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Konrad Loder. Will Menter, sculptures sonores, sound sculptures, musique contemporaine. Luzinterruptus. Fabio Viale - Fabio is a sculptor who works with marble. He lives in Italy. Alicja Kwade. Antti Laitinen – Visual Artist. Home. Krištof Kintera. Wela, Elisabeth Wierzbicka, visual artist, contemporary art. Art Installations. Environmental Art / Pinterest. Land Art, Nature Art / Pinterest. Landscape Installation Art / Pinterest.

Art installations, Art sculptures and Contemporary art. Artiste plasticien-mounir fatmi. Paramodel: Graffiti-style Rail Track Art. What a strange sight: Blue lines covering everything from the floor to the walls and all over the ceiling.

Paramodel: Graffiti-style Rail Track Art

If you look close enough at these gigantic blue roots, you realise that it’s all made of plastic rails, more precisely, of blue plastic toy rails we used to play with as kids! And if you look at the patterns longer, you recognise model stations and mountains alongside the rail tracks – one big diorama. You’d eventually find a pinhole-sized goat on top of the model mountain! Paramodel are Yasuhiko Hayashi and Yusuke Nakano, an artist duo from Eastern Osaka, and they unfold such 3D, graffiti-like patterns on any surface: not only on the white walls of a gallery or the floors of a back-street factory, they extend their haptic art all over a Japanese onsen tub and don’t stop with even covering the water surface of a pond. PingMag was eager to meet up with the paramodel duo for a chat during their preparations for the Dialogue with the city exhibition in Yokohama. Well… we hope we can. Noriko Ambe. PASCALE MARTHINE TAYOU official website. Cédric Le Borgne. Wela (Elisabeth Wierzbicka)

Shigeko Hirakawa's contemporary art site -iOSFlashVideo. Arne Quinze. ONE WORLD by The People of Tomorrow Arne Quinze, Tomorrowland & De Schorre are building a state-of-the-art, permanent public artwork and invite the whole world to help.

Arne Quinze

Follow the making of here! My Secret Garden / Rockstrangers Book Arne Quinze invited author Saskia de Coster for a unique project that will enlargen the scope of both the Rock Strangers project (Ostend) and the Secret Garden exhibition (Rotterdam). More info A conversation withGilbert Perlein The reason that in a sense I took my lead from him was because I knew that his expertise lay in handling a dialogue with the city, the town and its architecture . An Interview byKjeld Kjeldsen The question of how people live in the city or in nature is a constant recurring theme in Arne Quinze's work.

. © 2013 Arne Quinze — All images and texts used on this website are copyrighted. Jonathan Brilliant. CHIHARU SHIOTA -iOSFlashVideo. Armelle Blary. Yunwoochoistudio. Peter Liversidge. Michel de Broin. Carlotta brunetti. Joana Vasconcelos -iOSFlashVideo. Dorothea Reese-Heim Werke und aktuelle Ausstellungen. Govinda Prasad Sah ‘Azad’ Installations, Sculpture, Drawings, Prints. Nancy Davidson. Dorothée Selz. ALEXANDRA BIRCKEN. : Portfolio : TROCADERO, 2012. Valparaiso, Chile -iOSFlashVideo : trocadero : ruma. Pierre Clément. 403 Forbidden. Roy Staab. Aude Franjou - Lin Sculpté -iOSFlashVideo. Janet Echelman Portfolio - Janet Echelman. Ai Weiwei: Sunflower seeds - YouTube -iOSFlashVideo. ART+COM: Home. Jaehyo Lee - Blogs - My Modern Metropolis -iOSFlashVideo. Lee jea-hyo Homepage[/] -iOSFlashVideo.

刘建华 Liu Jianhua.  HADA CONTEMPORARY -iOSFlashVideo. Back To List.


Contemporary Fine Art Gallery -iOSFlashVideo. Sarah Sze. Susanne Krell: Home -iOSFlashVideo. ·: Marlon de Azambuja :· -iOSFlashVideo. Art Installations. iOSFlashVideo. Artist, Designer, Programmer, DJ, VJ, Composer. Markus Lerner - Interactive Installations, Applications, Websites. Joop Haring. Shen Shaomin. Paola Pivi's home page. Zadok Ben-David. Fernando Prats. SMIGLA-BOBINSKI.

