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Online Statistics Education: A Free Resource for Introductory Statistics. Developed by Rice University (Lead Developer), University of Houston Clear Lake, and Tufts University OnlineStatBook Project Home This work is in the public domain.

Online Statistics Education: A Free Resource for Introductory Statistics

Therefore, it can be copied and reproduced without limitation. However, we would appreciate a citation where possible. Please cite as: Online Statistics Education: A Multimedia Course of Study ( Project Leader: David M. If you are an instructor using these materials, I can send you an instructor's manual, PowerPoint Slides, and additional questions that may be helpful to you. Table of Contents. Stockburger Introductory Statistics Text. This on-line text was originally written while I was a Psychology professor at Missouri State University and has survived numerous revisions.

Stockburger Introductory Statistics Text

When my students began requesting that I make my online text available on their tablets, I thought I could make a few tweaks to the existing pages and they would load just fine. I soon found out differently. As I began reading and understanding about HTML 5, it quickly became apparent that a few tweaks simply wouldn't do. When I created the 2nd edition of the text in 2000, I used what I thought was state of the art HTML coding. When I began researching HTML 5, such coding was referred to as grandpa's HTML .

I will give myself credit for semantic coding the second edition of the text using XML. While technology can enhance the learning experience of the student, it cannot totally replace the human interaction necessary for student learning. Please consider the third web edition of this text as a work in progress. SPSS Tutorials. Menu of this page: General Online SPSS Tutorials Specialized SPSS Tutorials or Technical Papers Other sources of SPSS syntax or scripts For 3 excellent SPSS Statistics Guides see Marija Norusis Site.

SPSS Tutorials

Tutorials in this site: Converting strings to numbers Date, time and age String manipulation Tutorials Macro Tutorials Paper on Weighting by Hector Maletta Forest biometrical models for SPSS by Kitikidou Kyriaki of the University of Thrace, Greece. Home - Statistics Without Borders. Great tools for data visualization. Most data is meaningless to most people — unless it is visualized.

Great tools for data visualization

Stepping beyond familiar visualizations like bar charts and pie charts, there are many approaches to visualizing data, from mapping (e.g., color coding a map to show voting patterns) to visualizing networks (e.g., the links between people). You are not limited to Microsoft Excel, or your own programming abilities. We’re now in an awesome generation for visualization, with dozens of freely available software libraries — which developers have spent months (or years!)

Building. Increasingly these use Javascript (so they work in all browsers and mobile devices). Arbor.js is a library of force-directed layout algorithms plus abstractions for graph organization and refresh handling. CartoDB is a web service for mapping, analyzing and building applications with data. The top 20 data visualisation tools. Infographics & Data Visualization. Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software. GapMinder. - Free SPSS Video Tutorials. SPSS Tutorials and Statistical Guides by Laerd Statistics. Resources to help you learn and use SPSS. SPSS Instructional Videos - RStats Institute. Probability and statistics EBook. From Socr SOCR Books: This is a General Statistics Curriculum E-Book, which includes Advanced-Placement (AP) materials.

Probability and statistics EBook

Preface This is an Internet-based probability and statistics E-Book. The materials, tools and demonstrations presented in this E-Book would be very useful for advanced-placement (AP) statistics educational curriculum. The E-Book is initially developed by the UCLA Statistics Online Computational Resource (SOCR). There are 4 novel features of this specific Statistics EBook. Format Follow the instructions in this page to expand, revise or improve the materials in this E-Book. Learning and Instructional Usage This section describes the means of traversing, searching, discovering and utilizing the SOCR Statistics EBook resources in both formal and informal learning setting. Copyrights. HyperStat Online: Introduction. HyperStat - free online textbook. StatSoft Electronic Textbook.

"Thank you and thank you again for providing a complete, well-structured, and easy-to-understand online resource.

StatSoft Electronic Textbook

Every other website or snobbish research paper has not deigned to explain things in words consisting of less than four syllables. I was tossed to and fro like a man holding on to a frail plank that he calls his determination until I came across your electronic textbook...You have cleared the air for me. You have enlightened. You have illuminated. You have educated me. " The Knowledgebase - online Social Research Methods textbook. Free Statistics Book. Using SPSS and PASW. SPSS or "Statistical Package for the Social Sciences" is a software program widely used in the social sciences for conducting statistical analysis of data.

Using SPSS and PASW

The company that produced the software was SPSS, Inc., but it was bought in 2008 by IBM. During the transition, the software package was renamed to PASW, but has since been renamed back to SPSS. GNU PSPP is a free alternative to SPSS[1]. It appears to be very similar. This book is a rudimentary introduction to the use of SPSS for basic statistical analysis. Throughout this text, example data are from a nationally representative sample of Genetic Counselors collected in 2006. Part of the Social Sciences Collection Table of Contents[edit] Contributors[edit] This book was originally created by students in a Sociology Statistics class at the University of Tampa in Spring 2010 although small modifications and additions have been made since. Other Useful Tutorials[edit]