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Think Local, Act Global. Harish Manwani, chairman, HUL Harish Manwani, Chairman and also President for Asia, Africa and east and central Europe for Unilever, says the Anglo-Dutch parent wants 70 per cent of its revenues to come from emerging markets, against 53 per cent now.

Think Local, Act Global

From 17 emerging market countries on its radar, India and Brazil are the two larger ones in focus for Unilever. In a wide-ranging interview with Chaitanya Kalbag, Suman Layak and Anusha Subramanian, Manwani shares his thoughts. Chaitanya Kalbag: We are meeting you right after HUL's results and wanted to just get a feeling from you on HUL's overall performance. Where does it fit in terms of Unilever Plc's global strategy? In fact we are committed that going forward we are going to have 60 percent-plus of our R&D resources and brand development resources in D&E parts of the world. Now let me tell you about innovation. So when you ask me a question that what is it that we have done?

Cost effectiveness program is the most important. How To Write an Executive Summary - Sales Machine. The Angel Pitch Guy. Crafting a Powerful Executive Summary. If you think a proposal's executive summary is really a summary, you're missing the point.

Crafting a Powerful Executive Summary

Here are six tips for turning your blah conclusions into an effective, well-substantiated pitch. by John Clayton Responding to a request for proposals (RFP) is pretty straightforward. You describe your company's history, your product or service, its implementation schedule, and the support you'll provide. The one stumbling block is the one section that everyone will read: the executive summary. What is its purpose? "Executive summary is a bit of a misnomer," says Tom Sant, founder of the Cincinnati-based Sant Corporation and author of Persuasive Business Proposals: Writing to Win Customers, Clients, and Contracts (Amacom, 1992). Thus the executive summary demands a whole different approach to writing than the rest of the proposal, one that balances efficient delivery of key information with a persuasive, well-substantiated pitch. 1. 2. 3.

Use formatting and graphics to highlight your message. Un boulevard s'ouvre pour Wal-Mart et Carrefour. New Delhi a annoncé le 24 novembre l'ouverture de la grande distribution aux enseignes étrangères.

Un boulevard s'ouvre pour Wal-Mart et Carrefour

Malgré la colère des partis d'opposition, qui craignent pour les petits commerces locaux, la presse indienne défend la réforme. "Nous n'avons pas pris la décision à la hâte. Nous avons longuement réfléchi et sommes convaincus que cette décision bénéficiera grandement à tous". Le Premier ministre, Manmhan Singh, s'est montré ferme le 29 novembre, prêt à défendre jusqu'au bout sa nouvelle réforme, l'ouverture de la grande distribution indienne aux investissements étrangers, malgré la colère de l'opposition.

Cette dernière a réussi à interrompre les sessions parlementaires mais New Delhi tient bon. Saluée par l'ensemble des grands titres indiens, cette mesure de libéralisation, si elle voit le jour, devrait permettre la création de millions d'emplois, assure New Delhi.

QSR in India

Markets / Stock Markets : Foreigners allowed to invest directly in equities. The new scheme to become operational from Jan 15 New Delhi, Jan. 1: The Government has announced a new scheme under which a foreign individual, a foreign pension fund or even a foreign trust will be able to invest directly in the Indian equity market.

Markets / Stock Markets : Foreigners allowed to invest directly in equities

These investors will be called ‘Qualified Foreign Investors' (QFIs). The new scheme is expected to be operationalised from January 15. “This has been done in order to widen the class of investors, attract more foreign funds, reduce market volatility and deepen the Indian capital market,” a Finance Ministry statement said. The investors are already allowed direct access to Indian mutual fund schemes. At present, foreign institutional investors (FIIs) or foreigners, through sub-accounts with registered FIIs, can invest in the equity market. The new procedure This condition will allow investors from over 80 countries to access the Indian equity market, save Pakistan and some other countries. Tax treatment

India-Slum economy

India-Luxury. Inde. SEB : « Notre entrée en Inde est un pas décisif »