Yonaguni - the mysterious underwater pyramid structure at Yonaguni Jima, Japan Please Help To FundThe Morien Institute Underwater Research Amazon Instant VideoRent or Buy more than 50,000 top new movie releases, TV shows, science documentaries and all-time classics(MANY IN HD) All Available ToDOWNLOADorSTREAM on the widest variety of popular devices including :- Kindle Fire HD iPad, iPhone Xbox One, Xbox 360 Wii & Wii U PS4, PS3 Books featuring the Yonaguni underwater structures "Voices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations"byDr Robert M. Get This Book From:Amazon.comAmazon.co.uk "The great 19th-century battle between catastrophists and uniformitarians seemed to end with the notion of global cataclysms being dismissed as a back door to the supernatural. But the catastrophist theory has gradually become more and more plausible, so that now, less than a hundred years later, it is widely believed that mass extinctions are linked to meteor strikes." Marine Archaeology News Archive "Voyages of the Pyramid Builders"byDr Robert M. Prof.
Reiki-Reiki Healing Technique- Japanese Reiki Read a brief introduction to Japanese Reiki healing technique. Reiki as a healing technique has gained immense popularity all over the world with more and more people wanting to master this simple art of meditation and self-realisation. Reiki as a healing art originated in Japan and it means 'Universal Life Energy' in Japanese. The word Reiki is derived from two Japanese words viz. 'rei' which means "free passage" and 'ki' which means "vital life force energy". Reiki as a system was developed by Mikao Usui in the year 1922 while he was performing 'Isyu Guo', a twenty-one day Buddhist training course. Reiki energy that helps in healing ailments helps in relaxation, clears energy obstructions and removes toxins from the human system is based upon five basic principles. People interested in learning the art of Reiki need to abide by these five principles. The third degree or the master training trains a student to become a Reiki master.
Medien Monitor Blog - Die neuen Minimalisten Mal Hand auf´s Herz: Was würden Sie schnell greifen, wenn´s brennt? Meine Mitbewohnerin würde ihre Schuhsammlung aus dem Fenster werfen, aber nur auf die Gartenwiese. Damit nichts kaputt geht. Andere hängen an Kinderfotos oder teurem Schmuck - Dinge, die man nicht wieder bekommt. Ich würde meinen Laptop und mein Handy einpacken. Das sind die Dinge - eher Daten - die ich nicht wieder bekomme. Haben Sie eine Adresse? Der Grund für meine Fragen ist ein Trend: In Amerika - dem Land, das uns bekanntlich um einiges voraus ist - brauchen die neuen Minimalisten keinen Besitz. Die geliebte Plattensammlung ist längst Geschichte, wozu gibt es sonst iTunes? Ein Bett hat dieser Mann zwar noch, sonst aber nicht viel mehr: Kelly Sutton hat cultofless.com gegründet und sich von seinem Besitz getrennt. Anders Sandberg von der Oxford University kann darüber vielleicht nur schmunzeln. Dabei ist die Idee der digitalen Vagabunden nicht wirklich neu. Ich für meinen Teil halte ja viel von Haptik.
Seismic Monitor The actual min mag shownon the map is about 4.2,to get a uniform distribution. Forgotten Advanced Civilizations Mysteries Prehistory literally means the time “before we had written records” (roughly the time before the 4th Century BC) and ancient history is the time since our recorded history. Our concept of ancient history was originally firmly determined by the bible. Written from an insular point of view, the histories of some ancient cultures were distorted, badly neglected or even omitted. The existence of inexplicable monuments, certain man-made marvels and archaeological finds pertaining to our ancient- and prehistory, are leading more and more archaeologists to believe long forgotten advanced civilizations existed. As most of our ancient records were lost during the destruction of the great libraries, the following genuine mysteries are the only remnants of their existence. Ancient knowledge was a lot more refined and developed than we have been taught hitherto. Despite wars and several invasions, India’s ancient history was largely preserved.
Astral Projection - Astral Projection: You Can Do It Too Everyone can have an out-of-body experience (OBE), says expert Jerry Gross - in fact, you probably have. In this interview, Gross explains OBEs, what happens and how to begin your adventure. When noted out-of-body teacher and practitioner Jerry Gross wants to travel long distances, he doesn't bother with the time and expense of catching a plane. According to Gross, the ability to leave the body has been with him since childhood. Jones: What is astral projection? Gross: Astral projection is the ability to leave your body. Jones: What is your earliest recollection of doing this? Gross: I can remember doing this clear back to when I was about four years old. Jones: In those days, astral projection was almost unheard of. Gross: It was strange for me because at that age, I thought everybody did it. Jones: These days, with the many publications on near-death experience and related topics, the concept is not so unusual. Jones: When you leave your body, what happens to the physical body?
Pegasus-Onlinezeitschrift Pegasus-Onlinezeitschrift VIII/1 (2008), 89 Evamaria Rieger Tabula magica Philosophie“- Filmprojekt einer 7. Lateinklasse Die Voraussetzungen Ein Pluskurs in der Klasse 7b, das heißt eine Wochenstunde zur freien Gestaltung. Warum überhaupt ein Film? Kinder lieben dieses Medium und sind mit großem Eifer und erstaunlicher Ausdauer auch über längere Zeiträume bei der Arbeit. Wieso Philosophie? Bei unserem Sprachlehrfilm „Tabula magica“ hatten wir uns weitgehend an den Inhalten unseres Buches Latein mit Felix (C.C. Pegasus-Onlinezeitschrift VIII/1 (2008), 90 Die Kinder nahmen also den Themenvorschlag „Philosophie“ mit Neugier und einer gewissen Genugtuung an; man traute ihnen diese geistige Kost immerhin zu! Das Drehbuch Die Hauptlast des Drehbuchschreibens lag, das muss ehrlich gesagt werden, bei der Lehrerin. Der Aufbau der einzelnen Folgen Eine besondere Herausforderung liegt beim Thema Philosophie natürlich in der Visualisierung. Pegasus-Onlinezeitschrift VIII/1 (2008), 91 Fazit
Brain Games & Brain Training Lost Civilisations -- How Plausible? Lost Civilisations: How Plausible? Some of the content of this article is taken from my book, Being and Perceiving Stories of secret or lost civilisations have captivated our imaginations for centuries - from Atlantis and Shambhala in the Old World, to the search for El Dorado in the Americas. Hard evidence for the existence of such lost civilisations seems thin, and their existence is generally dismissed by the academic community. However, is it plausible to suggest, more generally, that civilisations may have risen and fallen before the beginning of the historical record? In the Old World, civilisation developed in the Middle East (Mesopotamia), Ancient China and the Indian Subcontinent (the Indus Valley Civilisation). In the New World, civilisations arose in Mesoamerica (the Olmecs, Mayans, Aztecs, etc.) and South America (Norte Chico, the Incas, etc.). Lost Civilisations - Possible Objections One limiting factor is the Earth's cycle of ice ages. Archaeology Conclusions