2011.

L’ortie une seule plante pour nos besoins

Nature. Nature. Top 10 Most Dangerous Plants In the World. 1. Most likely to eat a rat Giant Pitcher Plant: Nepenthes attenboroughii. Silvics Manual: Guide To N. American Tree Species. Russell M.

Silvics Manual: Guide To N. American Tree Species

Burns and Barbara H. Honkala Technical Coordinators Timber Management Research Agriculture Handbook 654 (Supersedes Agriculture Handbook 271, Silvics of Forest Trees of the United States, 1965) Foraging Calendar. Forage Ireland. Cinq annuelles magiques pour un jardin écologique ! © Dominique Klecka Brigitte Lapouge-Déjean, paysagiste et spécialiste de l'ornement, nous suggère cinq annuelles pour à la fois favoriser la biodiversité et multiplier les floraisons et les couleurs.

Cinq annuelles magiques pour un jardin écologique !

La centaurée. Calendrier lunaire. Pour connaître les travaux de jardinage à effectuer aux périodes les plus favorables, savoir quand greffer, récolter, tailler... le calendrier lunaire est l'outil indispensable !

Calendrier lunaire

Désormais, nous réservons le calendrier lunaire aux abonnés des 4 Saisons du jardin bio. Identifier les oiseaux du jardin en hiver. Nous avons complété notre article avec le Moineau friquet, une espèce moins connue et plus rare que le Moineau domestique, et que l'on peut parfois observer dans les jardins.

Identifier les oiseaux du jardin en hiver

Les oiseaux des jardins en hiver et au printemps : des différences Paradoxalement, en Europe de l'Ouest, on observe généralement davantage d'espèces d'oiseaux dans son jardin en hiver qu'au printemps, car les oiseaux sédentaires sont alors rejoints par d'autres venus de contrées plus nordiques, chassés par le gel et/ou l'absence de nourriture. My Cology. Forest School. Forest School. Forest School. A Recipe for Turmeric Juice: A Powerful Healing Beverage. When I lived in Bali, I fell in love with the Balinese-style turmeric juice, Jamu Kunyit.

A Recipe for Turmeric Juice: A Powerful Healing Beverage

Turmeric is known to be one of the most powerful healing herbs. It is great for bones and joints as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents metastases from occurring in many different forms of cancer. Turmeric's also a natural liver detoxifier and a kidney cleanser, and it speeds metabolism and aids in weight management. Plus it heals and alleviates conditions of depression, psoriasis, damaged skin, arthritis and more.

For these reasons, turmeric is ubiquitous both in Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine. Here's what you'll need to get started: 5-7 inches turmeric 5-7 tamarind 2 lemons raw honey water blender strainer bowl mason jar(s) or other glass jar with lid. 600 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World's Most Important Herb. There is a medicinal spice so timelessly interwoven with the origins of human culture and metabolism, so thoroughly supported by modern scientific inquiry, as to be unparalleled in its proven value to human health and well-being.

600 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World's Most Important Herb

Indeed, turmeric turns the entire drug-based medical model on its head. Instead of causing far more side effects than therapeutic ones, as is the case for most patented pharmaceutical medications, turmeric possesses hundreds of potential side benefits, having been empirically demonstrated to positively modulate over 160 different physiological pathways in the mammalian body. While no food or herb is right for everyone, and everything has the potential for unintended, adverse side effects, turmeric is truly unique in its exceptionally high margin of safety vis-à-vis the drugs it has been compared with, e.g. hydrocortisone, ibuprofen, chemotherapy agents. Willow Bark – Nature’s Painkiller. By John A.

Willow Bark – Nature’s Painkiller

Heatherly, Author of The Survival Template photo by aresauburnâ„¢ For centuries, willow bark has been used as treatment for a myriad of ailments. The bark contains a chemical called salicin that is similar to aspirin, although some studies have identified other compounds that have “antioxidant, fever reducing, antiseptic, and immune boosting properties.”* Some show that willow can reduce pain and inflammation at much lower doses than aspirin. It has been shown to help with headaches, low back pain, and osteoarthritis, and is also recommended for the treatment of menstrual cramps, fever, flu, bursitis, and tendonitis. Bildwörterbuch. Afforestt- Urban Forests. Delivered. Permaculture Agroforestry. Tropical rain forest. Aquaponics. Medicinal Herbs. Login. DIY Plant Containers. DIY Plant Containers. Seeds - Saving, Trading, Buying. Gardening and Foraging. Comment se débarrasser et lutter contre les mouches. Le 13/07/09 par cyrill.e Contrairement à d’autres insectes que l’on trouve à l’intérieur de nos maisons, la mouche peut être considérée comme un nuisible car elle est susceptible de véhiculer de nombreux germes pathogènes.

Le mode de vie de la mouche domestique Les mouches apprécient la chaleur, l’humidité et sont attirées par la lumière. Par contre, elles ne supportent pas du tout les conditions ventées. Elles se nourrissent d’une grande variété d’aliments et pondent leurs œufs dans les matières organiques chaudes et humides comme les déchets en décomposition. Comment repousser les mouches ? Repousser les mouches, c’est la première mesure que vous pouvez mettre en place pour limiter la présence de ces insectes dans vos locaux domestiques. Installer des moustiquaires ou des rideaux de porte pour les empêcher de rentrer.placer des pieds de basilic sur les bordures des fenêtres. Basilic. Le marc de café. Le café est donc plein de vertus : antioxydants, anti-vieillissants cellulaires, anti-cancérogènes, diminue le risque de développer un diabète de type 2 et les maladies dégénératives.

