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About Chemistry: Chemistry Projects and Periodic Tables

About Chemistry: Chemistry Projects and Periodic Tables

ChemSpider | Search and share chemistry ScienceGeek | Support for High School Science Periodic Table of the Elements by WebElements SciFinder | America Chemical Society Only SciFinder® provides researchers with unlimited access to the world’s largest and most reliable collection of chemistry and related science information. SciFinder offers a one-stop shop experience with flexible search and discover options based on user input and workflow. You can search for substances, reactions, and patent and journal references anytime, anywhere. Make better, more confident decisions knowing that you have access to the largest collection of substances, reactions, and patent and journal references produced, compiled, and updated daily by CAS scientists around the world. Save time with an array of powerful tools to search, filter, analyze and plan that allow you to quickly find the most relevant answers to your research questions. Don’t worry about missing vital research - if it’s publically disclosed, high quality and from a reliable source, SciFinder has it! Interested in trying SciFinder? Introducing the New SciFinder!

ChemCollective Royal Society of Chemistry | Advancing excellence in the chemical sciences L'Osmosi - L'Osmosi L' osmosi è un fenomeno chimico - fisico per cui molecole di solvente ( ad esempio acqua ) diffondono da una soluzione più diluita verso una più concentrata passando attraverso una membrana semipermeabile ( ossia permeabile - che lascia passare - le molecole di solvente, ma impermeabile - che non lascia passare - le molecole e / o ioni di soluto) fino a raggiungere una situazione di equilibrio dinamico. Le due soluzioni separate dalla membrana semipermeabile sono dette: ipertonica quella a concentrazione complessiva maggiore, ipotonica quella a concentrazione complessiva minore. Le molecole di solvente diffondono dalla soluzione ipotonica verso quella ipertonica fino a quando esse assumono la stessa tonicità ( cioè hanno la stessa concentrazione complessiva ) e sono dette, pertanto, isotoniche!

Free Science Videos and Lectures: Free Education Online is Possible! What chemical elements would look like if they were people We at Bright Side are certain that any subject, no matter how complicated, can be made interesting for children provided it’s explained in an accessible way. Take chemistry for example, which is often considered one of the toughest subjects for a child to learn at school. We suggest beginning with the most famous chemical elements and their characteristics. Illustrated by Lenya Brick for
