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Timelines: English Pilot Project

Timelines: English Pilot Project Do you speak Uglish? How English has evolved in Uganda Please don’t dirten my shirt with your muddy hands. Stop cowardising and go and see that girl. Don’t just beep her again, bench her. Typos? No, we’re speaking Uglish (pronounced you-glish), a Ugandan form of English influenced by Luganda and other local dialects, which has produced hundreds of words with their own unique meanings. Some will be immediately obvious to English speakers: dirten, meaning to make dirty; cowardising, to behave like a coward. Others offer small insights into youth culture: beep – meaning to ring someone but to hang up quickly before the person answers. Now, Bernard Sabiti, a Ugandan cultural commentator has recorded these colloquialisms in a new book which attempts to unlock what he calls “one of the funniest and strangest English varieties in the world”. Working as a consultant for international NGOs, Sabiti kept being asked “what kind of English do Ugandans speak?” The result? He also credits local musicians for introducing a number of words into the lexicon.

Blackboard Launches CourseSites - A Free, Fully Hosted Online Course System for Instructors -- WASHINGTON, Feb. 10 WASHINGTON, Feb. 10, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Blackboard Inc. (Nasdaq: BBBB) today announced the launch of CourseSites by Blackboard, a free, fully hosted and supported online course system featuring the Company's latest teaching and learning technologies. The offering gives individual K-12 and higher education instructors an innovative, high quality cloud-based option to host online courses or add a Web-based component to traditional ones. The simple, easy to use system gives educators greater choice and flexibility for online courses in a system with cutting edge features that encourage experimentation. "We want to reduce all barriers, whether technical, financial or administrative, to getting our best technologies into the hands of educators new to online learning products or unfamiliar with our latest offerings," said Ray Henderson, President of Blackboard Learn. For more information about CourseSites, please visit: About Blackboard Inc. Blackboard Inc.

Programmes de l'école et du collège - Langues vivantes étrangères collège Deux dispositifs d'enseignement des langues vivantes au collège sont proposés : Le dispositif général Apprentissage de deux langues vivantes étrangères : L'apprentissage de la première langue vivante étrangère, généralisé à partir du CE2 depuis la rentrée 2007, se poursuit en 6e.La deuxième langue vivante est introduite en classe de 4e et peut l'être, à titre expérimental, dès la classe de 5e.L'étude de la deuxième langue peut néanmoins s'arrêter en fin de 4e si l'élève souhaite s'orienter vers un module de découverte professionnelle de 6h. Offre et horaires du dispositif général A titre expérimental, il est proposé, dans certains établissements, de commencer la deuxième langue vivante étrangère dans une classe "bilangue" dès la 6e. Apprentissage d'une langue vivante étrangère et d'une langue régionale : Cet apprentissage suit ce qui a été précédemment expliqué. Enseignement supplémentaire facultatif d'une langue régionale : Les dispositifs spécifiques Ces dispositifs concernent : Effectifs

Beautiful web-based timeline software Apostrophe Abuse 25 maps that explain the English language English is the language of Shakespeare and the language of Chaucer. It’s spoken in dozens of countries around the world, from the United States to a tiny island named Tristan da Cunha. It reflects the influences of centuries of international exchange, including conquest and colonization, from the Vikings through the 21st century. Here are 25 maps and charts that explain how English got started and evolved into the differently accented languages spoken today. The origins of English 1) Where English comes from English, like more than 400 other languages, is part of the Indo-European language family, sharing common roots not just with German and French but with Russian, Hindi, Punjabi, and Persian. 2) Where Indo-European languages are spoken in Europe today Saying that English is Indo-European, though, doesn’t really narrow it down much. 3) The Anglo-Saxon migration 4) The Danelaw The next source of English was Old Norse. 5)The Norman Conquest 6) The Great Vowel Shift The spread of English Credits

BBoogle (Google Apps BB Integration) > Home Bboogle is software that lets you embed Google Documents (including spreadsheets, presentations, etc) , Google Calendars and Google Sites in a Blackboard course site. Everyone with access to the course can get to linked Google content without logging in a second time. Students and instructors are automatically added as collaborators to the documents, even if they join after the link is made. Bboogle is also an open source project that you can join. Looking for the latest open source offering? The Files area of this website is the place to find the official open source releases. You can find more information about Bboogle in the Wiki area, and extensive documentation in the Docs area, including release notes and basic documents for every official open source release. Bboogle is an open-source project of the Academic & Research Technologies unit of Northwestern University Information Technology.

MENH1012598A Article 1 - La liste des dix compétences que les professeurs, les documentalistes et les conseillers principaux d'éducation doivent maîtriser pour l'exercice de leur métier est précisée à l'annexe du présent arrêté. Article 2 - La maîtrise de ces compétences est évaluée au plus tard au moment de la titularisation. Article 3 - L'arrêté du 19 décembre 2006 portant cahier des charges de la formation des maîtres en institut universitaire de formation des maîtres est abrogé. Article 4 - Le secrétaire général, le directeur général de l'enseignement scolaire et les recteurs sont chargés, chacun en ce qui le concerne, de l'exécution du présent arrêté, qui entre en vigueur le 1er septembre 2010 et sera publié au Journal officiel de la République française. Fait à Paris, le 12 mai 2010 Pour le ministre de l'Éducation nationale, porte-parole du Gouvernement,et par délégation,Le secrétaire général,Pierre-Yves DuwoyeLe directeur général de l'enseignement scolaire,Jean-Michel Blanquer Annexe Connaissances
