What Does YOUR VOICE Sound Like To Others? Persuade con tu voz. Estrategias para sonar creíble. Do you know what paralanguage is? How to charm people with your voice. Las expresiones universales: Entrevista a Paul Ekman.
Toda la entrevista es interesante, pero os recomiendo en especial que pongáis del minuto 5'30'' al 10'15'' – eaguirre
Comunicación no verbal: algunos ejemplos (sin sonido) Secrets of body language (Documental completo) Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are. Body Language Expert Mark Bowden at TEDxToronto - The Importance Of Being Inauthentic. How Body Language Lost an Election. Ignite Show: Scott Berkun - "Why and How to Give an Ignite Talk", Ep 19. Top Secrets about Body Language - Full Documentary. Políticos delatados por sus gestos - Lenguaje corporal de los más influyentes - 1 de 4. Así es la comunicación no verbal de Pablo Iglesias: un experto ofrece las claves. HARVEY SPECTER BODY LANGUAGE. Don Draper Social Skills. Don Draper Sales Pitch: A fictional example of a charming speaker!
Discurso de Barack Obama: Yes We Can. Discurso de Jorge VI del 3 de septiembre de 1939 (solo audio) El discurso del rey: versión cinematográfica del discurso de Jorge VI. Public Speaking Tips. Cómo usar la voz para vender una idea: Don Draper. ¿Y si la técnica nos falla? Respiración Costodiafragmatica. How to Develop A Manly Voice. Nancy Duarte: The secret structure of great talks.
How to stay calm under pressure - Noa Kageyama and Pen-Pen Chen. Vocal Power for Your Pitch. How to sound smart in your TEDx Talk. The 7 secrets of the greatest speakers in history. Best marketing strategy ever! Steve Jobs Think different / Crazy ones speech (with real subtitles) 2016 World Champion of Public Speaking, Darren Tay Wen Jie. 2nd place winner of the 2016 World Championship of Public Speaking, Aaron Beverly.
3rd place winner of the 2016 World Championship of Public Speaking, Josephine Lee. Entonación ascendente al final de la frase (y algunos consejos para la piel) No enseñan a hablar, pero no a usar la voz. El almacén cognitivo enciclopédico: ejemplo. El almacén cognitivo biográfico: ejemplo. Inicios de consecutiva (introducción) Consecutiva sin notas: ejercicios. Speech Repository: Banco de discursos de la Comisión Europea. Speechpool: banco de discursos de estudiantes de interpretación. Analizando las funciones del lenguaje en un discurso de Nigel Farage. Discurso de JFK: Ich bin ein Berliner. Discurso de Bill Clinton: This has hurt too many people. January 20, 2017: Inaugural Address. March 15, 2010: Speech on Health Care Reform. September 13, 1993: Remarks at the Signing of the Israeli-Palestinian Agreement.
September 14, 1986: Speech to the Nation on the Campaign Against Drug Abuse. August 8, 1974: Address to the Nation Announcing Decision To Resign the Office of President. June 26, 1963: "Ich bin ein Berliner" Speech. What is conference interpreting? What's the difference between a translator and a conference interpreter? Let them hear You - The added value of interpreting. Otras modalidades de interpretación: Interpretación en lengua de signos. Otras modalidades de interpretación: el chat de la Comisión Europea. This section will explain the sequence of events concerning both the preparation and the conduct of a Chat.
There are 3 distinct phases, each involving specific actions: Before the Chat 1. Once the DG has decided to organise a Chat, the following details must be decided: the date of the Chat the subject of the Chat the main language of the Chat the people that will be involved The existing Plan/Checklist needs to be adapted to the requirements of each Chat. 2.
Drafting the announcement (DG) translating the announcement into the other official languages (DG) publishing the announcement on the web streaming portal setting up a mailbox for questions sent by email prior to the Chat (DG)The model of the Mailbox to be used is "chat-<commissioner_name>@ec.europa.eu" 3. The Chat is promoted via several means: online promotion via the online press & media, the representations, the delegations and on the (ec.)europa.eu website. 4. . (979 kB) . During the Chat 1. 2. After the Chat 1. 2. 3. El intérprete es "la voz de la señora" Il y a quelques années, j’accompagnais en Haïti une délégation de parlementaires européens conduits par une députée allemande.
Les discussions compliquées par la situation critique du pays se tenaient, en consécutive doublée de chuchotage, dans des lieux peu propices à des réunions mais l’équipe très réduite d’interprètes, à la fois accablée et motivée par ce qu’elle voyait et entendait ne faiblissait pas à la tâche. Un soir, lors d’une conférence de presse, un journaliste d’une radio privée demande à la présidente de la délégation combien de nationalités sont représentées parmi les parlementaires européens. Je traduis la réponse- une énumération- dont la chute est : "et puis, il y a moi qui suis allemande" Ce féminin déclenche immédiatement le fou rire du journaliste qui se tournant vers moi me demande, goguenard, si je suis "allemande".
