Projet Crocodiles. Stop Harcèlement de rue. Paye Ta Shnek. PAYE TA SHNEK. “J’ai toujours rêvé de baiser une handicapée, tu viens dans la chambre avec moi.”
Lyon — lors d'une soirée. Venant d'un mec qui savait que j'étais lesbienne… Et même sans ça, je comprends toujours pas comment il a pu penser que je le suivrais sans discuter, sa phrase n'étant clairement pas une question mais plus un ordre. Lesbeton. Depuis ce fameux vendredi 13, je ne sais plus quelle attitude adopter.
Est-ce que je publie comme d’habitude un témoignage pour dénoncer le harcèlement lesbophobe ou est-ce que je prends le temps de parler des attentats deux minutes ? J’espère que vous avez deux minutes. En tant que féministe, lesbienne et personne racisée, j’ai ressenti un grand malaise à la lecture des textes partagés en masse sur les réseaux sociaux.
No More Street Harassment. A post in honor of all women Olympians!
The Olympics are here, and you know what that means. Tons of men oogling women who play certain sports, yet criticizing and disparaging women who participate in other sports. My male friends are no exception to the rule, as they’re glued to the TV whenever women’s beach volleyball is on, and saying nasty remarks about women weightlifters. Here are just a few of the amazing women Olympians. The everyday sexism project. Women speak out about online abuse. 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. On passe à l'action pour des bars, festivals, rues et transports conviviaux ! Stop Street Harassment. Observatorio contra el Acoso Callejero. Hollaback! You have the power to end harassment.
The Tor network: improving privacy & security on the Internet. Overview The Tor network is a group of volunteer-operated servers that allows people to improve their privacy and security on the Internet.
Tor's users employ this network by connecting through a series of virtual tunnels rather than making a direct connection, thus allowing both organizations and individuals to share information over public networks without compromising their privacy. Along the same line, Tor is an effective censorship circumvention tool, allowing its users to reach otherwise blocked destinations or content. Tor can also be used as a building block for software developers to create new communication tools with built-in privacy features.
Individuals use Tor to keep websites from tracking them and their family members, or to connect to news sites, instant messaging services, or the like when these are blocked by their local Internet providers. Journalists use Tor to communicate more safely with whistleblowers and dissidents. A branch of the U.S. Collective Action for Safe Spaces (CASS) Bengaluru's all-women 'hackathon' for promoting women safety. ET Bureau Sep 14, 2015, 10.23AM IST (From this event came apps…) By J Vignesh BENGALURU: When Durga came out with its Durga Alarm in the city's public transport -which enables women in distress to raise an alarm -it understood just what social innovation can do for the cause of tackling sexual harassment.
Meanwhile, Janaki Shantharam, co-founder of talent recruitment firm Dexter talent labs, was attending one of Durga's training sessions. It struck that they can collaborate. "Hackathons are the best way to bring in social innovation. "We are all working professionals. Personal reasons too were a driving factor for the participants. Projet Gaspard. Vamos juntas? #mencallmethings hashtag. #shoutingback - Recherche sur Twitter. #safetytipsforladies - Recherche sur Twitter. #silentnomore : Our message to trolls - no, we won't shut up. “Don’t feed the trolls.”
So tenacious is this mantra’s grip on our collective conscious that any deviation from the one true anti-trolling path results in a barrage of advice which basically amounts to two words: “shut up”. The theory, like that strange childhood belief in the invisibility of those who close their eyes, being that if you don’t react, the troll can’t hurt you – or at least the troll will get bored and go away.
Now, this is all very well – and perhaps it works in those cases of trolling when the sole intent of the troll is to disrupt conversation and, this time like a naughty child, gain attention. But what if, like other sectors of the human race, trolls aren’t a monolithic mass? What if, rather than wanting to disrupt conversations, they just want to stop them permanently?