Adam Kalinowski. JAN de WERYHA-WYSOCZANSKI. The Art of Michael Christian. Latest News. Marian Bijlenga - Round Transparency- The Story: Construction Threads, arranged as though they were a drawing in space, then glued in place.

Marian Bijlenga -

Sometimes they are grouped together in deeply shaded planes, sometimes as open weavings with special places marked with acrylic paint or simply suggested by concentrations of light and shadow. From her first ventures in her artistic career in the early 1980s, Marian Bijlenga selected the line as the vehicle for her ideas. Hers are lines that seem to come about through some form of automatic writing, as though their maker, during the construction of her spatial scribblings, was barely aware of any final stage. Still, the unintended character of these works is only appearance.

The Handwriting: Deconstruction Formally, Marian Bijlenga’s work underwent considerable change in the early 1990s. In these works, Marian Bijlenga has sketched only parts of a story. Tabula Rasa: Creation The spiral, the leaf, the stream, the dot. Dean Ruck -iOSFlashVideo. Inspired by the luminescent jellies found off the British Columbia coast, Jelly Swarm mimics their natural, reactive light behaviour.. /by @tangibleint. Created by Tangible Intervention (the public art arm of Tangible Interaction) in collaboration with origami artist, Joseph Wu, Jelly Swarm is a public artwork for the Vancouver Aquarium in BC, Canada.

Inspired by the luminescent jellies found off the British Columbia coast, Jelly Swarm mimics their natural, reactive light behaviour.. /by @tangibleint

The installation features 94 folded origami jellies, each containing an LED light module, suspended from a custom aluminum structure. Inspired by the luminescent jellies found off the British Columbia coast, Jelly Swarm mimics their natural, reactive light behaviour. It allows visitors to excite the origami jellies into creating beautiful colour and light patterns from a touch screen controller.

When left undisturbed by the public, the jellies interact with their closest neighbours, triggering random generative displays of coloured light. The first step was to start shaping custom structural elements in 3D. A custom built Adobe Air application was developed within Flash Builder to interact with the Swarm. Geneviève Trivier – Plasticienne -iOSFlashVideo. Cornelia Konrads. Nikolay Polissky. ARTISTS - Alyson Shotz -iOSFlashVideo.

Portfolio: Steven Siegel -iOSFlashVideo. Henrique Oliveira - Site do Artista Henrique Oliveira - -iOSFlashVideo. Ned Kahn: Ned Kahn Studios. PASCALE MARTHINE TAYOU official website -iOSFlashVideo. Patrick Dougherty. Claire Morgan - Home -iOSFlashVideo. Jonathan Brilliant. Rouen impressionnée. Nele Azevedo -iOSFlashVideo. Şakir Gökçebağ. Jamila Lamrani -iOSFlashVideo. Samuel Salcedo.


E l í n   h a n s d ó t t i r -iOSFlashVideo. Index -iOSFlashVideo. ‘My London’ Installation by nendo for British design company Established & Sons -iOSFlashVideo. October 20, 2011, 4:17 pm ‘My London’ Installation by nendo for British design company Established & Sons. The space design for British design company Established & Sons’ exhibition for the 2011 London Design Festival, presented in the company’s showroom in east London. The collection’s theme was ‘My London’, so nendo pasted 15,000 maps of London neighbourhoods printed onto tracing paper onto the walls, creating an installation that recollects that particular atmospheric phenomenon, the London Fog. The installation, an accumulation of intimate individual feelings towards the city, becomes a physical, spatial expression of the dynamic, always ambiguous face of the city.

Susie MacMurray. MHR-Accueil -iOSFlashVideo. Installation Art, Sculpture, Contemporary Art on Pinterest. L. Ogorzelec "Space Crystallization" cycle -iOSFlashVideo. Ludwika Ogorzelec. Martin Creed. Aleksander Janicki. Per kristian nygård - art - index.html. John Bisbee Sculpture. LEO VILLAREAL. Bruce Munro: Home.