Página web de AIIC (Asociación Internacional de Intérpretes de Conferencias) How we work. You may already have seen or heard interpreters at work whispering for heads of state or interpreting in sound-proof booths at large international conferences.
The ability to interpret is a skill many claim but few truly possess. Consider the process of interpretation: the interpreter listens to the speaker, understands the message and converts it into another language, speaks to the delegates and all the while monitors his output to ensure elegant delivery. And while this is happening the interpreter is absorbing the next part of the speech. What are the processes involved? It is essential to grasp that interpreting is first and foremost understanding the intended message perfectly. Interpreting is a constant to-ing and fro-ing between different ways of thinking and cultural universes. Conference interpreters usually work in a team put together for a specific conference according to the event's working languages. Modes of Interpretation Simultaneous Consecutive. Un ejemplo de interpretación consecutiva. Un ejemplo de interpretación simultánea. Un ejemplo de interpretación de enlace. (Minuto 6'40'') Un ejemplo de interpretación susurrada.
How Plenary works. Time for discussion before taking a decision A parliamentary report put to the vote in plenary is generally the subject of a debate in which the Commission, the representatives of the political groups and individual MEPs express their views.
Speaking time per person, often very short, depends on the number of Members who have asked for the floor. Unlike the voting, which is sometimes held at a very rapid pace, the debates can last for several hours, depending on the number of Members who wish to speak. They usually speak in their own language, and what they say is interpreted simultaneously by the interpreters into the other official EU languages. Speaking time in the Chamber is allocated according to the following criteria: a first fraction of speaking time is divided equally amongst all the political groups, then a further fraction is divided among the groups in proportion to the total number of their members. How interpreters juggle two languages at once. The amazing brains of the real-time interpreters. One morning this summer I paid a visit to the sole United Nations agency in London.
The headquarters of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) sits on the southern bank of the Thames, a short distance upstream from the Houses of Parliament. As I approached, I saw that a ship’s prow, sculpted in metal, was grafted like a nose to the ground floor of this otherwise bland building. Inside I met a dozen or so mostly female IMO translators. They were cheerful and chatty and better dressed than you might imagine for people who are often heard but rarely seen. I walked upstairs to a glass-fronted booth, where I prepared to witness something both absolutely remarkable and utterly routine. Let’s unpick what she did that morning and itemise its components. As the delegate spoke, Pinkney had to make sense of a message composed in one language while simultaneously constructing and articulating the same message in another tongue. Intriguing region Humorous pitfalls Some speakers talk too fast. Danica Seleskovitch. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
Danica Seleskovitch est née à Paris le et morte à Cahors le (à 79 ans). Interprète de conférence, elle fonda, entre autres, la Théorie interprétative de la traduction. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Danica Seleskovitch[1] est née d’une mère française, issue d’une famille de la bourgeoisie du Nord et d’un père serbe, philosophe, appartenant à une lignée d’intellectuels yougoslaves. Daniel Gile. Daniel Gile (* 1948) ist ein französischer Übersetzer und Konferenzdolmetscher.
Er lehrt als Universitätsprofessor an der École Supérieure d'Interprètes et de Traducteurs (ESIT) der Universität Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle. Leben[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Daniel Gile studierte Mathematik, bevor er sich einem Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherstudium zuwandte. 1984 promovierte er im Fach Japanisch mit einer Dissertation zur Ausbildung von Übersetzerberufen (La formation aux métiers de la traduction japonais-français: problèmes et méthodes) am Pariser Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO). 1987 begann er dort eine außerordentliche Professur. Forschung[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Daniel Giles Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt auf der Ausbildung von Dolmetschern, Übersetzern und wissenschaftlichem Nachwuchs. Interpreting Research. Franz PÖCHHACKER: A conversation about research on conference interpreting.
Consejos de la UE para trabajar con intérpretes. La Dirección General de Interpretación proporciona intérpretes para más de 10 000 reuniones al año.
El trabajo del intérprete es hacer posible la comunicación entre interlocutores que no hablan el mismo idioma. Nuestra experiencia nos ha demostrado que en una reunión multilingüe también entran en primera línea de juego las aptitudes de comunicación de los participantes, y tanto más cuanto aumentan el número de idiomas utilizados y la complejidad para organizar la interpretación. Código ético de AIIC (2012) I.
Purpose and Scope. ¿Cómo comportarse en la cabina? Mutual assistance, team cohesiveness and convivialité are essential for the smooth running of any conference.
Here's a checklist of booth manners for beginners. In the booth. Booth manners.