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Greek and Roman Materials

Greek and Roman Materials
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LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE DU PRESBYTÈRE Juxta | Bibliothèque de textes classiques grecs et latins ancienttexts Notice: texts in Latin and other languages Links for texts in Latin or other languages are not available here. Please make use of the excellent set of links available on David Camden's Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum. Introduction to LATO The Library of Ancient Texts Online aims to be the internet's most thorough catalogue of online copies of ancient Greek texts, both in Greek and in translation. Links in LATO are organised by author, or, where authorship is uncertain, by the titles of texts. How to find a text Links are in alphabetical order by author. On the index pages, links for editions in Greek are given in the left-hand column, translations (at this stage almost entirely English) in the right-hand column. Greek names and Greek text Transliteration of Greek is not always consistent on this site. Which texts are listed? LATO prioritises texts earlier than 500 CE. Disadvantages of online editions Old texts. Contact me Last modified 20th October, 2009.

Internet Sacred Text Archive Home The WWW Virtual Library Resources grec (Anneau central UCL) Consigne - Description : L'anneau central constitue une procédure interactive sur la Toile. Elle est l'oeuvre de l'ingénierie de Boris Maroutaeff. Objectifs : Cette procédure permet à l'utilisateur - enseignant ou apprenant - de mettre en oeuvre, à partir d'un point d'accès unique, quatre instruments de travail qui constituent autant de pièces maîtresses des projets ITINERA ELECTRONICA - HODOI ELEKTRONIKAI et HELIOS. La familiarisation avec ces outils de travail devrait ainsi être rendue plus aisée puisqu'un même bureau de travail relie maintenant différentes ouvertures et/ou exploitations possibles. Aux enseignants et aux apprenants de la langue grecque est offerte, en plus, une possibilité de mutualisation des savoirs par la pratique de descriptions lexicographiques et d'analyses morphologiques pour des formes encore absentes des instruments de travail visés par l'anneau. Dispositif (ou pupitre virtuel) : le dispositif comprend : Instruments de travail : Ultérieurement :

Diotima: Women & Gender in the Ancient World Call for Collaborators to The On-line Companion to The Worlds of Roman Women The On-Line Companion to the Focus Reader, The Worlds of Roman Women, expands the book's wide representation of Latin texts by and about women dating from the earliest periods through the fourth century CE. The medium of a website, moreover, offers the opportunity to integrate visuals to texts, thus enabling users to make connections between language and material culture. The Worlds section includes Class, Religion, Childhood, Learning, Marriage, Family, Body, State, Work, and Flirtation. The Instructional section contains: a Guide to Using the Site; an Annotated Bibliography; Activities for Classroom Use; Syllabi and Lesson Plans; and Credits and Contributors. Future development of the Companion will extend the geographic reach of Companion to all the provinces. This point leads to our call for collaborators from all Latin teachers on all levels.

bibliotheca Augustana Humanam impotentiam in moderandis, & coercendis affectibus Servitutem voco; homo enim affectibus obnoxius sui juris non est, sed fortunæ, in cujus potestate ita est, ut sæpe coactus sit, quanquam meliora sibi videat, deteriora tamen sequi. Hujus rei causam, & quid præterea affectus boni, vel mali habent, in hac Parte demonstrare proposui. Sed antequam incipiam, pauca de perfectione, & imperfectione, deque bono, & malo præfari lubet. Qui rem aliquam facere constituit, eamque perfecit, rem suam perfectam esse, non tantum ipse, sed etiam unusquisque, qui mentem Auctoris illius operis, & scopum recte noverit, aut se novisse crediderit, dicet. Ex. gr. si quis aliquod opus (quod suppono nondum esse peractum) viderit, noveritque scopum Auctoris illius operis esse domum ædificare, is domum imperfectam esse dicet, & contra perfectam, simulatque opus ad finem, quem ejus Auctor eidem dare constituerat, perductum viderit. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Demonstratio Scholium Corollarium

Toute La Poésie Française. Philoctetes Classics Site of Pomoerium
