eBook Subscriptions
The eBook Education Collection features over 3,100 quality titles supporting students and faculty in the Education discipline. Titles range from introductory texts for undergraduate coursework to more complex and detailed works for advanced students and scholars. Also included are support materials for student teachers and professionals working in K-12 and higher ed classrooms, covering topics from curriculum building to student behavior and dynamics. Select titles include:
Free eBook Library
Welcome to our free eBooks collection, developed for children aged 3–11 years old. We are making even more eBooks available here, for the duration of UK school closures, so that your child has more to read. If you'd like to learn more about how to support your child's reading, visit our Reading pages.
For school
MyMaths Improve standards in mathematics! Build and assess children’s skills, confidence and fluency in maths, with MyMaths online lessons and homework. SubscribeGo to Oxford Owl Big Writing Adventures On a mission to improve children’s writing
The Library of Congress
Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica
E-books available for all agesFull content ownershipOne-off fee for unlimited use per campus, no renewal feesEasy to download, search, take notes, print and share Wide selection Titles for all subject areasNew titles continuously addedE-books for all ages and abilities
OverDrive - Global distributor of digital eBooks, audiobooks, music & video for library, school & retail
Top content from highest-quality publishers We offer more than 2 million titles from 5,000 publishers to support curriculum and instruction goals. Our experienced team of educational content experts works hand-in-hand with districts and schools to select the exact combination of digital content tailored to their unique priorities and resources. Read more.
OverDrive - Global distributor of digital eBooks, audiobooks, music & video for library, school & retail
The best – and easiest – reading service for libraries is now specially designed for K-5. eBooks are instantly available, with SIMULTANEOUS ACCESS FOR EVERY STUDENT in class, at home…everywhere! There’s no app to install or files to download and students can read on PCs, tablets, Chromebooks and more – INSTANTLY! With OverDrive’s K-5 QuickStart package, you can offer your students the most advanced digital reading platform with popular Read-Alongs, picture books and other engaging titles. Order today and be reading in as little as a week! A premium collection of 200 eBooks, including Read-AlongsAll titles available for simultaneous use – no waitingNo app needed – instant access right in the browserEasy to use on all computers and devices in class, at home… everywhere!
Redefining Literacy in the Digital Age
21st Century Skills Redefining Literacy in the Digital Age Technology and digital media are changing the meaning of literacy and creating new challenges for teaching and learning. The literacy challenge here in the United States has been with us for some time. Several sources indicate that the percentages of adult illiteracy have not changed in 10 years:
Books That Grow Reader — Books That Grow
Without, the night was cold and wet, but in the small parlour of Laburnam Villa the blinds were drawn and the fire burned brightly. Father and son were at chess, the former, who possessed ideas about the game involving radical changes, put his king into such sharp and unnecessary perils that it even provoked comment from the white-haired old lady knitting placidly by the fire. "Hark at the wind," said Mr. White, who, having seen a fatal mistake after it was too late, was amiably desirous of preventing his son from seeing it. "I'm listening," said the latter, grimly surveying the board as he stretched out his hand.
LeVar Burton Kids
Terms of Use Welcome to the website located at www.levarburtonkids.com (the “Website”) owned, operated and controlled by RRKidz, Inc. (collectively “RRKidz,” “our”, or “us”). RRKidz offers a subscription-based service (the “Service”), which provides users with access to interactive digital versions of kids’ books through our downloadable application (the “App”).