7 Steps for Leading in 21st c. learning It’s awkward to write about leadership as a leader. I write this to share not my accomplishments but my strategy of the last 20 months leading my school, the success of which remains to be seen and is for others to evaluate. Soon I will be presenting, along with two Head of School colleagues and Ken Kay, founder and longtime President of the Partnership for 21st century skills and now of EdLeader21, on the topic of 21st Century Learning at NAIS Schools: Leading and Networking for Progress. As part of this session, each of us will speak of our vision of leadership for progress; in preparation, this preview. Leadership is, more than anything else, a project of managing change. We are living in a time of accelerating societal, technological, and global change, but our schools, many of them, are struggling to adapt to these changing times in order to provide our students an education that will be compelling, meaningful, enriching and preparatory.
Leadership of Teacher Learning Formative assessment allows students to take responsibility over their own learning, leading to a more engaged classroom. However, to achieve this, teachers must change their teaching habits and invest time to do so. But with time being an issue, how can teachers improve their practice?
The Positive Classroom:What New (Young) Principals Need to Know The youth of the participants in our annual seminar for aspiring principals caught me by surprise. Most had been college students when the World Trade Center was attacked in 2001, and few understood schooling outside the aegis of No Child Left Behind. All were first-career teachers with just a few years of classroom experience. Some of the aspiring principals I met in that seminar have found jobs; this September, they will step into the shoes of retiring baby boomer principals. The challenges facing these young educators are unparalleled. Facing accountability for student achievement, implementing complex special education policies, providing for diverse student populations, and dealing with parents who have misgivings about public education are only a few of these challenges.
Teaching Ethics Journal WMU's Center for the Study of Ethics in Society is the new home for Teaching Ethics: The Journal for the Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum. The journal is dedicated to ethical issues across the curriculum with particular attention to pedagogical methodology and practice in both academic inquiry and professional practice. Michael Pritchard (Philosophy, WMU) and Elaine Englehardt (Philosophy, Utah Valley University) are co-editors. Sandra L. Borden (Communication, WMU) is associate editor.
Ten Big Ideas of School Leadership Middle school principal Mike McCarthy shares 30 years of wisdom on how to run a school well. Principal Mike McCarthy. Credit: Michael Warren During my senior year of college, I taught math to 26 inmates, none of whom had finished high school. What I faced was 26 examples of the failure of American education. What I did not realize is the profound effect this would have on my career as a school leader.
Intelligent Minds Like Tim Cook and Jeff Bezos Embrace the Rule of Awkward Silence Tim Cook and Jeff Bezos run two of the most valuable companies in the world. From the outside, they seem to exhibit very different personalities. But within their companies, both men are known for a fascinating practice: As I've described previously, the rule of awkward silence is simple: When faced with a challenging question, instead of answering, you pause and think deeply about how you want to answer.
LeaderTalk Blog Student Led Conferences (SLC's) might seem to be new but they've been around for awhile, at least 18 years - that's when I first encountered them as a newbie teacher. Since that beginning, I've had the professional pleasure of working with a number of school staffs and communities in adopting and growing SLC's. In my current position, this was our 3rd year with SLC's. Our school, a newly amalgamated K - 12 facility in a rural community, has an evening conference time and a morning conference when parents and their children can come to the school for the SLC.
School leadership School leadership is the process of enlisting and guiding the talents and energies of teachers, pupils, and parents toward achieving common educational aims. This term is often used synonymously with educational leadership in the United States and has supplanted educational management in the United Kingdom. Several universities in the United States offer graduate degrees in educational leadership.[1] History[edit] The term school leadership came into currency in the late 20th century for several reasons. Demands were made on schools for higher levels of pupil achievement, and schools were expected to improve and reform.
New Year's Resolutions for CEOs CEO Today hears from Vlatka Hlupic, Professor of Leadership and Organisational Transformation at Hult Ashridge Executive Education and CEO of The Management Shift Consulting Ltd. 2020 was a year when everything changed. A tiny virus globally changed the way we work and live. This has led to the threshold of a major shift in business management and momentous change in leadership that needs to happen now. For decades, the dominant leadership approach has been based around the pursuit of short-term financial targets and cost control, with powerful chief executives deploying human resources as they seek to maximise returns.
PISA This years focus is mathematics with an additional test in creative thinking. The new PISA 2021 mathematics framework was recently launched. Preparations for this test are underway with participants from 36 OECD members and likely 50+ non-members involved. The PISA 2024 innovative domain, Learning in the Digital World, aims to measure students’ ability to engage in self-regulated learning while using digital tools. The tasks measure students’ capacity to monitor their progress, use feedback and stay engaged while they build models and develop solutions with digital tools.
conscious competence learning model matrix- unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence conscious competence theory - summary outline The conscious competence theory and related matrix model explain the process and stages of learning a new skill (or behaviour, ability, technique, etc.) The concept is most commonly known as the 'conscious competence learning model', or 'conscious competence learning theory'; sometimes 'conscious competence ladder' or 'conscious competence matrix'. Other descriptions are used, including terminology relating to 'conscious skilled' and 'conscious unskilled' (which incidentally are preferred by Gordon Training).
On This Teacher Team, ‘All’ Has to Mean ‘All’ … or Nobody Wins We were speaking to a team of teachers about their classroom recently, and this is what they described. During the planning meeting, the team talked about the lesson plan, identified essentials that every student had to master, and talked about a consistent way that those essentials would be assessed. They looked over the video in order to evaluate the previous day’s lesson. They took notes and talked about a plan for the entire team to get better, and then they looked at each student’s strengths and areas where they needed additional time and targeted support, skill by skill, which would be addressed during the next lesson. Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki - Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki Welcome to Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki. This wiki was created to be a one-stop shop for great ideas and information for all types of librarians. All over the world, librarians are developing successful programs and doing innovative things with technology that no one outside of their library knows about.