Le marc de café

Mais que savez vous sur le marc de café ? Définition : Le marc de café est le résidu de l'infusion du café, et par extension d'autres produits. 10 facons de réutiliser le marc de café. Une seconde vie pour la marc de café ? Comment faire évoluer la cosmétologie traditionnelle ?

Une seconde vie pour la marc de café ?

Mr-Plantes - plantes médicinales. Noix de Lavage, comment ça marche ? - Mode d'emploi. Que sont les noix de lavage ? Le « Sapindus Mukorossi » est un arbre pouvant mesurer jusqu'à 15 mètres de haut qui pousse au Cachemire, sur les contreforts de l’Himalaya. Il commence à porter des fruits au bout d’une dizaine d’années et est productif pendant environ 90 ans. La noix de lavage mûre est collante à cause de sa forte teneur en saponine. Comment faire un jardin en permaculture ? Avant de parler de jardin en permaculture, rappelons que la permaculture est bien plus qu’une nouvelle approche du jardinage, c’est une philosophie de vie où animaux, insectes, êtres humains, plantes et micro-organismes vivent en harmonie dans un environnement sain et auto-suffisant. Le mot « permaculture » en lui-même est la contraction de « (agri)culture permanente ». Il fut inventé par Bill Mollison et David Holmgren dans les années 1970.

Il regroupe des principes et des techniques d’aménagement et de culture, à la fois ancestraux et novateurs, dans un concept global, le design. Il vise à faire de son lieu de vie un écosystème harmonieux, productif, autonome, naturellement régénéré et respectueux de la nature et de TOUS ses habitants ! Promoting the Study, Enjoyment and Conservation of Lichens. 10 Plants That Repel Garden Insect Pests. 10 Plants That Repel Garden Insect Pests Please be sure to Join our email list and receive all our latest and best tutorials daily – free! Background photo – Yummifruitbat (Wikipedia) lic. under CC 2.5. Permaculture Association. Learn2Grow. GardenWeb - The Internet's Garden Community. Tree Leaf Silhouette - Identify a Tree by Leaf Silhouette. Education Forestry Share this page on: Send to a Friend via Email Your suggestion is on its way!

An email with a link to: EXPLORE TREES. Plant Search By US State. Tree Identification Guide at arborday. Genetic resources of agroforestry trees. Full Key for Plant Identification: Go Botany. The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation. Home page. Greenpeace UK. I-Tree - Tools for Assessing and Managing Community Forests. List of national trees. Redwood. The world's 10 oldest living trees. European tree of the year. Wildlife Webcams - Live from the Rainforest. Enjoying this page? If everyone watching World Land Trust's webcams made a donation of £1, it would cover the cost of keeping the cameras running and enable us to add more to the network!

For example, text WEBC13 £3 ($5) to 70070 to donate £3 ($5) to World Land Trust's webcam fund. Donate with. Welcome. Rainforest Portal. The Brazilian Government: Save the Awa tribe and the Amazon from illegal logging industry. Teak Growth. Amazon Watch. Home — The Amazon Conservation Team. Rainforest - Tropical rain forest. International Society of Arboriculture. Society of American Foresters. Forestry. Why are we a nation of tree-huggers? 3 February 2011Last updated at 15:44 By Jon Kelly BBC News Magazine Plans to transfer ownership of many public forests in England have provoked a huge row. But why are we so protective of our woodlands? It's about the rustling of the leaves and the crunch of twigs underfoot.

It's the sensation of the rough bark on your hands and the light dappling into a clearing. Above all, it's a place where nature takes priority over humans. (TreeHugger) Global Justice Ecology Project: , Hinesburg, VT. Israeli biotech firm says its modified eucalyptus trees can displace the fossil fuel industry by John Vidal, environment editor, The Guardian, Thursday 15 November 2012 GM eucalyptus trees at five-and-a-half years old, grown in a field trial.

FutureGene claims GM species grow thicker and faster than the natural plant, making it possible to be grown for energy generation.It's a timber company's dream but a horrific industrial vision for others: massive plantations of densely planted GM eucalyptus trees stretching across Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia and China, engineered to grow 40% faster for use as paper, as pellets for power stations and as fuel for cars. Temperate Forest Farming & Permaculture Strategies. Mastic - Chios Travel Guide. Mastic is the brand product of Chios. This unique natural resin of the Chios mastic tree has multiple uses and its production and trade is a main pillar of the local economy.

The Chios Gum Mastic Growers Association is the exclusive manufacturer and distributor of natural Chios mastic, both in Greece and abroad. Tree Disease identification, symptoms, treatment options for tree diseases. There are many different diseases that affect landscape trees and shrubs. Control of tree and shrub diseases cannot be properly accomplished until the disease pest is identified. Identification of tree and shrub diseases is crucial because, although most diseases can be controlled, there are some diseases that cannot be controlled. Disease control on landscape trees and shrubs can sometimes be accomplished by more than one method, depending on the particular disease that if infecting your landscape plants.

Dutch Study Says Wi-Fi Makes Trees Sick. A recent study by Dutch scientists found that Wi-Fi radiation could be responsible for sickness in urban-populated trees. Image: baltimoresun What would life be like without Wi-Fi, bringer of high speed internet access? Probably pretty inconvenient considering that millions of computer users around the world use it at home, at work and other public places to get online. Having access to wireless networks makes our lives easier, but according to a Dutch study from Wageningen University, this access may be compromising the health of trees. Plant Database. Trees. Seedlings. Seeds at Risk in AgroBusiness.

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